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Herbal I Test 1

pharmacopia 1 Test 1 Questions

Is Ma Huang or Gui Zhi best for opening the lungs? Ma Huang
Is Ma Huang or Gui Zhi best for releasing the muscle channels? Gui Zhi
Which of these Wind Cold dispersers has the unique ability to address underlying yang deficiency?: Ma Huang, Gui Zhi, Xi Xin Xi Xin
Which Wind-Damp releaser and pain alleviator leads to the Taiyang zone? Qiang Huo
Which Wind Damp releaser and pain alleviator leads to the Yangming zone? Bai Zhi
Which Wind Damp releaser and pain alleviator leads to the Vertex? Gao Ben
Which of the following is best for dispersing Wind?: Jing Jie, Fang Feng, Zi Su Ye? Jing Jie
Which of the following is best for dispersing Wind-Damp?: Jing Jie, Fang Feng, Zi Su Ye? Fang Feng
Which of the following is best for dispersing Wind-Cold?: Jing Jie, Fang Feng, Zi Su Ye? Zi Su Ye
Which channels does Ma Huang enter? LU and BL
What action does Ma Huang take when it diffuses the Lung? Controls wheezing
What action does Ma Huang take when it descends the Lung Qi? Promotes urination
Ma Huang is combined with which other warm, acrid medicinal to release the exterior? Gui Zhi
To which zone does Gui Zhi go? Tai Yang
What are the properties of Gui Zhi? Acrid, sweet, warm
Gui Zhi disperses Cold and facilitates flow of Yang Qi at what three levels? Muscle channels, Lower Warmer (for gyn problems), and the Chest
Which 2 channels does Bai Zhi enter? LU and ST
In what 2 areas does Bai Zhi alleviate pain? Supraorbital and teeth
What are 2 important actions of Bai Zhi? Reduce swelling and expel pus
Which 2 herbs is Bai Zhi combined with to treat nasal congestion? Xi Xin and Xin Yi Hua
Which 2 herbs is Bai Zhi combined with to treat toothache? Shi Gao and Sheng Ma
Which 2 channels does Xi Xin enter? LU, KD
Xi Xin warms the lungs and transforms what kind of phlegm? Copious, watery
Xi Xin is commonly combined with which medicinal to treat ST Fire in the oral cavity? Shi Gao
Sheng Jiang and Gui Zhi are used to "Adjust the Ying and Wei" for patients with exterior deficiency who exhibit which symptom? Sweat without improvement in the condition
What are 2 important actions of Sheng Jiang? Warm Middle Warmer and alleviate vomiting
Sheng Jiang goes to the ST and LU to perform which 2 actions? Disperse cold, stop cough
When does Zi Su Ye release the exterior and disperse cold? When there is a cough with a stifling-binding sensation in the chest
How is Zi Su Ye used during pregnancy? For morning sickness
Where is Jing Jie used to stop bleeding? In the stool and uterus
To which zone does Fang Feng lead to treat jaw pain? Shao Yang
Fang Feng treats "intestinal wind" which means what? Painful diarrhea with bright blood in the stool
Qiang Huo leads to the Taiyang zone and also helps to open which channel? GV
Gao Ben treats both ends of which channel? GV
Xiang Ru transforms dampness, promotes urination, and expels what? Summerheat
Xiang Ru treats "Sudden Turmoil Disorder" which is associated with which Western disease? Cholera
Which kinds of sinus problems does Xin Yi Hua treat? Wind-Cold or Wind-Heat
Which 3 Cool Acrid Exterior Releasing Herbs are most commonly used to disperse Wind-Heat and promote the expression of rashes? Bo He, Niu Bang Zi, and Chan Tui
Both Ju Hua and Sang Ye disperse Wind-Heat. Which has a stronger action for LV-Yin deficiency? Ju Hua
Both Ju Hua and Sang Ye disperse Wind-Heat. Which has a stronger action for dispersing Wind-Heat? Sang Ye
Ju Hua and Mu Zei are both used to clear the vision. Which is used to nourish the eyes? Ju Hua
Ju Hua and Mu Zei are both used to clear the vision. Which is used for superficial obstruction? Mu Zei
Which 3 cool, acrid exterior-releasing herbs are used to raise and lift the Yang Qi? Ge Gen, Chai Hu, and Sheng Ma
Which 2 cool, acrid exterior-releasing herbs are strongest for raising the Yang Qi? Sheng Ma and Chai Hu
Which cool, acrid exterior-releasing herb is strongest at reducing a fever? Chai Hu
Bo He releases the exterior and also does what? Allows constrained LV-Qi to flow freely
What is the dosage range for Bo He? 1.5 - 6 grams
What are the properties of Chan Tui? Sweet, salty, and slightly cold
Chan Tui "tracks wind", which refers to what kind of symptoms? Spasms and convulsions in the channels
Chan Tui is combined with which 2 herbs to treat Wind-Heat affecting the eyes? Ju Hua and Mu Zei
Sang Ye goes to the LV and LU channels to treat what in the lungs? Wind-Heat
Sang Ye goes to the LV and LU channels to clear the vision for which 2 disharmonies? Wind-Heat or yin deficiency
What are the properties of Ge Gen? Sweet, acrid, cool
Ge Gen releases Wind-Heat lodged in the muscles especially in which 2 regions of the body? Neck and shoulders
What does Ge Gen alleviate due to heat or SP deficiency? Diarrhea
Chai Hu is known for relieving what kind of disorders? Shaoyang
Chai Hu harmonizes what which two organs? LV and SP
Chai Hu is frequently used to treat "a feeling that the body is weighed down". TO do this, it is combined with which 2 herbs? Qiang Ho and Fang Feng
For which 2 disharmonies is Chai Hu contraindicated? Yin Deficiency and LV-Fire
Which 4 channels does Sheng Ma enter? LI, LU, SP, ST
When Sheng Ma is used to relieve toxicity, it is used for which symptoms in the oral cavity? Sore gums, teeth, and ulcers
Which herb is Sheng Ma combined with to treat a Yangming headache? Bai Zhi
Which 3 herbs are most effective for clearing heat at the Qi level? Shi Gao, Zhi Mu, Lu Gen
Which herb is strongest for clearing heat at the Qi level? Shi Gao
Which 4 herbs are known for clearing heat from the LV to clear the vision? Jue Ming Zi, Gu Jing Cao, Mi Meng Hua, and Qing Xiang Zi
Which heat-clearing herb relieves accumulated heat in the LV channel and moistens the LI? Jue Ming Zi
Which heat-clearing herb is most useful to remove superficial obstracution? Gu Jing Cao
Which heat-clearing herb is most useful for deficiency patterns and also nourishes the LV? Mi Meng Hua
Which heat-clearing herb is used for draining fire with pain, redness and swelling with LV-Fire Blazing? Qing Xiang Zi
Which channels does Shi Gao enter? LU and ST
Shi Gao treats the 4 Bigs. What are these? Fever, Sweat, Thirst, Pulse
Shi Gao treats cough and wheezing with a fever and what kind of sputum? Thick, viscous, yellow
Shi Gao treats fire with kinds of symptoms? Swollen gums, toothache and sores
Shi Gao is acrid and treats the superficial level for what kinds of conditions? Eczema, burns, ulcerated sores
Shi Gao is often combined with which herb to clear heat from lungs in cases like pneumonia? Ma Huang
Shi Gao is often combined with which herb for toothache? Xi Xin
What is the dosage of Shi Gao 9 - 30 grams
The name of Zhi Mu translates as "Know About Mother" possibly because of its ability to do what when there is excess heat in the LU and ST? Nourish fluids
Zhi Mu treats KD symptoms such as what? Night sweats, spermatorhea and high sex drive
When Zhi Mu is fried in salt water, it strengthens and nourishes which organ? KD
What are the 5 major functions of Zhi Zi? Clear heat to eliminate irritability, drain damp heat, cool blood and stop bleeding, reduce swelling and remove blood stasis, and eliminate fire toxins
Zhi Zi is used with what herb for heat lingering in the chest? Dan Dou Chi
Which channels does Xia Ku Cao enter? LV, GB
Xia Ku Cao clears the LV to do what? Brighten the eyes and treat headache and dizziness
Xia Ku Cao acts on the neck to help dissipate what? Nodules, lumps
Xia Ku Cao is combined with that herb to treat the eyes? Ju Hua
Xia Ku Cao is combined with what herb to treat lumps on the neck? Xuan Shen
Lu Gen clears heat from the LU and ST. It also does what? Generates fluids
When there is blood in the urine, Lu Gen clears heat by doing what? Promoting urination
Jue Ming Zi goes to the LV, KD, and LI to treat what? Wind-Heat in the eyes, photophobia, and constipation
Jue Ming Zi is combined with which 2 herbs for Wind-Heat? Ju Hua and Sang Ye
Jue Ming Zi is combined with which 2 herbs for heat in the LV? Xia Ku Cao and Zhi Zi
When is Dan Zhu Ye used to clear heat? When late stage fever won't abate
Lian Xin enters the HT and PC to treat what? Confusion and delerium
Lian Xin binds the essence to treat what? Spermatorrhea
Qing Xiang Zi can dialate the pupils and should not be used in cases of what? LV or KD yin deficiency and glaucoma
Name 2 herbs that cool the blood and nourish yin. Sheng Di and Xuan Shen
Of Sheng Di and Xuan Shen, which is best for reckless bleeding? Sheng Di
Of Sheng Di and Xuan Shen, which is best for lumps and nodules on the neck? Xuan Shen
What is a possible substitution for Xi Jiao? Shui Niu Jiao
What do horns frequently do? Stop tremors
Sheng Di enters which 3 channels? HT, LV, KD
Sheng Di treats HT-Fire Blazing and alleviates which symptoms? Tongue sores, insomnia, lowgrade fever, malar flush
Which herb is commonly combined with Sheng Di to prevent the development of stagnating side effects? Sha Ren
Xuan Shen drains fire and relieves toxicity for what 2 symptoms? Swollen eyes and extreme sore throat
Xuan Shen is frequently combined with which herb to treat purpuric rashes? Mu Dan Pi
What are the 5 main functions of Mu Dan Pi? Cool blood, clear fire from deficiency, dispel blood stasis, clear ascending LV-Fire, drain pus, reduce swellings
Mu Dan Pi is combined with which herb for night/afternoon fevers? Sheng Di
Mu Dan Pi is contradindicated for what? Pregnancy
What are the properties of Di Gu Pi? Sweet and cold
Which 3 channels does Di Gu Pi enter? LU, LV, KD
What are the 5 main functions of Di Gu Pi? Treat fire from yin deficiency, clear heat and moisten the LU, stop cough, cool blood, stop bleeding, trat floating fire from toothache
Which herb is Di Gu Pi combined with for afternoon fever? Yin Chai Hu
What color rashes does Zi Cao treat? Dark purple
Bai Wei is used for yin deficiency fever and is especially used to treat which 2 types of fever? Post partum or recovery of fever
Which herb causes deficient heat to recede and is used to treat childhood nutritional impairment due to heat? Yin Chai Hu
What is the action associated with the Spicy/Acrid/Pungent taste? Disperse the Exterior and Move
What is the action associated with the Sweet taste? Tone, harmonize, moisten
What is the action associated with the Bitter taste? Drain and Dry
What is the action associated with the Sour taste? Astringe fluids/energy
What is the action associated with the Salty taste? Cool, purge, soften, astringe in tissues
What do Descending herbs do? Move Qi down
What do Sinking herbs do? Keep empty yang from floating upward, i.e. with medicinals like heavy minerals
What do Ascending herbs do? Move Qi up
What do Floating herbs do? Keep organs from collapsing
What is Mutual Accentuation? Both herbs are in the same category and perform the same function
What is Mutual Enhancement? Herbs from different categories are used together and increase the effects of each other
What is Mutual Counteraction? "Fear" (This is what my notes said!); one herb reduces the toxicity of another
What is Mutual Suppression? "Killing" (This is what my notes said!); one herb suppresses the toxicity of another
What is Mutual Antagonism? Herbs that neutralize each other when used together (avoid this)
What is Mutual Incompatibility? Herbs that are toxic when used together (avoid this)
What is Single Effect? An herb used for one purpose only (usually topical)
How are LU and BL herbs most commonly used? For Tai Yang
How are LU and ST herbs most commonly used? For Yang Ming, nourishing fluids
For what conditions are LV/SP/HT herbs most commonly used? Blood conditions
For what conditions are LU and LV herbs most commonly used to treat? Wei Qi and Skin/Sinew conditions
What are LV and KD herbs most often used to treat? Sinews, joints, Bi Syndrome
What conditions are SP/ST herbs most often used to treat? Dampness and Phlegm
Name the Eight Methods Sweating, Vomiting, Purging, Harmonizing, Warming, Clearing, Tonifying, Reducing/Regulating
Name 3 hearbs that are all relatively strong in dispersing Wind Cold Ma Huang, Gui Zhi and Xi Xin
Created by: nesaherbal
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