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chap 12-16

anbieten to offer
Spezialkommando special squad
entwaffnen to disarm
Treibstoffmesser fuel gauge
ablenken to distract
Schweiz Switzerland
erkennen to recognize
Tablett tray
ausleeren to empty
Wahrung currency
sortieren to sort out
holen to get, bring
wert worth
brullen to shout
Strahl ray
Karstgebirge KArst mountains
Geisel hostage
Scheife loop
Landebahn landing strip
Handgepack hand luggage
Gras dope
unglaubig incredulous
Lederbeutel leather bag
mindestens at least
Kissen pillow
ambanduhr wristwatch
erlauben to permit
Tankwagen fuel truck
Abendessen supper
platzen to burst
recht haben to be right
Freiheit freedom
versprechen to promise
Heilsarmee Salvation army
Perle pearl
arrangieren arrange
funken to transmit
Risiko risk
Funkspruch Wireless message
entkommen to escape
verpassen to miss
besiegen to defeat
Rassist racist
sanft soft, easy
tut mir leid sorry
erdnuss peanut
von neuen anew
flusten to whisper
liebling darling
zuhoren to listen
Geschenk gift
hiflos helpless
fliessen to flow
Meereskuste sea coast
ubrigens by the way
zielen to aim
sinken lassen to drop
erstaunt surprised
Nachbartisch nearest table
aufwachen to wake up
beruhigen to calm down
Endkampf final contest
freilassen to set free
teilnehmen to take part
Grenzpolizei border police
unbehindert unimpeded
besetzen to occupy
Rotes Kreuz Red Cross
Created by: lo12d
Popular German sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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