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Biology (spring)

allows for genetic variation crossing over
change in dna sequence is called mutation
genes contain the instructions for assebling proteins
photosynthetic algae serve as producers
term that describes small genetic change microevolution
animals that eat both producers and consumers omnivores
dna molecule produce by combining dna from different sources recombinant dna
competitive exclusion is the result of competition
what is not recycled in the ecosystem energy
the original source of most energy in the ecosystem is the sun
what has become the most important evironmental chance on Earth? human activity
In taxonomy a group is called a taxon
most sex linked genes are located on the x chromosome
Why are fossil fuels not renewable they take hundreds of millions of years to form
when an organism moves out of the population emigration
colorblindness is more common in males then in females because it is located on teh x sex chromosome and men only have one x sex chromosome
What is not part of Darwin's theory inheritance of acquired traits
dna deoxyribose, phosphate, nitrogen base (a,t,c,g)
nitrogen fixation primarily is carried out by bacteria
change in a population over successive generations is called evolution
three types of rna mRNA, tRNA, rRNA
natural selection acts directly on phenotype
one species benefits and the other is harmed predation or parasitism
X and Y are called sex chromosomes
when a farmer breed his/her best lifestock natural selection
in general how much more concentrated do toxin become as they move up a trophic level? 10x
Human females produce eggs that have x chromosomes
Lack of an abiotic or biotic resource in the environment, which causes a population size to decrease is called a limiting factor
CO2 is released by burning fossil fuels
shift in allele frequency towards extremes of a range disruptive selection
several classes make up phylum
normal human karyotype 46 chromosomes
organisms that live in the same tree can do so because they occupy different niches
organism that break down dead organisms decomposers
in genetic drift change occurs as a result of chance
a man with a blood, and a women with b blood can produce offspring that have a,b,ab,o
organism that feeds on plants are called herbivores
the total frequency of alleles in a population, for one trait is 100%
variation in human skin is an example polygenic
failure of chromosomes to seperate during meiosis nondisjunction
using renewable resource while ensuring they are not depleted sustainable development
ability for an organism to survive fitness
shape of a dna molecule double helix
situation in which the allele frequency remain constant genetic equilibrium
dna fingerprinting is based on the fact that people have different dna (except identical twins)
genetic drift works on populations that are small
in human males have x and y chromosomes
two species cannot occupy the same niche because of competitive exclusion principle
an endangered species is in danger of going extinct
Created by: cgiboney



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