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Mono-, uni- One ex: Monocyte, Unisex
Bi- Two ex: Bilateral
Tri- Three ex: Trilateral
Ab- Away ex: Abduct
Ad- Toward ex: Adrenaline
Ecto-, Exo- Outside ex: Ectoderm, Exoskeleton
Endo- In, inside ex: Endocrine
Epi- Upon ex: Epidermis
Anterior or Ventral The front ex: Stomach
Posterior or Dorsal The back ex: Dorsal fin on a sharks back
Superior Above ex: From hips up to head
Inferior Below ex: From hips to feet
Lateral Out to the side ex: Side of the body
Distal Farther away from the center ex: Forearm down to fingers
Proximal Closer into the center ex: Foreman up to shoulders
Ambi- Both ex: Ambidextrous
Dys- Bad ex: Dysentery
Eu- Good ex: Euphoric
Homo- Similar ex: Homology
Iso- Equal ex: Isotonic
Mal- Abnormal ex: Malnutrition
-algia Pain ex: Myalgia
-emia Blood condition ex: Leukemia
-itis Inflammation ex: Arthritis
-lysis Loose, break down ex: Hemolysis
-oid resembling ex: Keloid
-opathy Disease ex:Myopathy
-pnea breath ex: Apnea
-centesis Puncture ex: Amniocentesis
-ectomy removal ex: Vasectomy
-ostomy creation of an opening ex: Colostomy
-otomy incision ex: Dermotomy
-orrhaphy suture ex: Herniorrhaphy
-opexy surgical fixation ex: Retinopexy
-oplasty Reconstruction ex: Rhinoplasty
-otripsy Crushing or destroying ex: Lithotripsy
CCU Coronary Care Unit
ICU Intensive Care Unit
L&D Labor and Delivery
OR Operating Room
Post-op after surgery
Pre-op before surgery
adip/o fat
kerat/o hard, horny
seb/o oil
leuk/o white
crypt/o hidden
steat/o fat
cutane/o skin
melan/o black
trich/o hair
dermat/o skin
onych/o nail
ungu/o nail
pachy/o thick
xanth/o yellow
erythr/o red
pil/o hair
xer/o dry
hidr/o sweat
sebace/o oil
cherry angioma a small blood vessel tumor
culture & sensitivity growing microorganisms in isolation in order to determine which drugs they might respond to
ecchymosis a larger bruise
epidermal pertaining to the skin
excoriation a scratch
impetigo a highly contagious bacterial infection of the skin
macerate to soften the skin
macule small, flat, discolored area (freckle)
onychophagia eating (biting) the nail
pachyderma tough skin
patch larger, flat, discolored area (vitiligo)
petechia a small bruise
pruritus itching
pustule a pus-filled blister
scale skin flaking off
ulcer a sore
urticaria swollen, raised, itchy areas of the skin
ankyl/o stiff/bent
arthr/o joint
brachi/o arm
burs/o bursa
carp/o wrist
cervic/o neck
chondr/o Cartilage
cost/o rib
crani/o head, skull
dactyl finger
fasci/o fascia
femor/o femur (thighbone)
kinesi/o movement, motion
lumb/o loin, lower back
muscul/o muscle
my/o, myos/o muscle
oste/o bone
-physis growth
spondyl/o vertebrae
tars/o ankle
tax/o arrangement, order, coordination
ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o tendon
tibi/o tibia (shin bone)
ton/o tone, tension
analgesic a drug that relieves pain
atrophy underdevelopment
closed reduction returning bones to their proper position without the use of of surgery
effusion fluid build up
external fixation a fixation of a fractured bone from the outside (cast or splint)
genu valgum knock-kneed
genu varum bowlegged
internal fixation the fixation of a fractured bone from the inside
kyphosis humped back
lordosis sway back
-asthenia weakness
cephal/o head
cerebell/o cerebellum
cerebr/o encephal/o brain
crani/o head, skull
dur/o tough outer membrane
esthesi/o feeling, sensation
gangli/o nerve bundle
gnosi/o know
hypn/o somn/o/i sleep
lob/o lobe
-mania excessive desire
mening/o meningi/o meninges
myel/o spinal cord, bone marrow
neur/o nerve
-paresis slight or partial paralysis
phas/o speech
-phobia excessive fear
phren/o psych/o mind
-plegia paralysis
syncope fainting
delirium brief loss of mental function
acous/o audi/o sound
-acusis hearing condition
aur/o ot/o ear
blephar/o eyelid
cerumin/o ear wax
cochle/o cochlea
conjuntiv/o conjunctiva
corne/o kerat/o cornea
cycl/o ciliary body
dacry/o lacrim/o tear
ir/o irid/o iris
labyrinth/o labyrinth
myring/o tympan/o eardrum
ocul/o ophthalm/o opt/o eye
-opia -opsia vision condition
phac/o phak/o lens
retin/o retina
saping/o eustachian tube
scler/o sclera
vestibul/o vestibule
enucleation removal of an eye
strabismus condition where the eyes deviate when looking at the same object
tinnitus ringing in the ears
vertigo sensation of moving through space
aden/o gland
adren/o adrenal/o adrenal gland
cortic/o outer surface
crin/o secrete
-emia blood condition
gluc/o glucos/o glyc/o sugar
gonad/o gonads (sex organs)
hormon/o hormone
hypophys/o pituitary gland
ket/o ketone body
pancreat/o pancreas
pituitar/o pituitary gland
thym/o thymus
thyr/o thyroid/o thyroid
-tropin stimulating hormone
goiter swollen thyroid gland
insulin hormone secreted by the pancreas that controls the metabolism and uptake of sugar and fats
coagul/o coagulation
cyt/o cell
hem/o hemat/o blood
immun/o immune system
lymph/o lymph
-penia deficiency
phleb/o ven/o vein
splen/o spleen
thromb/o clot
thym/o thymus
tonsill/o tonsils
antigen substance that causes the body to produce antibodies
embolus mass of matter present in the blood
ischemia blockage of blood flow to an organ
petechia small bruise
poikilocytosis condition characterized by red blood cells in a variety of shapes
angi/o vascul/o vas/o vessel
aorta/o aorta
arteri/o artery
ather/o fatty plaque
atri/o atrium (upper chamber)
cardi/o coron/o heart
sept/o septum
valvu/o valve
ventricul/o ventricle (lower chamber)
Aneurysm bulge in a blood vessel
angina pectoris oppressive pain in the chest caused by irregular blood flow to the heart
CABG coronary artery bypass graft
cyanosis a bluish appearance to the skin, the skin isnt reaching enough oxygen
diaphoresis excessive sweating
occlusion closing or blockage of a passage
vena cava larger-diameter vein that gathers blood from the body and returns it to the heart
vena cava inferior portion of the vena cava that gathers blood from the lower prtion of the body
superior vena cava portion of the vena cava that gathers blood from the upper portion of the body (head and arms)
systematic circulation circulation of blood from the heart to the rest of the body
systolic pressure pressure exerted on blood vessels when the heart is contracting
adenoid/o adenoid
bronch/o bronchi/o bronchus
capn/o carb/o carbon dioxide
laryng/o larynx (voice box)
nas/o rhin/o nose
ox/o oxygen
pector/o thorac/o chest
pharyng/o pharynx (throat)
phren/o diaphragm
pleur/o pleura
-pnea spir/o breathing
pneum/o pneumat/o pneumon/o air or lungs
pulmon/o lungs
sept/o septum
sin/o sinus/o sinus
trache/o trachea
Created by: andcos9095
Popular Medical sets




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