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Intro to BUSN Quiz


Great communication skills are most likely to: boost your chance for success.
In the context of communication barriers, which of the following scenarios demonstrates the existence of a language barrier? A finance manager using financial terms while addressing listeners belonging to an editorial department
Marianne, who is attending a seminar, is attentively listening to all the speakers. However, she is distracted by one particular speaker's exaggerated gestures. Which of the following forms of communication barriers is Marianne experiencing in this scenar A body language barrier
The official company policy of NathWorthone Inc., a weapon manufacturing company, discourages interaction between supervisors and subordinates. Which of the following communication barriers is exemplified by NathWorthone's policy in this scenario? The organizational barrier
The goal of nonverbal communication should be to: reinforce the meaning of a message.
In the context of nonverbal communication involving a listener and a speaker, active listening occurs when: the listener focuses his or her complete attention on the speaker.
Which of the following statements is true of communication channels? They differ from one another in terms of how much information they communicate to the recipient.
Which of the following communication channels has the lowest channel richness? Email
In the context of communication channels, which of the following is a difference between an in-person presentation and a face-to-face meeting? An in-person presentation is used when the need is to reach a large audience with an important message, whereas a face-to-face meeting is used when a message is personal, emotional, complex, or high-priority.
In the context of the various communication channels, which of the following statements is true of a telephone conversation? It is used when there is a need for spontaneous dialogue with the recipient.
Which of the following communication channels has the highest channel richness? A face-to-face meeting
In the context of picking the right words when communicating with your audience, which of the following should be practiced to make communication more effective? Avoiding bias
To establish agreement in your sentences without creating gender bias during business communication, it is advisable to convert sentences to their plural form
In the context of business communication, which of the following statements is true of active voice usage in sentences? The subject performs the action expressed by the verb in active voice.
Rubina is the director of procurement at Baines Corporation. She plans to send a memo to the employees in her department outlining some changes in the company's personnel policies. She believes that most of the employees will view the changes favorably. T describe the bottom line of the policy changes at the beginning of the memo.
In the context of writing high-impact messages, which of the following is appropriate for a business message? A message that reads like a natural conversation
MalChop Inc., an air transport service company, announced that its new project would be delayed due to technical problems at various critical points of the project. Daren, the project manager, plans to send a detailed memo to all the members working on th using headings.
In the context of writing high-impact business messages, using which of the following in your message will guide your reader most easily through your writing? Bulleted lists
Which of the following is a good tip to follow when writing emails? Keep the message short.
Lara is giving her first presentation at a seminar on corporate social responsibility. Although she is nervous, she wants to try her best to grab the audience's attention. To achieve this, when opening the presentation, Lara should start with: a compelling story
When closing a presentation, presenters should: circle back to their introduction.
In the context of creating and delivering successful verbal presentations, which of the following is a key benefit of using Google Presentations? It can be accessed from any device with a web connection.
A speaker experiencing nervousness before a presentation must: visualize success.
Humor in a business presentation: should be double-checked for appropriateness before usage.
In the context of creating and delivering successful verbal presentations, which of the following statements is true of dynamic delivery? It is characterized by the use of natural gestures.
Created by: seandoeletsgetit
Popular Business sets




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