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Asia's Flashcards

Asia's Flashcard deck

Mono-, uni- One Vision in one eye
Bi- Twice Biceps
Tri- Three Tricuspid
Ab- Away from Abduction
Ad- Towards, beside Adduction
Ecto-, exo- Outer, outside Ectoparasite
Endo- Inner, inside Endocrine
Epi- Above, surrounding Epidermal
Anterior or ventral The front or direction toward the front of the body Kneecap is located on the anterior side of the leg.
Posterior or dorsal Back Shoulder blades are located on the posterior side of the body.
Superior Toward the head end of the body; upper Hand
Inferior Towards the bottom Foot
Lateral To the side of, or away from, the middle of the body. Ears are lateral to the nose..
Distal A part of the body that is farther away from the center of the body than another part. The hand is distal to the shoulder.
Proximal Nearer to the center The knee is proximal to the toes.
Ambi- Both; Both sides Ability to use both hands equally.
Dys- Abnormal, painful Shortness of breath.
Eu- Normal Normal Breathing.
Homo- The Same Homology (similarity in DNA or protein sequences between individuals or between species)
Iso- Equality, uniformity, and similarity Isotonic solution (a solution that has the same salt concentration as cells and blood)
Mal- Bad, abnormal Malnutrition
-algia Pain, painful condition Heart Attack
-emia Blood condition Blood clots
-itis Inflammation (Myocarditis) may cause shortness of breath or fluid buildup.
-lysis Breakdown, destruction Breakdown of the red blood cells.
-oid Pertaining to, resemble Gastric, which pertains to the stomach; coronary, which pertains to the heart vessels; and capsular, which pertains to a location inside of a capsule.
-pathy Disease Hepatitis A.
-pnea Breathing Diaphragmatic breathing requires contraction of the diaphragm and is also called deep breathing.
-centesis Paracentesis The removal of excess fluid via needle puncture from any body cavity.
-ectomy Excision The act of cutting out; the surgical removal of part or all of a structure or organ.
-ostomy ostomies Surgical creation of an opening in an organ.
-otomy Surgical incisions An intentional cut made to an individual's body with the intent of performing a diagnostic or therapeutic intervention.
-orrhaphy Suture or operative repair A surgical repair of a hernia using sutures.
-opexy Fixation Surgical operation for fixing an organ in position.
-oplasty Plastic surgery Breast augmentation
-otripsy Crushing Lithotripsy is the procedure to crush stones most frequently in the kidneys or gall bladder.
Adip/o Fat Fatty tissue
Psych/o, Psyche- Mind Thoughts
Leuk/o- White Color
Kinesi/o Movement Walking
Path/o- Diseases Hepatitis A
Chondri- cartilage Helix piercing
Myel/o- Bone marrow Sternum
Phleb/o- Vein Vena cava
Splen/o- Spleen An abdominal organ
Thromb/o- Blood clot Gel like clumps of blood.
-Sclerosis Hardening Abnormal hardening of body tissue.
-Scope For examining Stethoscope
-Plasty Surgical reconstruction Plastic surgery
-Phasia Speech Talking
-Malacia Softening Abnormal softness of brain tissue
-Oma Tumor Abnormal mass of tissue
-Cytic Cells The basic building blocks of living things.
Dermat/o Skin The largest organ in the body and covers the body's entire external surface.
Enter/o Small intestine Part of you
Opthalm/o Eyes Sensory organ
Dent/o Teeth For eating and chewing
Gastr/o Stomach Digest food.
Orth/o Bone Part of the skeleton
Pulmon/o Lungs Respiratory system
Crani/o Skull Bone protective cavity for the brain
Klept/o Desire to steal. Take what not yours.
Somn/o Sleep Rest
Blephar/o Eye Lids Fold of skin that closes over the eye to protect it.
Lacrim/o Tear Liquid that keeps the eye and inner eyelids moist.
Laryng/o Voice box Swallowing, breathing and voice production.
mamm/o Breast Organs on the upper front of a woman's body
Neur/o Nerves Bundle of nerve fibers
Nephro/o Kidney Organ in the abdomen
Myel/o Spinal cord, bone marrow A long, tube- like band of tissue
Aden Gland
Algia Pain
Spondy/o Vertebra
Brachi/o Arm
Dacty/o Finger
Lumb/o Loin Lower back
Carp/o Wrist
Cost/o Rib
Femor/o Femur
Tibi/o Tibia (shinbone)
Tars/o Ankle
Burs/o Bursa
Ten/o Tend/o & Tendin/o Tendon
Muscul/o My/o & Myos/o Muscle
Fasci/o Fascia
Esthesi/o Feeling & sectation
Logy Study of
Cerebr/o & Encephal/o Brain
Lob/o Lobe
Cepha/o Head
Mirco Small
Macro Larger
Gangli/o Nerve bundle
Tax/o Order, arrangement & coordination.
Ton/o Tone tension or pressure
Anky/o Stiff, bent
Pyretic Fever
Classia Surgical breaking
Desis Fixation/ binding
Rrhaphy Repair
HX History
FX Fracture
TX Traction or treatment
Stenosis Narrow
Gnosi/o Knowledge
Plegia Paralysis
Phon voice
Asthenia Weakness
Opia, Opsia Vision condition
Cyclo Ciliary body
keto Keto body
Thym Thymus gland
Thyr/o Thyroid/o Thyroid
Gluc/o Glucos/o & glyc/o Sugar
Created by: AsiaMci00
Popular Medical sets




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