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Later Middle Ages


Unit 8-The Late Middle Ages-Lesson -Church Reform and the Crusades
What is the big idea? The Catholic Church underwent reform and launched a Crusade against Muslims.
What were two problems in the church? Some priests were nearly illiterate and could barely read their prayers. Some of the popes were men of questionable morals.
What is one new religious orders? In the early 1200s, wandering friars traveled from place to place preaching and spreading the Church’s ideas.
What is one example of a Crusade? The Crusades are a forceful example of the power of the Church during the medieval period.
What is one Characteristic of Gothic architecture for churches large cathedrals built towards heaven.
Unit 8 -The Late Middle Ages - Lesson - Changes in Medieval Society
Cities started to develop again that helped.. Helped with trade and learning.
What did Craft guide do? Craft guilds formed an important part of town life because it trained young people in a skilled job. The educational steps for a person to be successful in a guild; apprentice, journeyman, and master.
What are Skilled artisans? Skilled artisans such as glassmakers, wheelwrights, winemakers, tailors, and druggists began craft guilds. The guilds set standards for quality of work, prices of goods, wages, and working conditions.
What did the development of the iron plow do? The development of the iron plow made it easier to plant crops.
What were the results of the three new field system Results of the new three field system: food production increased, villagers had more to eat, and people could better resist disease and live longer because they were healthier.
Unit 8 - The development of England
What happened in the early invasions? Britain was attacked by the Danish Vikings.These invaders were so feared that a special prayer was said in Churches: “God, deliver us from the fury of the Northmen.”
What were the two main results of the Norman conquest? Two main results of the battle were that it allowed William to unify control of the lands and helped to lay the foundation for centralized government in England.
What were the two goals English kings tried to achieve They wanted to hold and add to their French lands. They wanted to strengthen their own power over the nobles and the Church.
What is the Magna Carta? When Richard died, his younger brother John took the throne and ruled from 1199 to 1216. lost Normandy and all his lands in northern France to the French under Philip Augustus. This loss forced confrontation with his own nobles.
What were the three main causes of Problems Under the King John's rules? He was cruel to his subjects and tried to squeeze money out of them. He alienated the Church and threatened to take away town charters guaranteeing self-government. John raised taxes to an all-time high to finance his wars.
Unit 8 - France Develops
Why did France become it's own separate kingdom? The power of the king gradually spread outward from France. Eventually, the growth of royal power would unite France.
What is are Philip II powers? Philip was crafty, unprincipled, and willing to do whatever was necessary to achieve his goals.
How were the Estates General discovered? In France, the Church leaders were known as the First Estate and the great lords as the Second Estate.
What was the creation of common law and court systems result? The creation of common law and court systems was a first step toward increased central government power.
Was Louis IX religious? Unlike his grandfather, Louis was pious and saintly.
Troubles of the 14th Century and the Decline of the Middle Ages
What is the Second Great Schism? A period in the Catholic Church where rival popes, each with a possibly legitimate claim, ruled simultaneously in Rome and Avignon and, later in the Schism, Pisa.
What are the reason the Bubonic Plague? spread? Black rats carried fleas that were infested with a bacillus called Yersinia pestis. People didn’t clean themselves or take baths, almost all had fleas and lice.The fleas carried by rats leapt from person to person with incredible speed.
What caused the Hundred year war? The war that Edward III launched for the throne of France continued on and off from 1337 to 1453.Victory passed back and forth between England and France for many years.
What were the troubles during the 14th century The Church divided, the Bubonic Plague, and Hundred Years’ War were all factors that caused the decline of the Middle Ages.
What are two reasons for the decline of the middle ages? Revival of trade and cities and revival of education and learning.
Created by: Francisco_9
Popular History sets




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