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CVT Pharmacology

common cardiovasclar and related drugs

GenericBrandUses/ effects
Norepinephrine Levophed Intense vasoconstriction causes reflex bradycardia which overwhelms weak B1 cardiostimulatory effects.
Isoproterenol Isuprel Stimulates heart more than epinephrine due to direct effects and response to decreased mean arterial pressure.
Dopamine Intropin B1 effects: increased contractility & systolic pressure, less effect on rate than isoproterenol. Causes indirect release of norepinephrine which is offset by inhibition of norepinephrine release via presynaptic dopamine receptors.
Phenylephrine Neo-Synephrine Decreased HR (reflex increase mean arterial pressure) Treats paroxysal supraventricular tachycardia.
Metaproternol Alupent Few cardiac effects due to lack of affinity for B1 receptors.
Albuterol Ventolin, Proventil Few cardiac effects due to lack of affinity for B1 receptors.
Salmeterol Serevent Few cardiac effects due to lack of affinity for B1 receptors.
Pirbuterol Maxair Few cardiac effects due to lack of affinity for B1 receptors.
Levalbuterol Xopenex Few cardiac effects due to lack of affinity for B1 receptors.
Amphetamine Increased contraction decrease HR (reflex increase mean arterial pressure)
Methamphetamine Increased contraction decrease HR (reflex increase mean arterial pressure)
Ephedrine Similar to epinephrine but no change in HR
Acetylcholine Miochol-E None
Carbachol Carbastat, Miostat None
Methacholine Provocholine None
Nicotine None
Neostigmine Prostigmine Reversal of neuromuscular blockade following anesthesia
Edrophonium Tensilon, Reversol Used in diagnosis of Myasthenia gravis.
Atropine Treats bradycardia
Vecuronium Norcuron Anesthesia
Pancuronium Pavulon Anesthesia
Succinylcholine Anectine Anesthesia
Procaine Novocain Local Anesthesia
Amitriptyline Elavil Major depression
Fluoxetine Prozac Depression, OCD, Bulimia nervosa
Sertraline Zoloft Depression, OCD, Bulimia nervosa, Panic disorder.
Paroxetine Paxil Depression, OCD, Panic disorder
Citalopram Celexa Depression
Escitalopram Lexapro Depression
Venlafaxine Effexor Depression, Anxiety, may worsen hypertension
Alprazolam Xanax Depression, Panic attacks
Bupropion Wellbutrin Depression, Smoking cessation
Duloxetine Cymbalta Depression, Diabetic neuropathic pain
d-Amphetamine Adderall ADD, ADHD, Narcolepsy
Methylphenidate Ritalin ADD (most common), Narcolepsy
Caffeine Prolonged apnea in preterm infants
Theophylline Asthma, Apnea & bradycardia in premature infants
Chlorpromazine Thorazine Psychoses
Haloperidol Haldol Psychoses, Tourettes syndrome, severe behavioral problems in children, hyperactive children, Hunington's disease & Alcohol withdrawl
Promethazine Phenergan Nausea
Scopolamine Transderm-scop Motion sickness, nausea
Metoclopramide Reglan Nausea in chemotherpy patients, GI stimulant to improve gastric emptying
Levodopa L-dopa Parkinson's disease
Morphine Drug of choice for treating severe pain of MI
Oxycodone Oxycontin Moderate to severe pain
Hydrocodone Moderate to severe pain
Hydromorphone Dilaudid Moderate to severe pain
Meperidine Demerol Severe pain
Fentanyl Sublimaze Pain management pediatrics
Codeine minor pain
Nalbuphine Nubain moderate to severe pain. pre-op in combo with anesthesia
Naloxone Narcan reversal of narcodics
Naltrexone ReVia Treatment of alcoholism
Clonazepam Klonopin Anxiety disorder
Midazolam Versed Moderate sedation
Temazepam Restoril Anxiety disorder
Triazolam Halcion Sedate hospitalized patients
Phenobarbital Generalized seizures in pediatric patients
Diazepam Valium Anxiety disorder, Status epilepticus
Lorazepam Ativan Rapid sedation of agitated patients, status epilepticus
Carbamazepine Tegretol All seizure types but absence
Valproic Acid Depakote All seizure types
Gabapentin Neurontin Partial seizures
Nitrous Oxide Most commonly used in pediatrics & dental procedures
Chlorothiazide Diuril Good starting agent for treating hypertension, chronic edema, Idiopathic hypercalcuria. May cause electrolyte imbalance
Furosemide Lasix Quick acting, only given every 6 hrs. May cause electrolyte imbalance. PO, IV
Torsemide Demadex Hypertension, edema. May cause electrolyte imbalance, headache & dizziness. PO, IV. Twice the strength of lasix.
Bumetanide Bumex Most potent, edema, pulmonary edema. May cause electrolyte imbalance, PO, IV not given at home.
Spironolactone Aldactone Edema, hypertension. Causes endocrine imbalance. PO
Mannitol Resectisol Acute renal failure, acute closed angle glaucoma, brain edema, & some drug overdoses. Causes headache, nausea, vomiting, chills, dizziness, polydipsia, lathargy, confusion & chest pain. Most common used for cerebral edema
Clonidine Catapres Mild to moderate hypertension. Causes rash drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation, headache, impaired ejaculation, rebound hypertension if stopped abruptly. Starting dose low to limit toxicity.
Methyldopa Aldomet Hypertension in pregnant women. Causes dry mouth, slight orthostatic hypotension. Some patients experience impotence, psychic disturbances, nightmares, involuntary movements or hepatotoxicity.
Doxazosin Cardura Hypertension with congestive heart failure. Can cause hypotension, sodium depletion, edema, dry mouth, congestion, headache, nightmares, sexual dysfunction & lethargy. PO
Labetalol Trandate, Normaodyne Hypertension. Not used by patients with CHF. Can cause fatigue, impotence, diarrhea, numbness, orthostatic hypotension. PO, IM, IV
Carvedilol Coreg Hypertension, Tachycardia. Can cause further suppression of failing heart, fatigue, impotence, diarrhea, numbness, orthostatic hypotension. PO, IM, IV
Atenolol Tenormin Most common drug used for hypertension. Decreases HR & cardiac output. Can futher suppress failing heart & cause CNS sedation & depression. PO
Carteolol Cartrol Hypertension. Further supresses failing heart. PO
Penbutolol Levatol Hypertension. Further supresses failing heart. PO
Bisoprolol Zebata Hypertension. Further supresses failing heart. PO
Metoprolol Lopressor Hypertension. Further supresses failing heart. PO
Esmolo Brevibloc Cardiosuppression in acute MI & unstable angina. Decreases HR & BP. IV
Propranolol Inderal Cardiosuppression in acute MI & unstable angina. Produces transient hypertension & bronchospasm. PO
Nadolol Corgard Cardiosuppression in acute MI & unstable angina. Produces transient hypertension & bronchospasm. PO
Captopril Capoten Hypertension. Enhances heart reperfusion in MI patients. First dose can cause hypotension, dizziness, proteinuria, rash, tachycardia & headache. PO
Lisinopril Prinivil Hypertension. Enhances heart reperfusion in MI patients. First dose can cause hypotension, dizziness, proteinuria, rash, tachycardia & headache. PO
Enalapril Vasotec Hypertension. Enhances heart reperfusion in MI patients. First dose can cause hypotension, dizziness, proteinuria, rash, tachycardia & headache. PO
Benazepril Lotensin Hypertension. Enhances heart reperfusion in MI patients. First dose can cause hypotension, dizziness, proteinuria, rash, tachycardia & headache. PO
Losartan Cozaar Hypertension. Can cause hypotension & dizziness. PO
Valsartan Diavan Hypertension. Can cause hypotension & dizziness. PO
Irbesartan Avapro Hypertension. Can cause hypotension & dizziness. PO
Candesartan Atacand Hypertension. Can cause hypotension & dizziness. PO
Telmiscartan Micardis Hypertension. Can cause hypotension & dizziness. PO
Hydralazine Apresoline Moderate hypertension. Used with caution in pregnant women.Can cause reflex tachycardia, palpitationa, fluid retension systemic lupus erthematosis-like syndrome
Nifedipine Procardia n/a
Nicardipine Cardene n/a
Amiodipine Norvasc n/a
Nitroglycerin n/a
Digoxin Lanoxin n/a
Dobutamine Dobutrex Drug of choice to stimulate heart, preserves heart's efficiency best. Minor change in heart rate.
Nesiritide Natrecor n/a
Quinidine n/a
Procainamide Pronestyl n/a
Disopyramide Norpace n/a
Lidocaine Xylocaine Rarely can induce heart block.
Flecainide Tambocor n/a
Propafenone Rhythmol n/a
Propranolol Inderal n/a
Esmolol Kerlone n/a
Amiodarone n/a
Dofetilide Tikosyn n/a
Sotalol Betapace n/a
Verapamil n/a
Adenosine Adenocard n/a
Lovastatin Mevacor n/a
Simvastatin Zocor n/a
Pravastatin Pravachol n/a
Atorvastatin Lipitor n/a
Rosuvastatin Crestor n/a
Ezetimibe Zetia n/a
Aspirin n/a
Ibuprofen n/a
Clopidogrel Plavix n/a
Cilostazol Pletal n/a
Dipyridamole Persantine n/a
Abciximab ReoPro n/a
Eptifibatide Intergrilin n/a
Tirofiban Aggrastat n/a
Streptokinase n/a
Urokinase n/a
Tissue Plasmiogen Activator TPA n/a
Alteplase Activase n/a
Reteplase Retavase n/a
Bivalirudin Angiomax n/a
Hydrochlorothiazide HCTZ Most common Thiazide
Epinephrine Adrenalin All cardiac effects mediated by B1; increased HR, contractility, conduction velocity & automaticity of AV-node, HIS, purkinje fibers & ventricles
Created by: steffy73sc
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