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patho 2 arrhythmias

Cardiac arrhythmias result from disturbances of? heart rate, which result from disorders of impulse formation or disorders of impulse conduction(block)
intrinsic rates of SA, AV, ventricle SA-60-100, AV-40-60, V 20-40
The dominant pacemaker of the heart The fastest one, normally SA node. If it slows down or any other speeds up than the new fastest one takes over and becomes dominant
P wave depolarization of Atria(both)
P-R segment after atrial depol. elect impulse spreads to the AV node, bundle of HIS, and bundle branches...flat line recorded, from end of p wave to beg. of qrs complex
PR interval includes P wave and PR segment represents the time of transmission of elect. impulse from atria to ventricle
QRS complex Ventricular depolarization
ST segment end of the qrs to the beg of the t wave. Earlier phase of repolarization, of both vent. flat isoelectric line.
J point point where the st segment joins the qrs complex
T wave later vent repolarization
QT interval beg. of Q wave to the end of T wave
What does each lead of an electrocardiogram record? The difference in potential between the 2 connected limbs
What are the bipolar leads?and where are + and - I, II, and III Right arm(-) Left arm(+)foot(+)
lead I 2 arms
Lead II right arm=>left leg
lead III left arm=>left leg
how many frontal leads and how many precordial? 6 and 6
___of the frontal leads are bipolar and ___are unipolar 3 and 3
How do the unipolar leads work connect all 3 extremities to a central terminal connected to an explorer electrode, place exploring elect on one limb it'll record the potential at the root of that limb
on unipolar leads if the connection if the connection between the central lead and the explorer electrode is lost what happens? The signal is amplified, which gives you avr(right arm), avl(left arm), and avf(left leg) (a=amplified)
How many seconds are represented in a horizontal box? .04second
How many mV are represented in a verticle box? .1mV
T or F The only purpose of the R leg lead is to ground the system True
The Q wave is always____ negative
The R wave is always___ positive
The S wave is always____ negative
placement of precordial lead V1 4th ICS R sternum
placement of precordial lead V2 4th ICS L sternum
placement of precordial lead V3 midway btwn 2 and 4
placement of precordial lead V4 midclavicular line 5th ICS
placement of precordial lead V5 level of v4 anterior axillary line
placement of precordial lead V6 level of V5 midaxillary line
Normal Sinus Rhythm 60-100bpm, each complex complete, and all intervals within normal limits
Sinus arrhythmia variation in HR synchronized with breathing, slowing with exp and accelerating with insp. All intervals except R-R within normal limits, complete complexes, 60-100 bpm
Sinus Brady <60bpm. all mcomplexes complete, all intervals except rate within normal limits
sinus tach 100-160bpm, complexes complete and intervals in normal limits
PAC ectopic beat that occur in the context of other rhythms. Teh p waves are smaller or peaked and the qrs may be normal or conducted differently
A flutter rapid fireing of an ectopic focus, atrial rte 240-360bpm, no P waves, F waves instead, ventricular rate depends on conduction ratio (60-100)complexes incomplete, t wave buried in F wave
A Fib f waves uncoordinated fast atrial activity (350-600bpm)ventricular rate (100-160bpm)irregular R-R
junctional Rhythm(nodal) from the AV node 40-60bpm,no preceding P waves(from AV) retrograde atrial depolarization makes them inverted either before or after the qrs or not at all.
SVT 160-250bpm complete complexes, p waves may be absent or buried in the preceding complex
V tach 100-250bpm qrs >.12 sec
1st degree AVB PR int longer than .20sec (fixed), all coming from atria
2nd degree AVB Type I (mobitz I/wenckebach) PR interval lengthens until it eventually drops a QRS
2nd degree AVB Type II (mobitz II) PR int constant and normal.. some p waves not followed by qrs b/c complex is blocked
3rd degree AVB no relationship btwn p waves and qrs complexes atrial rate 60-100bpm, vent rate 20-40bpm
T or F AV dissociation is a primary disorder False, It is always a result of a basic disturbance in impulse formation or conduction
In a pace maker I means Inhibited- the charge is supressed b/c it senses the patients own intrinsic beat
In a pacer T means Triggered-
In a pacer O means none (DOO) has no sensing
first position chamber placed
second position chamber sensed
Third position response to sensing, if any
#1 reason for pacer insertion sick sinus syndrome
VAT Wire in the ventrical Atrial triggered, ventricular paced beat. always follow a p wave at a fixed interval
Ventricular triggered The blip is on not immed. before the QRS of a natural beat. If no qrs is sensed , the pacer delivers an impulse at the end of the interval corresponding ro rhe programmed rate
Created by: jenbirne69
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