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2nd line of defence

4 main categries phagocytosis. inflammation. fever. defensive moluecules
phagocytes white blood cells (leukocytes) that move throughout the tissue. no fixed shape, can squeeze thru tissue spaces, consume pathoogens, alert other immune cells thru cytokines
types of phagocytes neutrophils - circulate thru the blood macrophages - reside in tissue dendritic cell
how do phagocytes work engluf pathogens via endocytosis, then destryed by enzyme action macroophagees/monocytes are large phagocytic cells that engluf & destroy microbes, cell debris & dying cells. important activate lymphocyte - apcs
neutrophil role in inflammation - first to move to tissue to destroy pathogen phagocytosis - chemically attracted to the area very important in killing pathogens inside cells
dendritic cells highly spcialised to take up pathoogens at infection site & transfer to lymph organs to present antigen to t lymphocytes dedicated apcs
inflammation symptoms redness, swelling, pain & heat
mast cells least abundant & smallest WBC found in tissue nuclus is u/s shaped few coarse granules - contain histamine & heparin
2 initiating inflammation - mast cells detect damaged tissue and secret histamines - histamines increase capillary permeability - increase blood flow to the area - also release heparin - reduces clotting in underlying tissue to enhance blood flow
3 phagocytosis - swelling phagocytes (neutrophils) attracted to area enter damaged tissue thru spaces in capillary wall phagocytes & macrophages consume pathogens fluid also leaks causing swelling
4 chemical signaling phagocytes and other cells secrete cytokines these speed up tissue repair
cytokine protein that signal local immune responses. 1 specific form is interferons - released by infected cell(virus) increase resistance of surrounding cells
clotting & repair platelets secrete proteins that aid in clotting at wound site
redness caused by increased blood flow due to vasodilation blood flow slows at wound site
swelling fluid from blood leaks out of capillaries swelling the area
heat additional blood flow to the area makes it fl warmer radiates heat
pain extra fluid and build up of cellular material stimulates pain receptors chemicals also stimulate receptors induce protective mechanism
fever increase in body temperature designed to speed up body's cellular responses & inhibit pathogenic reproduction or functioning if it gets too high, body proteins affected (denature) and can lead to death
fever - chemically tissue & some pathogens release pyrogens - eg interleukin 1 these are detected by the hypothalamus which responds by increasing heat production & retention
fever 'feedback loop' pyrogen released, detected by hypothalamus, set point raised, shivering to generate more heat, feel cold & adjust behaviours, body temp rises. pyrogen reduced feel too hot & sweat
complement proteins plasma proteins that when activated can cause cellular lysis in pathogenic cells and enhance the activity of antibodies boost inflammatory response
Created by: wegonebefine
Popular Biology sets




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