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cardioresp system- 7

chapter 7

____ contracts most force left ventricle
vagus nerve= innervate heart and digestive system (parasympathetic)
right ventricle pumps blood through____ to be sent to the lungs pulmonary arteries
pulmonary veins empty blood into left atrium
right side= systemic
left side= pulmonic
electrical synapses and gapjuntions make up cardiac muscle
conductive fibers in AV node bundle of his
conductive fibers in ventricle walls purkinje fibers
allow for more unified, and stronger contractions purkinje fibers
veins have more volume of blood and are larger in lumen size compared to arteries
BP is high in _____ and low in _____ heart; capillaries
velocity is greatest in arteries
cross sectional area is smallest in arteries
delays contraction of the ventricles AV node
cardiac output= SV x HR
pump oxygentaed blood left ventricle/ atria
inferior/superior vena cava--> right A and V, tricupids valve---> pulmonary arteries--> lungs deoxygentated blood
lungs--> pulmonary vein --> left A and V, mitral valve ---> Aorta oxygenated blood
____ is a skeletal muscle and innervated by phrenic nerve diaghragm
microtubule cillia is found in ependymal cells of spinal cord
acidosis ( too much acid in the blood) will make the body increase breathing rate
CO2 is carried in blood via bicarbonate ion
Increase in CO2= oxygen dissociation curves shift to the RIGHT
Increase in H+= oxygen dissociation curves shift to the RIGHT
Increase in T= oxygen dissociation curves shift to the RIGHT
oxygen dissociation curves shift to the RIGHT means hemoglobin has a lower affinity for oxygen
2,3-DPG shift oxygen dissociation curves shift to the RIGHT
shift of the oxygen dissociation curves thanks to pH= BOHR shift
oxygen concentration and pH are monitored by peripheral chemoreceptors
breathing rate is affected by central Chemoreceptors (medulla); peripheral chemoreceptors ( coratid arteries and aorta)
alkalosis causes increase blood pH from hyperventillation. Hyperventillation causes decrease in CARBONIC (b/c u have less CO2)
CARBONIC ANHYDRASE INHIBITOR= rate of gas exchange in lungs would decrease
increase co2 production= increase carboxyhemoglobin
job of erythrocyte deliver O2 and remove CO2
blood is what type of tissue connective
blood compostition plasma, buffycoat, RBC
proteins in plasma= albumin, Immunoglobulins, clotting factors
immunoglobulins are aka antibodies
Plasma minus clotting factor fibrinogen = serum
source of AA for tissue protein replacement plasma proteins
leukocytes= do containorganelles, but not hemoglobin
granular leukocytes= (BEN) --- basophl, neurtophil, eosinophil
Agranular leukocyte= Monocytes, megakaryocytes, lymphocytes
macrophage made from monocyte
Megakaryocytes in bone marrow make platelets
inflammation basophil
parasitic infection eosinophil
b cells (humoral) liver, bone marrow
T cell (cell-mediated) thymus
helper t cells help B lyphocytes differentiate into plasma cells (memmory B cells)
HIV attacks helper T cells
4 types of T lymphotcytes= helper, killer, supressor, memory
Lymphocyte has 3 divisions:: T- lymphocyte, B- lymphocyte, and natural killers
killer T cells release perforin (punctures antigen carrying cell)
Rh negative mother
Rh positive fetus
A blood A antigens, B antibodies
B blood B antigens, A antibodies
O blood neither A or B antigens, BUT HAS both A and B antibodies
lymphatic vessels absorb blood from interstitial fluid and takes it back to blood
innate immunity= attacks foreign invaders with white blood cells called GRANULOCYTES as well as inflammation. DOESNT USE T CELL OR B CELL!!!
Created by: zrsoori
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