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Med-Sur ch12 resp.


perfusion blood flow into cellular tissue
ventilatory diseases infection of respiratory tract, restrictive & obstructive
Restrictive diseses characterized by decreased lung capacity(they limit the expansion of the lung and chest wall)
Ex's of restrictive diseases that decrease the size of the chest cavity? Scoliosis, Kyphosis
Arthritis does what to the chest wall it increases stiffness in chest wall
Pneumothorax collasped lungs,decreases lung surface
Myasthenis Gravis nueromuscular disease that weakens the strenth of respirations
characteristics of Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases < air in and out of lungs, narrowing of tracheobranchial tree which < air flow making hard for oxygen to to enter
examples of Obstructive disorders Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema
Apena absence of breathing
Dyspnea difficulty breathing
Compliance elasticity of the lungs
What controls involuntary and voluntary respirations The CNS via the Pons and the Medulla
Who sholud be immunized against Influenza ? health care workers,common side affects include fever -malaise-muscle soresness-few develope Guillain-Barre syndrome
Who should not get the Influenza vaccine and why? people with allergies to eggs because vaccine is prepare from chicken embros
URI's Upper Respiratiory Infections
Surfactant lipoprotein made by alveoli, aids respirations and lowere surface tention in alveoli
Ventilation moving air from outside enviroment to lungs
Aponia loss of voice, hoarseness
Signs of Chronic respiratory or Heart Disease Cyanosis, Clubbing of the fingers with rounded nails(tips are wider at distal end)
Sputum material that comes up from bronchial tree
Nonproductive Cough produces no Sputum
Signs of COPD breathing through mouth,numerous pillows to elevate head of bed,flaring of nostrils, elevated sholuders and ribs when breathing, restlessness
Orthopena pt can breath only when in a sitting position
Barrel like apperance of chest is characteristic of what? Obstrictive disorders
Wheezing high-pitched sound, air moves through a narrow air way
Rhonchi low-pitched sound, snorous caused by secretions in larger air passages
Crackles fine or coarse, air passes through moisture in sm airways. sound like hair rubbed between 2 fingers
Stridor croaking sounds
Adventitious sound abnormal sound that occurs when irritated visceral and pleural rub together
test done to check for < oxygen carring ability of the blood CBC w/Hemoglobin & Hematicrit
Sequelae following results
this is done when pt though to have TB Sputum testing for acid-fast Bacilli, collect 1st thing in the morning
Most reliable test for TB according to CDC QuantiFERON-TB Gold(simple blood test)
Normal Peak flow values(amout of air exhaled) 300-700L/min
signs that good intervention for respiratory disorders are improving improved breathing, arterial blood gases, and lung sounds. less coughing,sputum , wheezing and infection
most effective way to remove sputum deep breathing and coughing technique
These thin the sputum so they can be spit out cough meds
Antitussives inhibit the cough reflex
these are given to coat and protect the throat, cough syrups(don't take water after dose)
why is oral care important for pt's with bacterial infections and chronic repiratory disease? it helps with bad taste in mouth and < chance of pathogenic microorganism will be aspirated deep into air passages
when suctioning pt's be careful because the process removes oxygen, see pg. 293 put suction guage at 80-100 mm Hg
Best positin to facilitate breathing high Fowler's
When pt's has severe Dyspnea what position should they be put in? Orothopneic(sitting up in bed while leaing on bed side table with pillow on it and behind pt's back)
how does a full stomach contribute to Dyspnea? it takes of room in body cavity for the lungs to expand( pt should get small, frequent feedings)
Hypercapnia/Hypercarbia retention of excess amount of CO2, results from hypoventilation
This respiratory stimulant > rate of respirations CO2 pg. 293
Respiratory failure is defined by what? PaO2-partial pressure of arterial oxygen of <50 mm Hg & Pco2-partial pressure of carbon dioxide of >50 mm Hg
>CO2 in boby does what? >RR, Mental confusion, HR>, > Pulse pg. 293
Hypocapnia <Co2 levels, results from hyperventilation and causes Respiratory Alkalosis
common conditions related with Hypocapnia >metabolic rate(Thyrotoxicosis), persistant temp, improper use of ventilation.
Signs of respiratory Alkalosis vertigo, blurred vision, neuromuscular reflexes, diaphoresis
breathing pattern evident in diabetic acidosis and coma? Kussmauls respiration(fast deep resp. w/noexpiratory pause
These respirations have fast deep resp. w/abrupt pauses in between Biot's Respirations
This respiration has prolonged gasping inhalations w/ ineffective exhaltions Apena( no breathing, damage to respiratory centers of brain occurs)
These respirations are faster & deeper then come slower and shallower w/peroids of Apnea Cheyne-Stokes
HYPOXIA oxygen deficience in the tissues, produces loss of energy because it causes disturbances in cellular metabolism
Laryngoscopy invasive test to obtain tissue biopsy. patient NPO after midnight, ck gag reflex post porcedure
Mediatinoscopy invasive, need consent, uses a scope inspect lung tissue.
Chest X-ray looks for pathological condition of lungs
CT computed tomography checks for blood clots and tumors. ck pt for allergies to dies 1st.
Pulmonary angiography pictures of blood vessels in the lungs. ck for allergy to die,pt needs to drink > fluids post procedure
Bronchoscopy ck bronchi and for removal of NPO,ck for die allergy, throat sprayed with local anestetic, ck gage reflexes, ck for bleeding after procedure,
ABG arterial blood gas analysis cks for acid-base balance,to derermine hypoxemia,invasive,normally done for pt's on ventilators or with respiratory disorders. pt will have mild pain
D-dimer test to ck for clotting of blood,can ck for pulmonary embolis
Capnography detects hypoventilation, minotors Co2 noninvasive, uses a nasal cannula and a finger probe
Created by: VRoberts
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