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The Respiratory System

The nose is divided in the center by the nasal septum
The nasal cavity is lined with mucosa
The word that means pertaining to the heart and respiratory system is cardiopulmonary
The medical term for throat is pharynx
The area of the throat that is posterior to the nasal cavity is the nasopharynx
The area of the throat that is posterior to the oral cavity is the oropharynx
The area of the throat that is posterior to the larynx is the laryngopharynx
The lidlike structure that seals off the entrance to the larynx so that swallowed food moves into the esophagus is called the epiglottis
The medical word for "voice box" is larynx
The medical term for "windpipe" is trachea
The inferior end of the trachea splits to become the right and left primary bronchi
Each primary bronchi enters the lung and branches into smaller bronchioles
The nose and bronchial tree are lined with tiny small hairs called cilia
The right lung contains how many lobes? three
The left lung contains how many lobes? two
The bronchioles branch into structures called alveoli
Between the lungs lies the mediastinum
The sheet of skeletal tissue that expands and contracts when you breath is called the diaphragm
The double-layered serous membrane that surrounds each lung is called pleura
The process of breathing in and out is called respiration
Breathing in is called inhalation or inspiration
Breathing out is called exhalation or expiration
Having a normal depth and rate of respiration is known as eupnea
When you inhale you breath in oxygen
When you exhale you breath out carbon dioxide
The rounded top of each lung is called the apex
The compound that is formed when oxygen combines with the hemoglobin in red blood cells is called oxyhemoglobin
The suffix that means "the study of" is -logy
The prefix that means "upon; above" is epi-
THe prefix that means "out; away from" is ex-
The prefix that means "between" is inter-
The prefix that means "again and again; backward; unable to" is re-
The combining form that means "bronchus" is bronch/o
The combining form that means "heart" is cardi/o
The combining form that means "arising from, produced by" is gen/o
The combining form that means "shaped like a globe; comprehensive" is glob/o
The combining form that means "blood" is hem/o
The combining form that means "oxygen" is ox/o
The combining form that means "lung" is pulmon/o
The suffix that means "sudden, involuntary muscle contraction" is -spasm
The combining form that means "pertaining to the pharynx" is pharyng/o
The combining form that means "pertaining to the diaphragm" is diaphragmat/o
The combining form that means "pertaining to mucosa" is mucos/o
The combining form that means "pertaining to the larynx" is laryng/o
THe combining form that means "pertaining to the nose" is nas/o
The combining form that means "pertaining to the chest" is thorac/o
The combining form that means "pertaining to the mouth" is or/o
The combining form that means "pertaining to the rib" is cost/o
The abbreviation for "upper respiratory infection" is URI
A spasm of the bronchus is called a bronchospasm
The term for a prolonged, extremely severe, life-threatening asthma attack is called status asthmaticus
Inflammation of the bronchus is called bronchitis
Mucus production from the lungs is called sputum
Chronic, permanent enlargement and loss of elasticity of the bronchioles is called bronchiectasis
Irregular,crackling or bubbling sounds during inspiration are called rales
Humming, whistling, or snoring sounds duirng inspiration or expiration are called rhonchi
High-pitched, harsh, crowing sounds due to edema or obstruction in the trachea or larynx is called stridor
High-pitched whistling or squeaking sounds during inspiration or expiration are called wheezes
The medical term for collapsed lung is atelectasis
The word that means "pertaining to pus" is purulent
The word that means "pus in the chest" is pyothorax
The combining form that means "fiber" is fibr/o
The word that means " a localized collection of pus in the thoracic cavity " is empyema
The combining form that means "bladder; fluid-filled sac; semisolid cyst" is cyst/o
The abbreviation for "chronic obstructive pulmonary disease" is COPD
The inherited, eventually fatal, respiratory disease caused by a recessive gene that affects children is called cystic fibrosis
A condition of chronic, irreversibly damaged alveoli of the lungs, that primarily affects elderly patients is called emphysema
The medical word for the flu is influenza
The suffix that means "tumor" is -oma
The combining form that means "gland" is aden/o
A malignant tumor of a gland is called an adenocarcinoma
The medical word for "Coal miner's lung" or "black lung disease" is anthracosis
The suffix that means "condition; abnormal condition; process" is -osis
The combining form anthrac/o means coal
The combining form asbest/o means asbestos
THe combining form that means lung;air is pneum/o
The combining form coni/o means dust
The occupational lung disease that is caused by inhaling some type of dust or particle is called pneumoconiosis
THe combining form that means bacteria is bacteri/o
The type of pneumonia that affects the bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli in the lungs is called bronchopneumonia
Pneumonia that involves both lungs is called double pneumonia
Acute pneumonia caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae is called pneumococcal pneumonia
Severe pneumonia caused by a fungus that affects mostly AIDS patients is called pnuemocystis jiroveci pneumonia
Pneumonia caused by a virus is called viral pneumonia
A blood clot or fat globule that can block a pulmonary artery is called an pulmonary embolus
The medical term that is abbreviated TB is tuberculosis
Blood in the thoracic cavity is called hemothorax
Accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavities is called a pleural effusion
Inflammation of the pleura is called pleurisy
A large volume of air in the pleural space is called a pneumothorax
Brief or prolonged absence of spontaneous respirations (can happen during sleep) is called apnea
Very slow breathing is called bradypnea
The suffix that means "breathing" is -pnea
Difficult, labored or painful respirations due to a lung condition is called dyspnea
The prefix that means "painful, difficult, abnormal" is dys-
The need to be propped in an upright or semi-upright position in order to breathe and sleep comfortably is called orthopnea
The comi
The word that means "pertaining to pus" is purulent
The word that means "pus in the chest" is pyothorax
The combining form that means "fiber" is fibr/o
The word that means " a localized collection of pus in the thoracic cavity " is empyema
The combining form that means "bladder; fluid-filled sac; semisolid cyst" is cyst/o
The abbreviation for "chronic obstructive pulmonary disease" is COPD
The inherited, eventually fatal, respiratory disease caused by a recessive gene that affects children is called cystic fibrosis
A condition of chronic, irreversibly damaged alveoli of the lungs, that primarily affects elderly patients is called emphysema
The medical word for the flu is influenza
The suffix that means "tumor" is -oma
The combining form that means "gland" is aden/o
A malignant tumor of a gland is called an adenocarcinoma
The medical word for "Coal miner's lung" or "black lung disease" is anthracosis
The suffix that means "condition; abnormal condition; process" is -osis
The combining form anthrac/o means coal
The combining form asbest/o means asbestos
THe combining form that means lung;air is pneum/o
The combining form coni/o means dust
The occupational lung disease that is caused by inhaling some type of dust or particle is called pneumoconiosis
THe combining form that means bacteria is bacteri/o
The type of pneumonia that affects the bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli in the lungs is called bronchopneumonia
Pneumonia that involves both lungs is called double pneumonia
Acute pneumonia caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae is called pneumococcal pneumonia
Severe pneumonia caused by a fungus that affects mostly AIDS patients is called pnuemocystis jiroveci pneumonia
Pneumonia caused by a virus is called viral pneumonia
A blood clot or fat globule that can block a pulmonary artery is called an pulmonary embolus
The medical term that is abbreviated TB is tuberculosis
Blood in the thoracic cavity is called hemothorax
Accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavities is called a pleural effusion
Inflammation of the pleura is called pleurisy
A large volume of air in the pleural space is called a pneumothorax
Brief or prolonged absence of spontaneous respirations (can happen during sleep) is called apnea
Very slow breathing is called bradypnea
The suffix that means "breathing" is -pnea
Difficult, labored or painful respirations due to a lung condition is called dyspnea
The prefix that means "painful, difficult, abnormal" is dys-
The need to be propped in an upright or semi-upright position in order to breathe and sleep comfortably is called orthopnea
The combining form "orth/o" means straight
A rapid rate of breathing is called tachypnea
The prefix that means "fast or rapid" is tachy-
Complete lack of oxygen in the blood and tissues is called anoxia
The prefix that means "without;not" is an-
An abnormally high level of carbon dioxide and a low level of oxygen in the lungs that can occur when a person drowns, chokes, or suffocates that requires immediate CPR is called asphyxia
The abbreviation for the condition in which an apparently healthy infant under one years old suddenly dies is called SIDS
A condition of blue skin is called cyanosis
The combining form for blue is cyan/o
Very high level of carbon dioxide in the arterial blood is called hypercapnia
The prefix that means "above, more than normal" is hyper-
A very low level of oxygen in the arterial blood is called hypoxia
The prefix that means "below; deficient" is hypo-
The suffix that means "condition of the blood" is -emia
A diagnostic procedure that measure the amount of oxygen in a person's blood is called oximetry
The instrument used to measure the amount of oxygen in a person's blood is called an oximeter
A blood test to measure the level of carbon monoxide in the blood of patients exposed to fires or fumes is called carboxyhemoglobin
The word that means "pertaining to an artery" is arterial
The process of using a stethoscope to listen to breath sounds is called auscultation
The process of using the finger of one hand to tap on the patient's back is called percussion
An instrument used to examine the chest is called a stethoscope
The procedure used to assist a choking victim with an airway obstruction is called the Heimlich maneuver
Procedure during a physical examination in which the temperature, pulse, respiration, and blood pressure are measured is called vital signs
A procedure used to puncture the chest and remove fluid from a pleural space is called a thoracentesis
The suffix that means " procedure to puncture" is -centesis
The suffix that means "process of cutting or making an incision" is -tomy
The suffix that means "surgical excision" is -ectomy
A hand-held device that is used to manually breath for a patient is called an ambu bag
The suffix that means "process of using an instrument to examine" is -scopy
The suffix that means "instrument used to examine" is -scope
An incision into the trachea to create an opening is called a tracheostomy
The suffix that means "surgically creating an opening" is -ostomy
A drug that dilates constricted airways by relaxing the smooth muscles that surround the bronchioles is called a bronchodilator
A drug that reduces the thickness of sputum so that it can be coughed out is called an expectorant
The abbreviation for "upper respiratory infection" is URI
The abbreviation for "shortness of breath" is SOB
The abbreviation for "breath sounds" is BS
The abbreviation for a "culture & sensitivity" is C & S
The abbreviation for x-ray is CXR
Created by: GKSMS97
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