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MAO inhibitors

MAO inhibitors Isocarboxazid, Phenelzine, Tranylcypromine, Selegiline
Isocarboxazid Marplan
Phenelzine Nardil
Tranylcypromine Parnate
Selegiline Emsam
Tyramine Amino Acid that helps regulate blood pressure by triggering cells to release norepinephrine, thus acting as an indirect sympathomimetic. It is also a substrate for MAO, an enzyme that breaks down excess tyramine.
Which MAO inhibitors have a contraindication with severe renal disease? Isocarboxazid, Phenelzine
Warnings Hypertensive Crisis; Serotonin Syndrome
Which MAO inhibitor is used for Parkinson Disease? Zelapar ODT (Selegiline)
Tyramine rich foods Aged cheese, pickled foods, fermented food, aged food, smoked food
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) Enzyme that binds to tyramine substrate and breaks down excess tyramine, thus decreasing levels of norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin
Drug interactions Drugs that increase serotonin and epinephrine
What drugs require 2 week washout period? SSRIs, Bupropion, SNRIs, TCAs
Which SSRI requires a 5 week washout? Fluoxetine
Counseling Avoid tyramine rich foods
MAO inhibitor toxicity symptoms severe hypothermia, hypertension
How long does MAO inhibitor toxicity take to develop? Patients may initially be asymptomatic, but symptoms should generally appear within the first several hours, sometimes delayed up to 24 hours.
Which MAO inhibitor comes in a patch? Selegiline (Emsam)
MAO inhibitor onset of action Initial effects observed within 1-2 weeks with continuing to 4-6 weeks
MAO inhibitor half life (PO Meds) 10 hours
MAO inhibitor half life (Transdermal Patch) 20 hours
Created by: nakhla1
Popular Pharmacology sets




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