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ANAT 411 H&N muscles

thin sheet of muscle that runs superiorly attaching to the mandible and blends with muscles of the face platysma
superiorly attaches to mastoid process of temporal bone and inferiorly to sternal and clavicular heads sternocleidomastoid
m. of neck innervated by cervical branch of facial n. platysma
actions: bilaterally flexes the neck and unilaterally flexes the neck (ear approaches shoulder of same side) sternocleidomastoid
tested by turning head to opposite side against resistance sternocleidomastoid
superficial muscle of the back that acts on pectoral girdle, posterior boundary of posterior triangle trapezius
actions: acts on shoulder and extends head trapezius
stylohyoid, geniohyoid, ant. and post. belly of digastric, and mylohyoid suprahyoid muscles
which suprahyoid muscles are innervated by the facial n. stylohyoid and post. belly of digastric
which suprahyoid muscles are innervated by the trigeminal n. ant. belly of digastric, geniohyoid, mylohyoid
thyrohyoid, sternohyoid, sternothyroid, sup. and inf. bellies of omohyoid infrahyoid muscles
which hyoid muscles are innervated by ansa cervicalis infrahyoid muscles
action: depresses hyoid bone or thyroid cartilage depending on attachment infrahyoid muscles
ant., middle, and post. scalene muscles deep muscles of neck
levator scapulae, splenius capitus, post. scalene, middle scalene, ant. scalene floor of post. triangle
epicranial aponeurosis, occipitofrontalis frontal and occipital bellies, orbicularis oculi, orbicularis oris, buccinator, temporalis, zygomaticus major, zygomaticus minor muscles of facial expression
the parotid duct pierces which muscle in the face buccinator
masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid, buccinator, platysma muscles of mastication
group of muscles associated with movement of the TMJ muscles of mastication
2 muscles that are immediately related to the parotid gland masseter and temporalis
muscle of mastication, actions: elevates the mandible and protrudes the lower jaw medial pterygoid
muscle of mastication; actions: contracts and pulls the articular disc and head of mandible forward onto the articular tubercle, depresses the mandible, and opens the mouth lateral pterygoid
muscle of mastication; forms the muscular component of the cheek and is used every time air expanding the cheeks is forcefully expelled, holds cheeks against alveolar arches to keep food between teeth while chewing buccinator
located in ant. compartment of eye; elevates eyelid superiorly, contributes to lubrication of eye levator palpebrae superioris
group of muscles, involved in movements of the eyeball or raising upper eyelids extrinsic muscles of eye
group of muscles, within the eyeball, control shape of lens and eye of pupil intrinsic muscles of eye
superior rectus, medial rectus, lateral rectus, inferior rectus, superior oblique, inferior oblique, levator palpebrae superioris extrinsic muscles of eye
actions: elevation, adduction, medial rotation innervation: oculomotor n. testing functionality: look laterally and up superior rectus
action: adduction innervation: oculomotor n. testing functionality: look medially medial rectus
action: abduction innervation: abducens n. testing functionality: look laterally lateral rectus
actions: depression, adduction, lateral rotation innervation: oculomotor n. testing functionality: look laterally and down inferior rectus
actions: depression, abduction, and medial rotation innervation: trochlear n. testing functionality: look medially and down superior oblique
actions: elevation, abduction, and lateral rotation innervation: oculomotor n. testing functionality: look medially and up inferior oblique
superior constrictor, middle constrictor, and inferior constrictor make up this pharynx
move the cricothyroid joings, pull thyroid cartilage forward and rotate it down relative to cricoid cartilage, lengthen vocal folds, composed of both an oblique part and straight part, "bowtie" muscles cricothyroid muscles
important landmark for oral cavity, lingual a. enters tongue deep to this muscle, hypoglossal n. and lingual n. enter the tongue superficial to this hypoglossal
smallest skeletal m., arises form pyramidal eminence and its tendon emerges from the eminence, inserts on neck of stapes and innervated by branch of facial n., pulls head of stapes post., protects inner ear from injury to loud noise stapedius
arises from cartilaginous portion of auditory tube, inserts on handle of malleus; innervated by V3 tensor tympani
allows you to scrunch your nose nasalis
action: elevation of upper lip and wing of nose innervation: facial n. "Elvis" m. levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
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