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special care/needs

test review for care of termally ill, peds, and special needs pts

The correct age for the pediatric stage of development of a fetus is ___? in utero
the correct age for the pediatric stage of a ___ is 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 years old. toddler
newborns are evaluated to determine if they are at risk for ___? neurological disorders
the ___ scoring system is the most commom initial assessment system used to evaluate newborns. APGAR
the parents' anxiety about hospitalization may be transferred to the ___. child
___ anxiety is demonstreated by the child. separation
Infants become dehydrated ___. rapidly
pediatric patients should be kept warm during surgical procedures to prevent ___? hypothermia
Infants and children are sensitive to ___ variations. temperature
vocalizations or crying, facial expressions, and body movements of the pediatric patient should be observed for signs of ___? pain
The removal of the appendix is called ___? appendectomy
An anastomosis along the alimentary canal may be the result of the removal of the colon, duodenum, and ___? esophagus
an incision through the pyloric muscle to release a stenosis is a ___? pyloroplasty
A procedure to replace small bowel and other internal organs that have prolapsed through the abdominal wall before birth is ___? repair of gastroschisis
The procedure performed on the upper stomach and lower esophagus that have been forced up through the diaphragm and into the thoracic cavity is ___? hiatal herniorraphy
A procedure to correct undescended testis is ___? orchiopexy
a reconstructive procedure to correct the congential anomaly in which the urethra opens on the ventral surgace of the penis in the male, or the vagina in the female is ___? hypospadias repair
the procedure to transport cerebrospinal fluid from the ventricles of the brain to the peritoneal cavity is ___? ventriculoperitoneal shunt
craniosynosis is treated by ___? craniectomy
20 the procedure done most freqeuntly to extract aspirated foreign bodies is ___? bronchoscopy
the procedure done to repair a congenital malformation of the chest wall which has a pronounced funnel shaped depression over the lower end of the sternum is ___? repair of pectus excavatum
the procedure to close an abnormal opening in the walls between the right and left atria is ___? septal defect repair
the procedure to correct the lack of fusion of the soft tissues of the upper lip and the palate is ___? cheiloplasty/palatoplasty
the ophthalmic procedure done to correct muscle imbalance and promote coordination by strengthening a weak muscle or by weakening an overactive muscle is ___? resection-recession
Patients with special needs may require special attention by the surgical tema such as in communication, environmental climate, and ___? positioning
Long term illnesses, such as diabetes, are considered to be ___? chronic
Patients with traumatic injuries are considered to be ___? acute
Acute patients are ___ likely to have unrealistic approaches to their situation. more
patients with ___ illnesses, such as cancer or AIDS, are condisered chronic terminal
Patients with ___ diagnosed, potentially terminal diseases are acute recently
patients who are most likely to be ___ and unable to focus on even simple tasks are acute overwhelmed
patients with ___, such as burn patients, are chronic disfigurements
patients who have mental illnesses include those with ___? paranoia
patients with ___ do not have an inability to understand and/or remember. cerebral pasly
the surgical team should speak to the ___, and the family if possible patient
the greatest number of considerations for the surgical team caring for a patient who is physically challenged is in the ___ area physical
considerations fotr the surgical team may include allowing religious and ___ practices as much as possible cultural
patients with metabolic impairments include those with ___? eating disorders
eating disorders include anorexia and ___? buliemia
physical considerations may include the use of ___ as ordered medications
patients with hematological disorders include those who have hemophilia, bloodborne diseases, or ___? anemias
included in patients who have sexually-related disorders are those who have cancer of the ___ organs. reproductive
included in patients who have sexually-related disorders are those who have gender reassignments, penile prosthses, and ___. abortions
included in patients who have sexually-related disorders are those who are having ___ procedures or removal of foreign bodies used for sexual gratification. infertility
patients with ___ are not considered aseptically critical pacemakers
psychosocial considerations do not include being ___. judgemental
___ patients should be transported on their bed directly to the OR burn
when caring for a burn patient, it may be necessary to ___ the temperature in the OR increase
A terminal illness is marked by ___ duration short
50 cancer is an example of a ___ illness terminal
diabetes is an example of a ___illness chronic
chronic illness is marked by long duration and/or frequent ___ recurrence
as we age, a decrease in skin ___ causes a breakdown of the skin turgor
as we age, a decrease in blood suppy to the ___ decreases the filtration ability and makes the patient susceptable to infections kidneys
as we age, bones become more ___. porous
as we age, a decrese in gastric secretions and absorption of nutrients results in a ___ nutritional state poor
as we age, a decrease in ___ strength and accumulation of fatty deposits around the heart result in problems with arteriosclerosis, hypertension, and arrhythmias cardiac
as we age, functional ___ of the respiratory system decreases with decreased resistance to respiratory infections or problems capactiy
atrophy of reproductive organs causes a decrease of ___, which may cause symptoms of fatigue, weight loss, and decrease in libido hormones
aging patients are very susceptable to ___; therefore strich aseptic technique is essential infection
Family members ___ be a part of the chronic or terminal patients' care should
irreversable, permanent brain death due to lack of O2, no circulation in the brain is called ___ biological death
Patient does not believe the diagnosis; seeks no information about the disease or ignores the loss denial
patient is hostile, mad, frustrated, and possibly guilty anger
final stage of greiving, when the patient resumes normal activities or resolves conflicts about approaching death acceptance
patient begins to accept loss or death, but also feels lonliness, grief, and deep sadness depression
patient attempts to make a deal with themselves, their doctors, or their deity in order to regain what they have lost or to lessen the severity of their loss bargaining
denial is the ___ stage of the grieving process first
anger is the ___ stage, they may accept their illness but not its limitations second
hobbies are effective as a ___ mechanism coping
channeling of strong and socially unacceptable behaviors into a form that is accepted by society sublimation
retreat form the present patten of behavior to a previous level of behavior the appears more comfortable or safer to rhe individual regression
consciously pushing unwelcome ideas, memories, or feelings back into the subconscious mind; they are accessable when one wishes to remember them. suppression
unconscious exclusion from awareness of unbearable ideas, experiences, and impulses by forcing them down into the unconscious. repression
Created by: bellajerrent429
Popular Medical sets




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