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chapter 2

Eukaryote gene have more than one copy of some genes
Prokaryote gene have only one copy of one gene
genes that are being actively transcribed in Eukaryotes Euchromatin
genes that are not being actively transcribed, and are in tight packed regions of DNA Heterochromatin
Repetitive sequence DNA found in Heterchromatin
only a little over __ % of human genome actually code for proteins 1
The central dogma DNA is transcribed to RNA which is transated to AA forming proteins
4 nitrogenous bases of DNA: AT...CG
Purines 2 ring structure (AG)
Pyrimidine 1 ring structure ( TC)
DNA polymer of nucleotides
Each nucleotide is connected to the next by phosphodiester bonds
A double helix is made thanks to hydrogen bonding between antiparrallel strands
A--T 2 hydrogen bonds
G--C 3 Hydrogen Bonds
DNA replication is governed by a group of protiens called a replisome
What unwinds the double helix for replication DNA helicase
Enzyme that builds the new DNA strand, and adds nucleotides to an existing strand DNA polymerase
___ , a RNA polymerase, creates an RNA primer to initiate the strand? Primase
DNA polyermase requires an ____ to get started? RNA Polymerase
DNA is read in the direction of 3--->5 upstream
DNA is made in the direction of 5-->3 downstream
continuous strand leading strand
interrupted strand lagging strand
lagging strand is put together by okazaki fragments (found in both pro and EU karyotes)
ties all the lagging strand together DNA ligase
RNA single standed
In animals DNA is only in the nucleus, mitochondrial matrix,
In animals RNA is only in cytosol
DNA is made by Replication
RNA transcription
How many types of DNA are there? 1
How many types of RNA are there? 3
DNA replication is fast and ___ accurate
Exonuclease in DNA polymerase PROOF READS DNA
Delivers the DNA code for AA to the cytosol where proteins are made mRNA
combines with proteins to form ribosomes rRNA
rRNA is made in the nucleolus
takes AA in the cytosol and transfers them to the ribosomes for incorporation into a protein tRNA
Transcription requires a promoter; REplication requires a ___ primer
ALL DNA is made from a DNA template in a process called Transcription
Transcription occurs in _____ & _____ nucleus and mitochondrial matrix
Prokaryotes have ____ types of RNA polymerize; Eukaryotes have _____ types of RNA polymerize 1; 3
Sequence of DNA nucleotides that designates a start point for transcription promoter
only the template strand( - antisense) of DNA is transcribed; and the other strand is called _______ the coding strand ( +) sense
Special proteins to dissociate RNA polymerase from DNA termination
RNA polymerase DOES not have a proof reading capability T or F? TRUE
The coding strand is used to protect the its partner from degradation
Activators/ Inhibitors used to regulate gene expression via level of transcription. Binds to PRomoter close to DNA sequence and either repress or activate the RNA polymerase
Activators/ Inhibitors are regulated by cAMP/ allosterically
A bacterial DNA consisting of operator, promoter, and related genes OPERON ( make mRNA)
Post transcriptional processing of RNA occurs in BOTH EU and PROK
PROKARYOTES Post transcriptional processing occurs in rRNA and tRNA. NOT mRNA ( this is directly translated)
Eukaryotes Post transcriptional processing happnes to mRNA, tRNA, rRNA
5' end is capped b4 Eukaryotic mRNA is completely transcribed Uses GTP to do this,
5' cap and 3' poly A tail protects against exonuclease
primary transcript is cleaved into....b4 leaving the nucleus introns and extrons
snRNPs recognize nucleotides sequence at the end of introns
spicesomes take out introns
G-C has a ____Tm than A-T greater
Less viscous, denser, and more able to absorb UV light denatured DNA
95 degrees C Dentature DNA
Restriction site= 4 to 6 nucleotides long= ? palindromic sequence
Nucleic Acid hybridization make recombinant DNA fron denatured DNA
Restriction enzymes = aka = endonuclease cut nucleic acid only at certain nucelotide seuqence
DNA ligase joins phophodiester bonds of fragments together after hybridization
Makes DNA library from DNA fragment vector ( plasmid/ infected virus)
cDNA DNA reverse transcribed from mRNA. Lacks introns that eukaryotic DNA cells have
Target DNA is dentured and mixed with many complementary primers. There is 2 copies of the DNA primer, one for each strand. PCR
Southern BLotting (electrophoresis) identifies specific sequence of DNA by nucleic acid hybridization.
Northern blotting identifies specific sequence of RNA by nucleic acid hybridization.
western blot detects proteins and antibodies
AT= CG Ratio's are equal
complementary bonds are held together by... hydrogen bonds
RFLP analysis of individuals and not specific genes
Amphipathic polar and nonpolar
start codon AUG
stop codon UAA, UAG, UGA
A polypeptide has 100 possible AA. How many possible AA sequences are there for this polypeptide? 20^100
how many combinations of nucleotides do we have? 4^3= 64
Template wich carries the genetic code from the nucleus to the cytosol in the form of codons. mRNA
process of protein synthesis directed by mRNA translation
tRNA contains a set of nucelotides( anticodon) complementary to the codon
protein + rRNA ribosome
site of translation= ribosome
Prokaryotic subunit 30s + 50s= 70s
Eukaryotic subunit= 40s + 60s= 80s
ribosome subunits are made/assembled in the ____ and transported to the _____ Nucleolus ( only in eukaryotes) ; cytosol
When anticodon settles at the P site initiation complex/ initiation begins
Elongation occurs at A site ( where 2 GTP is used)
E site= termination occurs and exits & another GTP is used
When does translation end? When a stop codon ( non sense) attaches to the A site
Chaperones proteins assisting in AA folding
Post- Transciptional modifications adds lipids, sugars, or phosphates; polypeptide can be cleaved; may form quaternary structure
Translation occurs at free floating ribosome in cytosol OR ribosome injects proteins in rough ER lumen
During translation, a signal peptide is sythesized and attaches to an SRP complex in order to direct the ribosome to attach to the ER
Signal peptide is removed by a enzyme
Mutations occur at the _____ level or _____ level chromosomal; nucleotide
Mutations in somatic cells= not passed to offsrping
Mutations in germ cells = passed to offspring
Mutations changes a SINGLE base pair of nucleotides in a double stranded DNA Point mutation
Nucleotide Replacement Base pair mutations
Nucleotide removal or addition Insertions & Deletions
Insertion or Deletion of non multiples of 3 frameshift
Insertion or Deletion of multiples of 3 non frameshift ( can be base pair mutations as well)
NO stop codon missense ( may or may not be very serious)
Stop codon Nonsense ( very serious)
DNA from one chromosome is inserted into another chromosome translocation
section of DNA is reversed on a chromosome Inversion
Transposisition occurs in both pro and EU
DNA segments that can excise themselves from a chromosome and reinsert themselves at another location on the same chromosome transposable elements / tranposons
Genes that cause cancer Oncogenes
Translation is associated with what organelles:: mitochondrial matrix; cytosol; rough ER..... not the NUCLEUS though
Any AA could have several codons there are MORE codons than AA
how many codons are there? 64 codons
GENETIC CODE IS _____ from species to species universal
Difference btwn pro and EU translation? Pro translation may occur stimutaneously with transcription , but EU can not occur
growing polypeptide can be found attached to a tRNA at which site on a ribosome? P site
8 histones wrapped in DNA form a nucleosome
In animals DNA is only found in nucleus & mitochonria
Histones ( globular proteins) + DNA = chromatin
condensed chromatin = heterochroatin
chromatin that can be transcribed and uncoiled= Euchromatin
Diploid = homologous pairs
mitosis results in identical daughter cells
Cell life cyle G1 ( longest stage, cell growth, organelle and protein made) -> S( DNA replication) -> G2 (Cell division) -> M
interphase G1, G2, S
G0 non growing state
Nuclear division without genetic change mitosis
Prophase Condensation of chromatin , Centrioles move to opposite ends, nucleolus and nucleus disapears; spindle apparatus forms
Metaphase chromosomes align along the equator of the cell
Anaphase Cytokinesis may begin; sister chromatids move toward opposite sides of the cell
Telophase Nuclear membrane reforms; Reformation of nucleolus; Chromosome decondense, Cytokinesis continues
Underlight microscope ____ in mitosis and _____ in meiosis can be seen metaphase; metaphase 2 , but not 1
Nuclear division which makes 4 haploid gametes ( germ cells) Meiosis
In humans only ____ & ____ go through meiosis, and all somatic cells go through mitosis oogonium ; spermatogonium
Prophase 1 crossing over/ genetic recombination can occur
Genes closer together are more likely to ____ crossover ( are linked)
Metaphase 1 of meiosis _____ align, instead of single chromosomes aligned along the plate in mitosis tetrads
In telophase 1, if cytokinesis occurs, ____ is created a haploid ( 23 chromosomes)= secondary sermatocyte/ oocyte
in telophase 1 1 polar body is released and degenerates
Meiosis 1 = reduction division
Meiosis 2 makes 4 sperm cells= male & 1 ovum= female each with 23 chromosomes
In the female, telophase 2 makes one gamete and ____ a second polar body
NONDISJUNCTION ( where the centromere of any chromosome does not split) occurs in anaphase 1 or 2
a primary spermatocyte and oocyte has ___ chromosomes 46
translation, transcription, replication occurs in ___ phase? S
Nucleotide sequence can be seen in meiosis at which point? prophase 1
tetrad= 4 (chromatids) X's, joined by a chiasmata
In a female, development of oocyte is arrested in Prophase 1 of meiosis
Created by: zrsoori
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