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endocrine diseases

endocrine diseases and conditions

acidosis increase in the acidity of blood, body fluids, and tissues due to an excess of hydrogen ions
acromegaly Enlargement of the face, feet, and hands; malfunction of the hypothalamus or the anterior pituitary gland, causes hypersecretion of GH
Addison’s disease insufficient secretion of cortisol and sometimes aldosterone; characterized by progressive anemia, hypotension, hypoglycemia, fatigue, increased skin pigmentation, joint pain, and loss of appetite
adenocarcinoma Malignant tumor of a gland or mucus- secreting organ; cancers of the pancreas, lung, prostate, colon, and/or esophagus
adrenal feminization Pathological development of female secondary sex characteristics in a male
adrenal virilism Presence or development of male secondary sex characteristics in a female
cretinism Congenital hypothyroidism (reduced activity of the thyroid gland) due to lack of thyroid hormone secretion
Cushing’s syndrome hypersecretion of cortisol; may be caused by a tumor or prolonged use of steroids; causes weakness; thin, easily bruised skin; hypertension; and weight gain
diabetes insipidus Rare type of diabetes caused by inadequate secretion of ADH by the posterior pituitary gland; causes polydipsia and polyuria
diabetes mellitus Insufficient production of insulin or the body’s inability to use insulin efficiently; causes hyperglycemia, glucose in the urine, which is called glycosuria
type 1 diabetes (DM continued) Diabetes mellitus in which insulin secretion is deficient due to abnormalities in the islets of Langerhans, causing hyperglycemia.
type 2 diabetes (DM continued) insulin production may be normal, but the body cannot use the insulin efficiently, nor can it increase insulin production sufficiently to compensate
diabetic ketoacidosis complication of diabetes in which the body produces acidic ketone bodies (waste products) as a result of high blood glucose levels
diabetic retinopathy complication of diabetes mellitus that results in damage to the retina of the eye
dwarfism being abnormally small or short, usually defined as an adult height of 4′10
edema Localized or general condition of excessive fluid retention and swelling in body tissues
exophthalmos Abnormal protrusion of the eyeball, usually due to hyperthyroidism; increases tissue volume behind the eyes, causing them to bulge
gigantism Excessive growth of body parts, often due to hypersecretion of GH
Graves’ disease Autoimmune condition that results in hyperthyroidism; characterized by bulging eyeballs and an enlarged thyroid gland
gynecomastia abnormally large mammary glands (breast tissue) in a male
hirsutism excessive growth of hair or presence of body hair in unusual places, especially in women; has several hormonal causes that result in the overproduction of androgens
hyperparathyroidism Excessive production of PTH that results in degeneration of the bones; also known as von Recklinghausen’s disease of bone
insulinoma Tumor of the beta cells in the islets of Langerhans that causes the beta cells to keep secreting insulin even when a person’s blood glucose is very low; usually benign, but results in hypoglycemia
myxedema Severe form of hypothyroidism that occurs in older children and adults; characterized by puffy skin and swelling of the laryngeal and pharyngeal mucous membranes
obesity Abnormal amount of fat on the body; more than 20 percent over average weight for age, gender, build, and height; can also be caused by hypothyroidism or Cushing’s syndrome
panhypopituitarism Condition of inadequate secretion, or total lack of secretion, of anterior pituitary hormones
peripheral neuropathy Damage to the nerves that causes pain and weakness, particularly in the hands and feet
pheochromocytoma Tumor of the adrenal glands that secretes excess epinephrine and norepinephrine, resulting in pounding headaches, hypertension, palpitations, paleness, and shortness of breath
SIADH Excessive secretion of ADH, which increases blood volume; causes increased blood volume (hypervolemia) and low blood sodium concentration (hyponatremia)
tetany Nervous excitability and muscle spasms caused by PTH deficiency and inadequate calcium levels
thyrotoxicosis General term for a group of conditions caused by increases in T3 and T4 in the blood. Conditions include Graves’ disease, goiter, and some forms of hyperthyroidism
Created by: SiriP
Popular Medical sets




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