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Communication Quiz

Questions from mulitple chapters to help with the test.

Research suggests that women are better listeners than men. a. True b. False b. False
The physiological process of perceiving sound is best associated with which of the following terms? a. Listening b. Hearing c. Attending D. Selecting b. Hearing
Which of the following is NOT one of the steps in the listening process? a. Selecting b. Attending c. Critiquing d. Responding c. Critiquing
Attacking means to listen specifically to find weaknesses in others and pull those weaknesses out at strategic or embarrassing times. a. True b. False b. False
The state of uneasiness, anxiety, fear, or dread associated with a listening opportunity is referred to as ___ a. audience reservation b. listening apprehension c. receiver interference d. listener avoidance. b. listening apprehension.
In American culture, we tend to value listening more than talking, which can create an awkward imbalance to the communication process and stifle conversations. a. True b. False b. False
Defensive listeners are considered to be highly focused and effective because they take in all of the relevant information before critiquing it and then offer a response. a. True b. False b. False
Making refers to the intentional concealment of a person's true emotion by displaying a facial expression that is more appropriate in a given interaction. a. True b. False a. True
When a person's nonverbal behavior contradicts his or her verbal communication, we tend to believe the verbal message because it is more intentional. a. True b. False b. False
Immediacy refers to how quickly or slowly a communicator responds with feedback. a. True b. False b. False
Sign language is an example of nonverbal communication. a. True b. False b. False
Public displays of affection are sometimes upsetting to others because of a difference in various communicators' perceptions of the __ dimension of communication. a. informal-formal b. appropriate-inappropriate c. public-private d. intimate-social c. public-private
Which of the following is not one of the spatial zones identified by Edward Hall? a. intimate b. interpersonal c. personal d. social b. interpersonal
Complementing behaviors mirror the verbal message they accompany. a. True b. False b. False
While delivering your presentation, you begin to twist the ring on your right hand and your right leg begins to shake. What category of body movement is illustrated in this example? a. illustrator b. adaptor c. emblem d. regulator b. adaptor
Grammatical rules that dictate how words should be pronounced are referred to as __ a. syntactical rules. b. phonetic rules. c. phonological rules. d. articulation rules. c. phonological rules.
The consistently accepted definition of a word is referred to as its ___ a. denotative meaning b. connotative meaning c. encoded meaning d. cognitive language a. denotative meaning.
Jane says her cousin is "big boned," instead of saying she's overweight, obese, or fat, because she understands those other terms might have insulting connotations. What type of language abstraction is jane using? a. jargon b. euphemism b. euphemism.
Which of the following terms refers to the way a person feels about himself or herself? a. self-concept b. self-esteem c. self-efficacy d. self-actualization b. self-esteem
___ is the process by which we use symbols and behaviors to exchange information. a. Encoding b. Decoding c. Communication d. Perception c. Communication
Created by: user-1829523
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