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CPR test review

CPR certifaction test review

what is the rate for performing chest compressions of any age 100 per minute
which describes the way you can achieve chest recoil completely take wght off of hands & let chest resume normal postion
when you suspect a victim has a spinal injury, how would you achieve an open airway performing the head tilt, chin lift (b)
after the airway is open, pinch the nose of an unresponsive adult/child, how do you perform CPT seal your mouth over the victim, give 2 breaths & watch for the chest to rise
best way for rescuer to see if rescue breath is working on an infant is to see chest rises visibly
how do you check for adequate breathing before giving breaths to an adult listen for airflow from the nose/mouth
what is the next step if you find a victim unresponsive, is experincing agonal gasps & the EMS has been activated open airway, give 2 breaths
how do you know when to start cycle of chest compressions w/breaths for adults they are unresponsive, not breathing, no pulse
which best describes how a 2-team rescue performs CPR on an infant swithch to cycles of 15/2, 1 giving compressions & 1 giving breaths, switching every 2 min.
why is it important to give early defibrillation to an adult probability of defibrillation diminishes rapidly over time
which best describes the steps for all AED's turn on, place pads, clear, press shock botton if indicated
after turning on the AED & the pads are attached to the victim what is the next step clear victim & let AED analyze rhythm
what might happen if you touch the victim while the AED is shocking you might get shocked
when using an AED on an adult & it says "do not shock" what do you do leave pads on victim & continue CPR
what is the best way to relieve chocking on a responsive adult abdominal thrusts
a chocking adult becomes unresponsive, you ease them to the floor, active EMS then what do you do begin CPR, when opening airway, look to see/remove any foreign object before giving breaths
finding an unresponsive infant, when do you active the EMS after giving 5 cycles of CPR
what is the best action to relieve chocking in a responsive infant begin cycles of 5 back slaps and 5 chest thrusts
describe why you should minimize interruptions in chest compressions increases the victims chance of survival
which is true when using AED's on a adult use on a adult AED on an adult
Created by: clmcnees
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