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Marriage part 3

Words from the video "Why Chinese Girls Don't Want to Get Married Anymore?

父母那一辈的人 people of the older generation fùmǔ nà yī bèi de rén
形象 image; portrayal xíngxiàng
说教 to preach shuōjiào
难以 difficult to nányǐ
平台 platform píngtái
吐槽 to criticize; to complain tǔcáo
批判 to criticize; criticism pīpàn
现象 phenomenon xiànxiàng
忍受 to endure; to bear rěnshòu
特例 special case tèlì
随着 along with; in the wake of suízhe
发展 development; growth fāzhǎn
如此 so; such rúcǐ
普遍 universal; widespread pǔbiàn
存在 to exist; existence cúnzài
since... then... jìrán...jiù...
由此 thus; thereby yóucǐ
因此 therefore; thus yīncǐ
对象 object; target duìxiàng
谨慎 cautious; prudent jǐnshèn
保障 to guarantee; to ensure bǎozhàng
今后 from now on; in the future jīnhòu
受教育 to receive education shòu jiàoyù
程度 degree; extent chéngdù
权利 right; privilege quánlì
吃穿 food and clothing; living expenses chīchuān
to worry; to be anxious chóu
Created by: echo.23
Popular Simplified Chinese sets




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