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Keri Bills Ant Asmt2

Weeks 6-7 Anatomy Review

What are Neurolemma? Plasma membrane of Schwann cells, also known as the plasma membrane of neural tissue.
What is the neural glia? Support cells in nervous system, provide support, protection, and speed up action potentials.
What does Schwann cells do? They are in the In peripheral nervous system and provide myelin sheathing to neurons.
What are Astrocytes? Star-shaped cells that maintain environment around neurons, form blood brain barrier.
What are Oligodendrocytes? Cells in central nervous system that form myelin sheath around axons, increasing speed of action potentials.
What do Microglia do? They are immune cells of the brain and central nervous system, engulf foreign substances and debris.
What do Ependymal cells do? They line the ventricles of the brain and are responsible for creating cerebrospinal fluid.
What is the Myelin sheath? Insulates the axons and increases speed of action potential propagation.
Aproximate the number of neurons in a human brain. About 85 billion.
True False? In the human nervous system, there are almost equal numbers of glia cells and neurons? True
Fascicles are held together by a connective tissue layer called? Perineurium.
Nerves that mostly contain afferent fibers are called ___ Nerves? Sensory
What does the autonomic nervous system stimulate? Smooth muscle, gland, cardiac muscle.
Astrocytes attach to? Neurons and blood vessels.
The largest and most abundant type of glia? Atrocytes.
How do astrocytes feed neurons? By picking up glucose from the blood, converting it to lactate and passing it along to the neurons that they are connected to.
What helps hold nerve fibers together? Oligodendrocytes.
Which glia cells carry out phagocytosis? Microglia.
What number of extension from the cell body do Multipolar neurons have? One Axon, several dendrites.
What number of extension from the cell body do bipolar neurons have? One axon, highly branched dendrite.
Where are bipolar neurons found? Retina of the eye, inner ear, olafactory pathways. (sense of smell)
What number of extension from the cell body do unipolar neurons have? A single process extending from the cell body. Unipolar neurons are always sensory neurons, toward the CNS.
Characteristics of tracts or (bundles of nerve fibers)? Do not have connective tissue, Originate from the PNS. Are not called nerves.
What is a telodendria? The distal tips of axons that form branches and terminate in a synaptic knob.
What is an axon hillock? A single process that usually expends from a tapered portion of the cell body.
What are T cells? Lymphocytes, formed in the thymus gland, that act on antigens.
An immune response in which T cells destroy antigens? Cell mediated
Where are inquinal nodes location? Groin
Name for anti-viral proteins secreted by T- cells? Interferon
What are transformed B cells that secrete antibodies? Plasma cells
Where does the terminal ileum join the large intestine? At the ileocecal valve in the RLQ.
Name the four major parts of the large intestine? Cecum, colon, rectum and anal canal
Created by: kbills
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