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N3 words

abura oil
ai love, affection, care
愛情 aijou love, affection
相変わらず aikawarazu as ever, as usual, the same
生憎 ainiku unfortunately; sorry, but…
愛する aisuru to love
相手 aite companion, partner
合図 aizu sign, signal
明かり akari light, illumination, glow
明ける akeru to dawn, to end of a period, season
空き aki space, room, emptiness
空き家 akiya vacant house, unoccupied house​
明らか akiraka obvious, evident, clear
諦める akirameru to give up, to abandon
飽きる akiru to get tired of
悪魔 akuma demon, evil
握手 akushu handshake
余る amaru to remain, to be left over
編む amu to knit, to braid​
an idea, plan, thought
ase sweat, perspiration
ana hole, deficit, vacancy
暗記 anki memorization
安定 antei stability, equilibrium
粗い arai coarse, rough​
arashi storm, tempest
新た arata new, fresh, novel
現れる arawareru to appear, to come in sight
表す arawasu to represent, to show, to display
有らゆる arayuru all, every
足元 ashimoto at one’s feet, under foot
与える ataeru to give, to bestow
atai price, cost
辺り atari neighborhood, nearby
当たる ataru to be hit, to strike
温める atatameru to warm, to heat​
ato trace, tracks, mark
扱う atsukau to deal with, to treat
集まり atsumari gathering, meeting
慌てる awateru to panic​, to rush
誤り ayamari error, mistake, slip
awa bubble, foam
哀れ aware pity, sorrow, grief
合わせる awaseru to match, to join together
預ける azukeru to give into custody
ba place, spot, scene
馬鹿 baka fool, idiot
莫大 bakudai enormous, vast
爆発 bakuhatsu explosion, detonation
場面 bamen scene, setting
ばらばら scattered, in pieces
罰する bassuru to punish, to penalize
弁護士 bengoshi lawyer, attorney​
別々 betsubetsu separately, individually​
美人 bijin beautiful woman
びっくり to be surprised
微妙 bimyou delicate, subtle
bin bottle, jar
便 bin mail, post, flight
ぼんやり absentmindedly
募集 boshuu recruitment, taking applications​, raising funds
bou pole, rod, stick
冒険 bouken adventure, risk
部分 bubun portion, section, part
部品 buhin parts, components​
無事 buji safety, peace
武器 buki weapon, arms
物価 bukka prices of commodities
bun sentence
bun part, segment, share
文明 bunmei civilization
分類 bunrui categorization, sorting​
分析 bunseki analysis
文章 bunshou essay, article, composition
分野 bun’ya field, sphere
ぶらぶら strolling, wandering
無沙汰 busata not writing or contacting for a while
物質 busshitsu material, substance
舞台 butai stage
打つかる butsukaru to strike against, to collide with
物理 butsuri physics
byou second
平等 byoudou equality, evenness
父親 chichioya father
知恵 chie wisdom, wit
違い chigai difference, discrepancy
地平線 chiheisen horizon
地方 chihou district, region, area
地位 chii social position, status
地域 chiiki area, region
知事 chiji prefectural governor
地下 chika basement, cellar
近頃 chikagoro lately, recently
近道 chikamichi short way, shortcut​
力強い chikarazuyoi powerful, strong
遅刻 chikoku lateness, late coming
地区 chiku district, section, sector
地球 chikyuu the earth, the globe
知能 chinou intelligence, brain
知識 chishiki knowledge, information
貯金 chokin savings
直接 chokusetsu direct, immediate
著者 chosha author, writer
頂上 choujou top, summit, peak
長期 chouki long-term
調査 chousa investigation, examination
調子 choushi tone, condition, health
長所 chousho strong point, merit, virtue
朝食 choushoku breakfast
中学 chuugaku middle school
中間 chuukan middle, midway, center
中古 chuuko used, second-hand
注目 chuumoku notice, attention
注文 chuumon order, request
駐車 chuusha parking
中止 chuushi suspension, stoppage
中心 chuushin center, middle, core
中心地 chuushinchi center, metropolis​
昼食 chuushoku lunch, midday meal
中央 chuuou centre, middle
dai cost, price​, generation
大部分 daibubun most part, majority
代表 daihyou representative
代表者 daihyousha representative, delegate​
大臣 daijin cabinet minister
代金 daikin price, payment, cost
代理 dairi representation, agency
大成功 daiseikou huge success​
大小 daishou sizes various, large and small​
大都会 daitokai metropolis, big city​
大統領 daitouryou president, chief executive
黙る damaru to be silent
dan steps, stair, grade, rank
だんだん gradually, little by little
男女 danjo men and women, both genders
男子 danshi youth, young man
団体 dantai organization, association
だるい sluggish, bothersome
出会い deai meeting, encounter
出会う deau to meet by chance
出来事 dekigoto incident, affair
電池 denchi battery, cell​
伝言 dengon verbal message
電球 denkyuu light bulb
電子 denshi electron
電子レンジ denshi renji microwave oven
伝統 dentou tradition, convention
do degree, counter for occurrences​
どきどき to beat fast of one’s heart
doku poison, toxicant
独立 dokuritsu independence
独身 dokushin single, unmarried
読書 dokusho reading
独特 dokutoku peculiarity, uniqueness
doro mud, dirt
努力 doryoku great effort, exertion
同一 douitsu identical, same
当時 touji at that time, in those days
同時 douji simultaneous, concurrent
銅貨 douka copper coin
どうか please, one way or another​
同級生 doukyuusei classmate
道路 douro road, highway
同僚 douryou coworker, colleague
動詞 doushi verb
どうしても by all means, at any cost
道徳 doutoku morals
同様 douyou identical, same
e handle, grip
描く egaku to draw, to paint
笑顔 egao smiling face
永遠 eien eternity
営業 eigyou business, trade
影響 eikyou influence, effect
永久 eikyuu eternity
衛星 eisei satellite
栄養 eiyou nutrition, nourishment
en Japanese money unit
演技 engi acting, performance
援助 enjo assistance, aid
延期 enki postponement
遠足 ensoku excursion, outing, trip​
演奏 ensou musical performance
演説 enzetsu speech, address
得る eru to get, to gain, to acquire
esa feed, bait
不安 fuan anxiety, uneasiness
fuchi rim, edge, brink
普段 fudan usual, habitual
fude writing brush
fue flute, pipe
不平 fuhei complaint, dissatisfaction
夫人 fujin wife, madam
婦人 fujin woman, lady, adult female
不自由 fujiyuu discomfort, inconvenience
不可 fuka wrong, bad, improper
不可能 fukanou impossible
不幸 fukou unhappiness, sorrow
含む fukumu to contain, to comprise
fukuro bag, sack
服装 fukusou garments, attire
不満 fuman dissatisfaction, displeasure
雰囲気 fun’iki atmosphere
ふらふら unsteadily, shakily
触れる fureru to touch, to feel
不利 furi disadvantage, handicap
振る furu to wave, to shake
震える furueru to shiver, to shake
防ぐ fusegu to defend, to protect
不正 fusei injustice, unfairness
fushi joint, knuckle, tune
不思議 fushigi wonder, miracle, strange
不足 fusoku insufficiency
双子 futago twins
沸騰 futtou boiling, becoming heated
夫婦 fuufu married couple, spouses
風景 fuukei scenery, landscape
不要 fuyou unnecessary, unneeded
不用 fuyou disused, unused
不用品 fuyouhin disused article​
gai injury, harm, damage
外国語 gaikokugo foreign language​
外国産 gaikokusan of foreign manufacture​
外交 gaikou diplomacy
外食 gaishoku eating out, dining out​
外出 gaishutsu going out
画家 gaka painter, artist
がっかり gakkari feel disappointed
学期 gakki school term
楽器 gakki musical instrument​
gaku learning, scholarship
学部 gakubu department of a university​
学問 gakumon learning, study
学者 gakusha scholar
学習 gakushuu study, learning
画面 gamen terminal screen
gara pattern, design
芸術 geijutsu art, the arts
外科 geka surgery, department of surgery
geki drama, play
劇場 gekijou theater
現場 genba actual spot, scene
現代 gendai nowadays, modern era
言語 gengo language
現実 genjitsu reality, actuality
現状 genjou present condition
限界 genkai limit, bound
現金 genkin cash, ready money
現象 genshou phenomenon
減少 genshou decrease, decline
現在 genzai now, current
議長 gichou chairman
議員 giin member of the Diet
議会 gikai congress, parliament
疑問 gimon question, doubt
義務 gimu duty, obligation
gin silver
議論 giron argument, discussion
技師 gishi engineer, technician
go language
語学 gogaku language study
豪華 gouka wonderful, gorgeous
誤解 gokai misunderstanding
goku quite, very
gomi rubbish, trash
合格 goukaku passing exam, success
合計 goukei total amount
強盗 goutou robber, mugger
gun army, troop
軍隊 guntai armed forces
ぐっすり gussuri sound sleep
具体 gutai concrete, tangible
偶然 guuzen by chance, unexpectedly
gyaku reverse, opposite
行儀 gyougi manners, behavior
haba width, breadth
省く habuku to omit, to leave out
hada skin
hadaka naked, nude
派手 hade showy, flashy
生える haeru to grow, to spring up
激しい hageshii violent, furious
母親 hahaoya mother
hai ashes
掃く haku to sweep, to brush
歯磨き hamigaki brushing one’s teeth​
配送 haisou delivery
配達 haitatsu delivery, distribution
俳優 haiyuu actor, actress
始まり hajimari origin, beginning
haka grave, tomb
計る hakaru to measure, to weigh
博士 hakase doctorate
発見 hakken discovery, finding
発行 hakkou issue, publishing
履く haku to wear, to put on
吐く haku to vomit, to throw up
博物館 hakubutsukan museum
拍手 hakushu applause
花火 hanabi fireworks
離れる hanareru to be separated
話し合う hanashiau to discuss
話しかける hanashikakeru to start a conversation
離す hanasu to separate, to part
放す hanasu to release, to let go
花束 hanataba bunch of flowers, bouquet​
花屋 hanaya florist, flower shop​
hane feather, down
販売 hanbai sales, selling
判断 handan judgment, decision
範囲 han’i range, scope, extent
反抗 hankou opposition, resistance
犯人 hannin offender, criminal
半年 hantoshi half year​
犯罪 hanzai crime, offense
発表 happyou announcement
hara abdomen, stomach
hara field, plain
hari needle, pin
hasami scissors
破産 hasan bankruptcy
hashi end, edge
発車 hassha departure of a vehicle
発生 hassei outbreak, occurrence
hata flag
hatake field
働き hataraki work, labor
発達 hattatsu development, growth
発展 hatten development, growth
発売 hatsubai sale, launch product​
発明 hatsumei invention
早めに hayame ni ahead of time
外す hazusu to undo, to remove
hei wall, fence
平方メートル heihou meetoru square meter​
平日 heijitsu weekday, ordinary days
平均 heikin average, mean
平和 heiwa peace, harmony
変化 henka change, alteration
変更 henkou change, modification
返却 henkyaku return of something, repayment​
減らす herasu to abate, to decrease
減る heru to decrease, to diminish
hi cost, expense​
冷える hieru to grow cold, to get chilly
被害 higai suffering damage, harm
悲劇 higeki tragedy
批判 hihan criticism, judgment
批評 hihyou criticism, review
非常 hijou emergency, extraordinary
比較 hikaku comparison
引き受ける hikiukeru to undertake, to accept
飛行 hikou aviation, flight
轢く hiku to run over with a vehicle
秘密 himitsu secret, secrecy
himo string, cord
引っ張る hipparu to pull, to draw
広がる hirogaru to spread out, to extend
昼寝 hirune nap afternoon, siesta​
必死 hisshi frantic, desperate
hitai forehead, brow
否定 hitei negation, denial
人々 hitobito people; men and women
人込み hitogomi crowd of people
一言 hitokoto single word, a few words
一人暮らし hitorigurashi living by oneself, living alone​
等しい hitoshii equal
費用 hiyou cost, expense
hiza knee, lap
日付 hizuke date
hobo almost, roughly
歩道 hodou footpath, walkway
吠える hoeru to bark, to howl
微笑む hohoemu to smile
誇り hokori pride, boast
hokori dust
歩行者 hokousha pedestrian, walker​
hone bone
本気 honki seriousness, earnestness, truth
本物 honmono genuine article
本人 honnin the person himself
honoo flame, blaze
本屋 hon’ya bookstore, bookshop​
hoo cheek of face
掘る horu to dig, to excavate
保証 hoshou guarantee, security
干す hosu to dry, to drink up
ほっと with a feeling of relief
保存 hozon preservation, conservation
hou direction, way, side
hou law, act, principle
放題 houdai to one’s heart’s content
豊富 houfu abundance, wealth
方法 houhou method, way, manner
報告 houkoku report, information
方向 houkou direction, way
訪問 houmon call, visit
宝石 houseki gem, jewel
放送 housou broadcast, broadcasting
hyou table, chart, list
評判 hyouban fame, reputation
表現 hyougen expression, representation
表情 hyoujou facial expression
評価 hyouka valuation, estimation
表面 hyoumen surface, face
i stomach
一致 icchi match, agreement
位置 ichi place, position
市場 ichiba market, the market place
一部 ichibu one part, one portion
一度に ichido ni all at once
一時 ichiji time, moment
一応 ichiou just in case​, pretty much
一流 ichiryuu first-class, top grade
偉大 idai greatness
抱く idaku to embrace
移動 idou movement, transfer
衣服 ifuku clothes
意外 igai unexpected, surprising
違反 ihan violence, offense
委員 iin committee member
維持 iji maintenance, preservation
異常 ijou strangeness, abnormality
一家 ikka a house, a home
iki breath
生き物 ikimono living thing, animal
勢い ikioi force, vigor, energy
以降 ikou hereafter, since
居間 ima living room
今に ima ni before long, even now
今にも ima ni mo at any time, soon
ine rice-plant
居眠り inemuri nodding off, dozing
inochi life, life force
飲料 inryou beverage, drink​
印刷 insatsu printing
飲食 inshoku food and drink, eating and drinking​
印象 inshou impression
引退 intai retire
引用 in’you quotation, citation
一般 ippan general, universal
一方 ippou one way, the other way
以来 irai since, henceforth
依頼 irai request, commission
苛々 iraira getting nervous, irritation
衣類 irui clothes, garments​
医療 iryou medical care
医師 ishi doctor, physician
意思 ishi intention, purpose
意志 ishi will, volition
意識 ishiki consciousness
一生 isshou whole life, a lifetime
一種 isshu species, kind
一瞬 isshun instant, moment
一層 issou much more, still more
ita board, plank
痛み itami pain, ache, soreness
痛む itamu to hurt
至る itaru to arrive at, to reach
悪戯 itazura mischief, prank
従兄弟 itoko cousin
一体 ittai what on earth…
いつの間にか itsunomanika before one knows
iwa rock
言わば iwaba so to speak
祝う iwau to congratulate, to celebrate
嫌がる iyagaru to hate, to dislike​
以前 izen ago, since, before
izumi spring, fountain
自動 jidou automatic
自動販売機 jidouhanbaiki vending machine​
自動車 jidousha automobile
事実 jijitsu fact, truth, reality
事情 jijou circumstances
直に jika ni directly, in person
事件 jiken event, affair, accident
時期 jiki time, season, period
実家 jikka one’s parents’ home​
実験 jikken experiment
実行 jikkou execution, practice
時刻 jikoku instant, time, moment
自慢 jiman pride, boast
地面 jimen ground; earth’s surface​
事務 jimu business, office work
事務室 jimushitsu office room​
人物 jinbutsu person, character, figure
人工 jinkou artificial, man-made
人類 jinrui mankind, humanity
jinsei life
人種 jinshu race of people, type of person
時差 jisa time difference​
自殺 jisatsu suicide
自身 jishin by oneself, personally
自信 jishin self-confidence
実際 jissai practical, reality
実施 jisshi enforcement, implementation
実習 jisshuu practice in the field
事態 jitai situation
自宅 jitaku one’s home, one’s house​
実現 jitsugen implementation
実力 jitsuryoku real ability, true strength
実は jitsu wa as a matter of fact
実用 jitsuyou practical use, utility​
徐々 jojo gradually, steadily
女子 joshi woman, girl
助手 joshu helper, assistant
女王 joou queen
丈夫 joubu healthy, robust, strong
冗談 joudan jest, joke
上下 jouge up and down​, top and bottom
上品 jouhin elegant, polished​
情報 jouhou information, news
条件 jouken conditions, terms
上空 joukuu sky, upper air
乗客 joukyaku passenger
上京 joukyou proceeding to the capital Tokyo
状況 joukyou state of affairs
常識 joushiki common sense
状態 joutai condition, situation
上達 joutatsu improvement, advance
上等 joutou superiority, first-class
女優 joyuu actress
受験 juken taking an examination
jun order, turn
順番 junban turn, order of things
順調 junchou favorable, doing well
juu gun, rifle
重大 juudai serious, important
柔道 juudou judo
住民 juumin citizens, inhabitants
重視 juushi importance, stress
渋滞 juutai congestion, stagnation
住宅 juutaku residence, housing
重要 juuyou important, essential
需要 juyou demand, request
kabu stock, share
被る kaburu to put on one’s head
勝ち kachi win, victory
価値 kachi value, worth
替える kaeru to replace, to exchange
kai meeting, assembly
kai counter for occurrences
回復 kaifuku recovery
絵画 kaiga picture, painting
会合 kaigou meeting, assembly
海外 kaigai foreign, abroad
会員 kaiin member
会計 kaikei account, finance
改札 kaisatsu ticket gate, ticket barrier​
解決 kaiketsu settlement, solution
快晴 kaisei clear weather, cloudless weather
会社員 kaishain company employee​
解釈 kaishaku explanation, interpretation
開始 kaishi start, beginning
回収 kaishuu collection, retrieval
回数 kaisuu number of times, frequency
快適 kaiteki pleasant, comfortable
改善 kaizen improvement
化学 kagaku chemistry
輝く kagayaku to shine, to glitter
kage shadow
加減 kagen adjustment, degree, extent
kagi key
限る kagiru to restrict, to limit
kago basket, cage
家具 kagu furniture
家事 kaji housework
抱える kakaeru to hold in the arms
価格 kakaku price, value, cost
かかる to suffer from
関わる kakawaru to be concerned with, to have to do with
欠ける kakeru to be lacking
書き直す kakinaosu to write out, to rewrite
活気 kakki energy, liveliness
過去 kako the past, bygone days
囲む kakomu to surround, to encircle
各地 kakuchi every place, various places​
拡大 kakudai magnification
覚悟 kakugo resolution, readiness
確実 kakujitsu certainty, reliability
確認 kakunin confirmation, verification
隠れる kakureru to hide, to be hidden
隠す kakusu to hide, to conceal
我慢 gaman patience, endurance
構う kamau to mind, to care about
kami God, deity
kami person of high rank, government
kaminari lightning, thunder
髪の毛 kami no ke hair head
科目 kamoku school subject
kan can, tin
kan pipe, tube
kan perception, intuition
看板 kanban signboard, billboard
必ずしも kanarazushimo not always
可也 kanari considerably, fairly
悲しむ kanashimu to be sad, to mourn for
感動 kandou feeling deeply moved emotionally
考え kangae thinking, thought, view
歓迎 kangei welcome, reception
感激 kangeki deep emotion, impression
患者 kanja patient
感じ kanji feeling, sense
感じる kanjiru to feel, to sense
勘定 kanjou calculation, counting
感情 kanjou emotion, feeling
感覚 kankaku sense, sensation, feeling
間隔 kankaku space, interval​
観光 kankou sightseeing
観光客 kankoukyaku tourist
観客 kankyaku audience, spectator
環境 kankyou environment
可能 kanou potential, possible
管理人 kanrinin administrator, manager
観察 kansatsu observation
感謝 kansha thanks, gratitude
感想 kansou impressions, thoughts
乾燥 kansou drying e.g. clothes, dryness
香り kaori fragrance
kara emptiness, vacuum, blank
彼ら karera they usually male
枯れる kareru to wither of a plant
刈る karu to cut hair, to mow grass
火災 kasai conflagration, fire
重ねる kasaneru to pile up, to heap up
稼ぐ kasegu to earn income
完成 kansei complete, completion
貸出 kashidashi lending, loaning
賢い kashikoi wise, clever, smart
感心 kanshin admiration
関心 kanshin concern, interest
関連 kanren relation, connection
管理 kanri control, management
完了 kanryou completion, conclusion
関する kansuru to concern, to be related
監督 kantoku supervision
歌手 kashu singer
kata model, type
kata shoulder
方々 katagata they people, you plural
片方 katahou one of a pair, one side
固まる katamaru to harden, to solidify​
katana sword, katana
語り合う katariau to talk together
語る kataru to talk about
仮定 katei assumption, hypothesis
katsudou action, activity
活用 katsuyou practical use
勝手 katte one’s own convenience, selfish
飼う kau to keep a pet
kawa skin, pelt
kawa leather
可愛らしい kawairashii lovely, sweet
可哀そう kawaisou poor, pitiable
川沿い kawazoi along the river, riverside
完全 kanzen perfection, completeness
飾り kazari decoration
数える kazoeru to count
kazu number
けち stinginess, cheapskate
経営 keiei management
敬意 keii respect, honor
掲示 keiji notice, bulletin
刑事 keji police detective, criminal matter
掲示板 keijiban bulletin board, notice board
景気 keiki business condition
警告 keikoku warning, advice
傾向 keikou tendency, trend
計算 keisan calculation, reckoning
契約 keiyaku contract, agreement
経由 keiyu through, via
結果 kekka result, consequence
欠陥 kekkan defect, fault
結局 kekkyoku after all, eventually
kemuri smoke, fumes
ken ticket, coupon
ken prefecture of Japan
建築 kenchiku construction, architecture
見学 kengaku inspection, field trip
見解 kenkai opinion, point of view
健康 kenkou health
研究者 kenkyuusha researcher
研究所 kenkyuusho research institute, laboratory​
憲法 kenpou constitution
権利 kenri right, privilege
検査 kensa inspection, examination
建設 kensetsu construction
見当 kentou aim, mark, direction
検討 kentou consideration, examination
欠席 kesseki absence
決心 kesshin determination, resolution
化粧 keshou make-up, cosmetics
決定 kettei decision, determination
欠点 ketten weak point, weakness
血圧 ketsuatsu blood pressure​
血液 ketsueki blood
血液型 ketsuekigata blood type
結論 ketsuron conclusion
気に入る ki ni iru to be pleased with
気の毒 ki no doku pitiful, unfortunate
希望 kibou hope, wish
希望者 kibousha applicant, candidate
きちんと kichinto precisely, accurately
貴重 kichou precious, valuable
寄付 kifu contribution, donation
機嫌 kigen humor, temper, mood
期限 kigen time limit, deadline
企業 kigyou enterprise, undertaking
基本 kihon foundation, basis
生地 kiji cloth, fabric
記事 kiji article, news story
機械 kikai machine, mechanism
期間 kikan period, term
機関 kikan engine, agency, organization
帰国 kikoku return to one’s country​
気候 kikou climate
効く kiku to be effective
決まり kimari rule, settlement
気味 kimi sensation, feeling
kin gold
緊張 kinchou tension, nervousness
近代 kindai present day
禁煙 kin’en no smoking
記念品 kinenhin souvenir, memento​
金額 kingaku amount of money
気になる ki ni naru to bother one, to worry about
気にする ki ni suru to mind, to care about
金庫 kinko safe, vault
筋肉 kinniku muscle
金銭 kinsen money, cash
禁止 kinshi prohibition, ban
金属 kinzoku metal
奇妙 kimyou strange, queer
記念 kinen commemoration
機能 kinou function
記入 kinyuu entry, filling in forms
金融 kin’yuu financing, money circulation
記憶 kioku memory, recollection
気温 kion atmospheric temperature
kiri fog, mist
切れ kire piece, slide
切れる kireru to break, to snap
記録 kiroku record, document
記者 kisha reporter
kishi bank, coast, shore
基礎 kiso foundation, basis​
期待 kitai expectation, hope
帰宅 kitaku returning home
kiwa edge, brink, verge
嫌う kirau to hate, to dislike
kizu wound, injury, cut
器用 kiyou dexterous, skillful
気付く kizuku to notice, to realize
こぼす to spill, to drop, to shed
越える koeru to cross over
koi love
濃い koi thick, dense, strong
恋人 koibito lover, sweetheart
恋しい koishii yearned for, missed
個人 kojin individual, personal
国家 kokka state, country, nation
国会 kokkai National Diet, parliament
国境 kokkyou national border
黒板 kokuban blackboard
国語 kokugo national language
克服 kokufuku conquest, overcoming
国民 kokumin national, citizen
穀物 kokumotsu grain, cereal
故郷 kokyou home town, birthplace
呼吸 kokyuu breathing, respiration
小麦 komugi wheat
今後 kongo from now on
今回 konkai now, this time
kona flour, powder
困難 konnan difficulty, distress
今日 konnichi this day, these days, recently
好み konomi liking, taste
好む konomu to like, to prefer
混乱 konran disorder, chaos
婚約 kon’yaku engagement, betrothal
混雑 konzatsu congestion, jam
koori ice
凍る kooru to freeze
転ぶ korobu to fall down
殺す korosu to kill
koshi lower back, waist
骨折 kossetsu bone fracture
異なる kotonaru to differ, to vary
断る kotowaru to refuse, to reject
kotowaza proverb, maxim
好物 koubutsu favourite food​
行動 koudou action, conduct, behavior
講演 kouen lecture, address, speech
幸福 koufuku happiness
攻撃 kougeki attack, strike
公平 kouhei fairness, justice
候補 kouho candidate
後方 kouhou behind, in the rear
工事 kouji construction work​
効果 kouka effect, effectiveness
硬貨 kouka coin
高価 kouka high price
交換 koukan exchange, interchange
光景 koukei scene, spectacle
貢献 kouken contribution
広告 koukoku advertisement
航空 koukuu aviation, flying
公共 koukyou public, community
購入 kounyuu purchase, buy
考慮 kouryo consideration
交流 kouryuu cultural exchange, networking
交際 kousai association, friendship
構成 kousei organization, composition
高速 kousoku high speed
後者 kousha the latter
交通費 koutsuuhi traveling expenses
幸運 kouun good luck, fortune
小屋 koya hut, cabin, shed
小包 kozutsumi parcel, package
配る kubaru to distribute, to hand out
区別 kubetsu distinction, differentiation
工夫 kufuu solving ingeniously​
kumi set, group
組合 kumiai association, union
組み立てる kumitateru to assemble, to set up
kumori cloudiness, cloudy weather
曇る kumoru to get cloudy
組む kumu to link, to put together
訓練 kunren practice, training
kurai rank, class, grade
暮らし kurashi life, living
暮らす kurasu to live
暮れ kure sunset, sundown
繰り返す kurikaesu to repeat
苦労 kurou troubles, hardships
苦しい kurushii painful, difficult
苦しむ kurushimu to suffer
狂う kuruu to go mad
臭い kusai stinking, smelly
kusari chain
腐る kusaru to rot, to go bad
kuse habit
きつい kutsui intense, severe, hard
苦痛 kutsuu pain, agony
加える kuwaeru to add, to sum up
詳しい kuwashii detailed
加わる kuwawaru to be added to
ku sentence, passage
食う kuu to eat
悔しい kuyashii annoying, frustrating
巨大 kyodai huge, gigantic
許可 kyoka permission, approval
kyoku bureau, department
距離 kyori distance, range​
強調 kyouchou emphasis, highlight
共同 kyoudou doing together, joint
恐怖 kyoufu fear, dread, dismay
競技 kyougi game, match
競合 kyougou competition, rivalry
教授 kyouju professor
教科書 kyoukasho textbook
供給 kyoukyuu supply, provision
協力 kyouryoku cooperation
強力 kyouryoku powerful, strong
教師 kyoushi teacher classroom
共通 kyoutsuu commonness, community
共通点 kyoutsuuten point in common, common feature​
kyuu class school, grade, rank
急に kyuu ni swiftly, rapidly
急激 kyuugeki sudden, radical
休日 kyuujitsu holiday, day off​
救助 kyuujo relief, aid
休暇 kyuuka holiday, day off
休憩 kyuukei rest, break, recess
給料 kyuuryou salary, wages
吸収 kyuushuu absorption
急速 kyuusoku rapid progress
眩しい mabushii dazzling, radiant​
間違い machigai mistake, error, blunder
間違う machigau to make a mistake
窓口 madoguchi ticket window, counter
mago grandchild
迷子 maigo lost child, lost person
任せる makaseru to entrust, to leave to
負け make defeat, loss
maku curtain
mame beans
守る mamoru to protect, to guard
学ぶ manabu to study, to learn
真似 mane imitating, copying
招く maneku to invite, to ask
万一 man’ichi by some chance
満点 manten perfect score, full marks​
満足 manzoku satisfaction, contentment
maru circle
真逆 masaka by no means, never
正に masa ni exactly, surely
増す masu to increase, to grow
回り mawari rotation
回す mawasu to turn, to rotate
迷う mayou to lose one’s way
先ず mazu first of all, to start with
混ぜる mazeru to mix, to stir
貧しい mazushii poor
命じる meijiru to order, to command
明確 meikaku clear, precise
命令 meirei order, command
迷惑 meiwaku trouble, bother, annoyance
men face, mask
綿 men cotton
面倒 mendou trouble, care
免許 menkyo license, permit
免許証 menkyoshou license, permit
面接 mensetsu interview e.g. for a job​
meshi cooked rice, meal
目覚まし時計 mezamashidokei alarm clock​
mi body, oneself
mi fruit, nut
身につける mi ni tsukeru to learn; to acquire knowledge​
満ちる michiru to be full
身近 midjika near oneself, close to one
見事 migoto splendid, magnificent
味方 mikata friend, ally
見舞い mimai visiting ill or distressed people
未満 miman less than, insufficient​
見送り miokuri seeing one off
見送る miokuru to see someone off
未来 mirai the future
魅力 miryoku charm, fascination
認める mitomeru to accept, to admit
見つめる mitsumeru to stare at, to gaze at
土産 miyage present, souvenir
miyako capital, metropolis
持上げる mochiageru to elevate, to raise
持ち運び mochihakobi carrying
用いる mochiiru to use, to make use of
持ち物 mochimono personal effects, one’s belongings​
戻す modosu to put back, to give back
燃える moeru to burn, to get fired up
文字 moji letter of alphabet
目標 mokuhyou objective, target
目的 mokuteki goal, purpose, aim
文句 monku complaint, grumbling
mono person
物語 monogatari tale, story
物事 monogoto things, everything
物音 monooto sounds
盛り mori serving, helping
moto origin, source, base
求める motomeru to want, to wish for
最も mottomo most, extremely
毛布 moufu blanket
申し込み moushikomi application, entry
申込書 moushikomisho application form
申し込む moushikomu to apply for
申し訳 moushiwake apology, excuse
模様 moyou pattern, design
夢中 muchuu daze, ecstasy
無駄 muda futility, uselessness
迎え mukae meeting, greeting
向かい mukai facing, opposite
向ける mukeru to turn toward, to point
向く muku to face, to turn toward
剥く muku to peel, to skin
mune chest, breast
無料 muryou free, no charge
無視 mushi disregarding, ignoring
虫歯 mushiba cavity, tooth decay
結ぶ musubu to tie, to bind
myou strange, unusual
na name, given name
nabe saucepan, pot
撫でる naderu to stroke, to caress
長生き nagaiki longevity, long life​
眺め nagame view, scene, prospect
眺める nagameru to view, to gaze at
流れ nagare stream, current, flow
流れる nagareru to stream, to flow
流す nagasu to drain, to shed
慰める nagusameru to comfort, to console
内緒 naisho secrecy, confidentiality
内容 naiyou contents, matter
naka relation, relationship
半ば nakaba middle, half
仲間 nakama fellow, companion
中身 nakami contents, interior
仲直り nakanaori reconciliation, make peace with​
nama raw, uncooked
怠ける namakeru to be idle
nami wave
namida tears
nao straight, ordinary, common
情けない nasakenai miserable, pitiable
納得 nattoku consent, assent
懐かしい natsukashii missed, nostalgic​
nawa rope, cord
悩む nayamu to be worried
nazo riddle, puzzle, mystery
ne root, source, origin
熱中 necchuu going nuts over something
値段 nedan price, cost
願い negai desire, wish
願う negau to desire, to wish
年代 nendai age, era, period
年中 nenjuu whole year, all year round
年間 nenkan years period of
年齢 nenrei age, years
熱帯 nettai tropics
nezumi mouse, rat
似合う niau to suit, to match
日常 nichijou ordinary, everyday
日中 nicchuu daytime, during the day
日時 nichiji date and time​
日夜 nichiya day and night, always, constantly
苦手 nigate poor at, weak in
握る nigiru to grip, to grasp
日本 nihon Japan
日光 nikkou sunlight
にっこり nikkori smile, grin
人間 ningen human being, person
人気 ninki popularity
人数 ninzuu the number of people​
日程 nittei schedule, program
no plain, field
伸ばす nobasu to grow long
述べる noberu to state, to express
伸びる nobiru to stretch, to extend
noki eaves
残り nokori remnant, residue
残す nokosu to leave behind
のんびり nonbiri carefree, at leisure
乗せる noseru to place on
nou talent, gift, function
農業 nougyou agriculture
農家 nouka farmer, farm family
農民 noumin farmers, peasants
能力 nouryoku ability
除く nozoku to exclude, to except
望み nozomi hope, desire, wish
望む nozomu to desire, to wish for
抜ける nukeru to come out, to fall out
抜く nuku to extract, to omit
nuno cloth
入学 nyuugaku matriculation
入院 nyuuin hospitalization
入場 nyuujou entrance, admission
入力 nyuuryoku input, data entry​
入社 nyuusha joining a company
溺れる oboreru to drown
obi obi, kimono sash
落ち着く ochitsuku to calm down, to compose oneself
穏やか odayaka calm, gentle, quiet
終える oeru to finish
老い oi old age, old person
お辞儀 ojigi bow, bowing
oka hill, height
oki open sea
起こる okoru to occur, to happen
oku inner part
贈る okuru to give as a gift
主に omo ni mainly, primarily
思い出 omoide memories
思わず omowazu unintentionally
おむつ diaper, nappy
on favor, debt of gratitude
温暖 ondan warm, mild
温度 ondo temperature
oni demon
温泉 onsen hot spring​
追い付く oitsuku to catch up with
大雨 ooame heavy rain​
大型 oogata large, larged-size
大いに ooi ni very, much, greatly
覆う oou to cover, to conceal
大家 ooya landlord, landlady
大雪 ooyuki heavy snow​
下す orosu to lower, to drop
降ろす orosu to take down, to unload
収める osameru to dedicate, to supply
幼い osanai very young, childish
抑える osaeru to restrain, to control
汚染 osen pollution, contamination
お喋り oshaberi chattering, talk
おしまい the end, closing
おすすめ recommendation, suggestion
劣る otoru to be inferior to
恐らく osoraku perhaps, likely
恐れる osoreru to fear, to be afraid of
恐ろしい osoroshii terrible, dreadful
お互い otagai mutual
おとなしい obedient, docile, quiet​
追う ou to chase, to run after
応募 oubo application, enlistment
応援 ouen aid, assistance, help
往復 oufuku making a round trip
王/王様 ou/ousama king, ruler
横断 oudan crossing, traverse
王子 ouji prince
応じる oujiru to respond, to comply
応用 ouyou putting to practical use​
owari the end
及ぼす oyobosu to exert, to cause
泳ぎ oyogi swimming
凡そ oyoso about, roughly
ぺらぺら fluently
ぴったり pittari exactly, tightly
raku comfort, ease
rei example, case
礼儀 reigi manners, courtesy
冷静 reisei calm, composure
連絡先 renrakusaki contact address​
練習 renshuu practice, practicing
連想 rensou association of ideas
連続 renzoku serial, consecutive
列車 ressha train ordinary
retsu queue, line
利益 rieki profit, gains
理解 rikai understanding, comprehension
離婚 rikon divorce
利口 rikou clever, intelligent
立派 rippa splendid, fine
理想 risou ideal
ritsu rate, ratio
利用者 riyousha user, consumer​
論文 ronbun thesis, essay
論じる ronjiru to argue, to debate
論争 ronsou controversy, dispute
労働 roudou manual labor, work
老人 roujin the aged, old person
ryou quantity, amount
両替 ryougae change, money exchange
料金 ryoukin fee, charge, fare
領収書 ryoushuusho hand-written receipt​
留学 ryuugaku studying abroad
流行 ryuukou fashion, vogue
sa difference, variation
砂漠 sabaku desert
差別 sabetsu discrimination
作業 sagyou work, operation
作法 sahou manners, etiquette
裁判 saiban trial, judgement
最上 saijou best
参加者 sankasha participant, entrant​
最高 saikou highest, supreme
才能 sainou talent, ability
最終 saishuu last, final
最低 saitei least, lowest, worst
幸い saiwai happiness, luckily
sakai border, boundery
逆らう sakarau to go against, to oppose
盛り sakari peak, height
叫ぶ sakebu to shout, to cry
避ける sakeru to avoid, to ward off
作家 sakka author, writer
作曲 sakkyoku composition
作品 sakuhin work, production
作物 sakumotsu produce, crops
sakura cherry blossom
覚ます samasu to awaken
覚める sameru to wake up
様々 samazama varied, various
参加 sanka participation
参考 sankou reference, consultation
賛成 sansei approval, agreement
酸素 sanso oxygen
さっぱり sappari feeling refreshed
更に sara ni furthermore, again
去る saru to leave, to go away
saru monkey
支える sasaeru to support, to prop
誘う sasou to invite, to call for
指す sasu to point, to indicate
さっそく at once, immediately
sate well, now, then
satsu note, paper money
騒ぎ sawagi uproar, disturbance
左右 sayuu left and right, control
sei true, regular
sei gender
所為 sei consequence, result, blame
sei -made, make​
性別 seibetsu gender
生物 seibutsu living things
成長 seichou growth, grow to adulthood
制度 seido system, institution
政府 seifu government, administration
制服 seifuku uniform
制限 seigen restriction, restraint
製品 seihin manufactured goods
政治家 seijika politician, statesman​
成人 seijin adult
正常 seijou normalcy, normality
正解 seikai correct, right
性格 seikaku character, personality
正確 seikaku accurate, punctual
清潔 seiketsu clean, sanitary
世紀 seiki century, era
成功 seikou success, hit
請求 seikyuu claim, demand, charge
生命 seimei life, existence
青年 seinen youth, young man
整理 seiri sorting, arrangement
生産 seisan production, manufacture
成績 seiseki results, grade
正式 seishiki official, formality
精神 seishin spirit, heart, mind
精々 seizei at the most, at best
製造 seizou manufacture, production
世間 seken world, society
seki cough
責任 sekinin duty, responsibility
石炭 sekitan coal
石油 sekiyu oil, petroleum
せっかく with trouble, at great pains
設計 sekkei plan, design, layout
積極的 sekkyokuteki assertive, positive
責める semeru to blame, to condemn
宣伝 senden publicity, advertisement
先日 senjitsu the other day
専攻 senkou major subject
専門 senmon specialty, area of expertise​
専門家 senmonka specialist, expert
選手 senshu player, team member
選択 sentaku selection, choice
setsu theory
設備 setsubi equipment, device
説明会 setsumeikai information session, briefing
節約 setsuyaku economizing, saving
喋る shaberu to talk, to chat
車道 shadou roadway
社員 shain company employee​
借金 shakkin debt, loan, liabilities
shi poem
幸せ shiawase happiness, good fortune
芝居 shibai play, drama
芝生 shibafu lawn
縛る shibaru to tie, to bind, to fasten​
屡々 shibashiba often, again and again
死亡 shibou death, mortality
次第に shidai ni gradually, in sequence
指導 shidou leadership, guidance
指導者 shidousha leader, guide
刺激 shigeki stimulus, impetus
資源 shigen resources
支配 shihai domination, rule
支払い shiharai payment
支払う shiharau to pay
始発 shihatsu first train, first bus
資本 shihon funds, capital
詩人 shijin poet
然も shika mo moreover, furthermore
shiki equation, ceremony, style
頻りに shikiri ni frequently, repeatedly
湿気 shikke moisture, humidity, dampness​
支給 shikyuu provision, supply
姉妹 shimai sisters
仕舞う shimau to finish, to stop
締め切り shimekiri deadline, closing
占める shimeru to occupy, to hold
締める shimeru to tie, to fasten, to tighten
示す shimesu to show, to indicate
shimo frost
shina article, item, goods
身長 shinchou height of body, stature
慎重 shinchou careful, cautious, prudent
進学 shingaku entering a higher-level school
信号 shingou signal, traffic light
信じる shinjiru to believe, to trust
新幹線 shinkansen Shinkansen, bullet train​
神経 shinkei nerve, sensitivity
真剣 shinken seriousness, earnestness
深刻 shinkoku serious, severe
信仰 shinkou faith, belief
信念 shinnen belief, faith, conviction
新入生 shinnyuusei new student, freshman
審判 shinpan refereeing, trial
進歩 shinpo progress, advance
信頼 shinrai reliance, trust
心理 shinri state of mind, mentality
森林 shinrin forest, woods​
診察 shinsatsu medical examination
親戚 shinseki relative, relation
新鮮 shinsen fresh
信用 shin’you confidence, credit
親友 shin’yuu close friend
心臓 shinzou heart, guts, nerve
調べ物 shirabemono matter to be checked or investigated​
知らせ shirase news, notice
shiri buttocks, bottom
知り合い shiriai acquaintance
知り合う shiriau to get to know someone
shiro castle
shirushi seal, stamp, mark
資料 shiryou materials, data, document​
姿勢 shisei posture, attitude
試食 shishoku sampling food​
支出 shishutsu expenditure
思想 shisou thought, idea
shita tongue
従う shitagau to abide by the rules
親しい shitashii intimate, close
指定 shitei assignment, appointment
支店 shiten branch office
shitsu quality, value
失望 shitsubou disappointment, despair
湿度 shitsudo level of humidity​
失業 shitsugyou unemployment
しつこい obstinate, persistent
室内 shitsunai indoor, inside the room​
市役所 shiyakusho municipal office, city hall​
使用 shiyou use, application
自然 shizen nature, natural
沈む shizumu to sink, to go under
食器 shokki tableware
shoku job, work, employment
職場 shokuba place of work, workplace
植物 shokubutsu plant, vegetation
職業 shokugyou occupation, business
食品 shokuhin food, foodstuff
食物 shokumotsu food, foodstuff
食卓 shokutaku dining table
食欲 shokuyoku appetite for food
食料 shokuryou food
食糧 shokuryou provisions, food supply
署名 shomei signature
書物 shomotsu books
処理 shori processing, dealing with
書類 shorui documents, official papers
書斎 shosai study, library
shou chapter, section
shou prize, award
商売 shoubai trade, business
消防 shoubou fire fighting
承知 shouchi knowledge, awareness
障害 shougai obstacle, impediment
奨学金 shougakukin scholarship
小学生 shougakusei primary school student
正午 shougo noon, midday
消費 shouhi consumption, expenditure
商品 shouhin commodity, goods
正直 shoujiki honesty, integrity
生じる shoujiru to produce, to yield
少女 shoujo little girl, young lady
症状 shoujou symptoms, condition
証明 shoumei proof, verification
少年 shounen boy, juvenile
商人 shounin trader, merchant
承認 shounin recognition, acknowledgement
小説家 shousetsuka novelist, fiction writer​
少々 shoushou just a minute
衝突 shoutotsu collision, crash
出張 shucchou official tour, business trip
主張 shuchou claim, insistence
手段 shudan means, way, measure
主婦 shufu housewife, mistress
主義 shugi principle, rule, doctrine
手術 shujutsu surgical operation
瞬間 shunkan moment, instant, second
出勤 shukkin going to work, leaving for work
縮小 shukushou reduction, curtailment​
種類 shurui variety, kind, type
首相 shushou Prime Minister
首都 shuto capital city
宿泊 shukuhaku lodging
出版 shuppan publication
主要 shuyou chief, main, principle
出身 shusshin person’s origin
集中 shuuchuu concentration
集団 shuudan group, mass
集合 shuugou gathering, assembly, meeting​
周囲 shuui surroundings, environs
収穫 shuukaku harvest, crop
週間 shuukan week
週刊 shuukan weekly publication​
宗教 shuukyou religion
週末 shuumatsu weekend
収入 shuunyuu income, revenue
修理 shuuri repairing, mending
終了 shuuryou end, close, termination​
修正 shuusei amendment, correction
就職 shuushoku finding employment
終点 shuuten terminus, last stop e.g. train​
育つ sodatsu to be raised
sode sleeve
祖父母 sofubo grandparents
soko bottom, sole
速度 sokudo speed, velocity
そっくり sokkuri all, together, just like
粗末 somatsu rude, rough, plain
son loss, disadvantage
備える sonaeru to furnish, to provide for
尊重 sonchou respect, esteem
損害 songai damage, injury, loss
尊敬 sonkei respect, esteem
存在 sonzai existence, being
夫々 sorezore each, respectively​
注ぐ sosogu to pour into, to fill
組織 soshiki organization
装置 souchi equipment, installation
早朝 souchou early morning
掃除機 soujiki vacuum cleaner​
騒音 souon noise
操作 sousa operation, management
早退 soutai leaving early​
相当 soutou considerable, suitable
相続 souzoku succession, inheritance
想像 souzou imagination, guess
そっと secretly, gently
su nest, hive
全て subete everything, all
sue tip, top, end, close
姿 sugata figure, form, shape
suji muscle
過ごす sugosu to pass time
優れる sugureru to surpass, to excel
水準 suijun level, standard
睡眠 suimin sleep
推薦 suisen recommendation, referral
救う sukuu to rescue from
済ませる sumaseru to finish
鋭い surudoi sharp, pointed
進める susumeru to advance, to promote
勧める susumeru to recommend
素敵 suteki lovely, beautiful
数字 suuji numeral, figure, digit
taba bundle, bunch
tabi travel, trip, journey
度々 tabitabi often, again and again
多分 tabun perhaps, probably
立場 tachiba standpoint, position
立上る tachiagaru to stand up
tada ordinary, free of charge
直ちに tadachi ni at once, immediately
互い tagai mutual, reciprocal
態度 taido attitude, manner
大半 taihan majority, more than half
逮捕 taiho arrest, apprehension
体育 taiiku physical education
体育館 taiikukan gymnasium
体重 taijuu body weight​
大会 taikai convention, tournament
大気 taiki atmosphere
退屈 taikutsu tedium, boredom
体温 taion body temperature
平ら taira flatness, level
大陸 tairiku continent
体力 tairyoku physical strength, stamina
大量 tairyou large quantity, mass
大戦 taisen great war, great battle
大使 taishi ambassador
大した taishita considerable, great
対象 taishou target, object
体操 taisou gymnastics, physical exercises
対する tai suru to face each other
大抵 taitei mostly, usually
太陽 taiyou sun, solar
滞在 taizai staying, sojourn
takara treasure
tama ball, sphere, globe, bullet
貯まる tamaru to be saved up of money​
偶々 tamatama casually, unexpectedly
貯める tameru to save up money
試し tameshi trial, test
試す tamesu to try out, to test
tane seed, kind, variety
単語 tango word, vocabulary
tani valley
単位 tan’i unit, denomination
短気 tanki quick temper, short temper​
他人 ta’nin another person, others
単なる tannaru mere, simple, sheer
単に tan ni simply, merely
誕生 tanjou birth, creation
単純 tanjun simplicity, simple
楽しむ tanoshimu to enjoy oneself​
担当 tantou being in charge
倒す taosu to bring down
確かめる tashikameru to ascertain, to check
多少 tashou more or less, somewhat
達する tassuru to reach, to get to
助ける tasukeru to save, to rescue
戦い tatakai battle, fight
戦う tatakau to fight, to struggle
叩く tataku to strike, to beat
tate the vertical, height
立て直す tatenaosu to restore, to revive
経つ tatsu to pass, to lapse
便り tayori news, tidings
頼る tayoru to rely on
提案 teian proposal, suggestion
停電 teiden power outage, blackout
程度 teido degree, amount
定期 teiki fixed period, fixed term
抵抗 teikou resistance, opposition
停留所 teiryuujou bus stop, tram stop
停車 teisha stopping of a train, car, etc.
定食 teishoku set meal
提出 teishutsu to present, to submit
手品 tejina sleight of hand, magic
teki opponent, rival
適する teki suru to fit, to suit
適度 tekido moderate
適切 tekisetsu adequate, appropriate
適用 tekiyou applying, adoption
手間 tema time, labor
典型 tenkei pattern, model
天候 tenkou weather
店内 tennai store interior​
天然 tennen nature, spontaneity
徹底 tettei thoroughness, completeness
tetsu iron
手伝い tetsudai assistant, help
鉄道 tetsudou railroad, railway
哲学 tetsugaku philosophy
徹夜 tetsuya all night
飛ばす tobasu to fly, to skip over
土地 tochi plot of land, soil
届く todoku to reach, to be delivered
徒歩 toho walking, going on foot​
問い toi question, query
閉じる tojiru to close book, eyes
都会 tokai city
解ける tokeru to be solved, to loosen
toki time, hour, moment, occasion
解く toku to untie, to solve
特徴 tokuchou feature, trait
得意 tokui one’s strong point, frequent customer
留める tomaru to stop, to turn off
tomo friend, companion
兎に角 tonikaku anyhow, at any rate
とんでも無い tondemonai unthinkable
通り toori avenue, street
通り過ぎる toorisugiru to pass through
通す toosu to force through, to let pass
tora tiger
取れる toreru to come off, to be removed
取上げる toriageru to take up, to pick up
都市 toshi town, city
年月 toshitsuki months and years
年寄 toshiyori old people, the aged
図書 tosho books
突然 totsuzen abrupt, sudden
tou party political
tou tower, pagoda
答案 touan examination paper
到着 touchaku arrival
投票 touhyou voting, poll
当日 toujitsu appointed day, very day​
当然 touzen natural
登山 tozan mountain climbing
tsubasa wing
tsuchi earth, soil, dirt
次々 tsugitsugi in succession, one by one
遂に tsui ni finally, at last
捕まる tsukamaru to be caught
掴む tsukamu to seize, to catch
疲れ tsukare tiredness, fatigue
付合い tsukiai association, socializing
付き合う tsukiau to associate with, to go out with
就く tsuku to take seat, position
詰める tsumeru to stuff into, to jam
tsumi crime, sin, wrongdoing
積もる tsumoru to pile up, to accumulate
繋ぐ tsunagu to connect, to link together
常に tsune ni always, constantly
tsuno horn
辛い tsurai painful, bitter
連れ tsure companion, company
tsuri fishing, angling
伝わる tsutawaru to be transmitted
勤め tsutome service, duty, business
包み tsutsumi bundle, package, parcel
通知 tsuuchi notice, notification
通学 tsuugaku commuting to school
通じる tsuujiru to lead to, to be understood
通過 tsuuka passage through
通勤 tsuukin commuting to work​
通行 tsuukou passage, passing
通信 tsuushin correspondence, communication
通訳 tsuuyaku interpretation
梅雨 tsuyu rainy season
続き tsuzuki sequel, continuation
奪う ubau to snatch away
宇宙 uchuu universe, cosmos
動かす ugokasu to move, to shift
伺う ukagau to ask, to inquire
受け取る uketoru to receive, to get
うっかり carelessly, thoughtlessly
浮く uku to float​
uma horse
生まれ umare birth, birthplace
ume plum, plum tree
埋める umeru to bury, to fill up
生む to give birth, to produce
un fortune, luck
唸る unaru to groan, to moan
運動会 undoukai athletic meet, sports day​
裏側 uragawa the reverse, other side
羨ましい urayamashii envious, jealous
裏切る uragiru to betray
売れる ureru to sell well
売り切れる urikireru to be sold out​
usagi rabbit, hare
ushi cattle, cow
失う ushinau to lose
疑う utagau to doubt, to distrust
撃つ utsu to shoot, to attack
移す utsusu to transfer, to move
訴える uttaeru to appeal, to sue
uwasa rumor, gossip
wa ring, circle, loop
話題 wadai topic, subject
我が家 wagaya one’s house, one’s home
若者 wakamono young people
別れ wakare parting, separation
wake reason, cause, meaning
分ける wakeru to divide
waki beside, close to, nearby
wan bay, gulf
笑い warai laugh, laughter
我々 wareware we
wari rate, ratio, proportion
割引 waribiki discount, reduction
割る waru to divide, to cut
悪口 warukuchi bad mouth, insult
僅か wazuka only, merely
破る yaburu to tear, to break
家賃 yachin rent
宿 yado inn, lodging
矢張り yahari as expected
夜間 yakan night, nighttime​
厄介 yakkai trouble, nuisance
yaku use, service, role
yaku approximately, about
役立つ yakudatsu to be useful, to be helpful
役割 yakuwari part, role, duties
野球 yakyuu baseball
山登り yamanobori mountain climbing
辞める yameru to retire, to resign
屋根 yane roof
やり直す yarinaosu to do over again, to redo
雇う yatou to employ, to hire
夜明け yoake dawn, daybreak
予防 yobou prevention, precaution
余分 yobun extra, excess
汚れ yogore dirt, filth, stain
予報 yohou forecast, prediction
予期 yoki expectation, forecast
横切る yokogiru to cross, to traverse
yoko horizontal, beside
翌朝 yokuasa next morning​
翌年 yokutoshi following year​
yome wife, bride
読み yomi reading
夜中 yonaka midnight, dead of night
世の中 yo no naka world, society
喜び yorokobi joy, delight
予算 yosan estimate, budget
予測 yosoku prediction, estimation
予想 yosou expectation, prediction
予想外 yosougai unexpected, unforeseen
止す yosu to cease, to desist
酔う you to get drunk
容易 youi easy, simple, plain
容器 youki container, vessel
用心 youjin care, precaution
陽気 youki weather, cheerful
要求 youkyuu demand, firm request
用紙 youshi blank form​
要素 youso element, factor, component
様子 yousu state, appearance
要点 youten gist, main point
ようやく finally, at last
余裕 yoyuu surplus, margin
唯一 yuiitsu only, sole, unique
ゆるい loose
yuka floor
愉快 yukai pleasant, happy
行き yuki bound for, going to
行き先 yukisaki destination, whereabouts
許す yurusu to permit, to allow
豊か yutaka abundant, wealthy
郵便 yuubin mail service
遊園地 yuuenchi amusement park
夕方 yuugata evening, dusk​
友人 yuujin friend
友情 yuujou friendship, fellowship
勇気 yuuki courage, bravery
有効 yuukou validity, effectiveness
友好 yuukou friendship
有能 yuunou capable, efficient
有利 yuuri advantageous, profitable
有料 yuuryou fee-charging, paid
優勝 yuushou championship, overall victory
優秀 yuushuu superiority, excellence
郵送 yuusou mailing, posting​
譲る yuzuru to hand over, to surrender
yaya a little, partially
材料 zairyou ingredients, material
財産 zaisan property, fortune, assets
残業 zangyou overtime work​
座席 zaseki seat
ざっと zatto roughly, in rough number
是非 zehi certainly, without fail
税金 zeikin tax, duty
贅沢 zeitaku luxury, extravagance
zen good, goodness, virtue
前後 zengo before and after​, front and rear
全員 zen’in all members, everyone
前日 zenjitsu previous day, day before
全国 zenkoku countrywide, nationwide
前者 zensha the former
前進 zenshin advance, drive, progress
全身 zenshin whole body, full-length
全体 zentai whole, entirety
絶対 zettai absolutely
絶滅 zetsumetsu destruction, exinction
zou elephant
増加 zouka increase
zu drawing, picture, diagram
随分 zuibun very, extremely
ずっと zutto continuously in some state
頭痛 zutsuu headache
Created by: Hykf
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