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special senses

descriptions and definitions

Primary Function of the special senses Receptor organs for the sense of sight
Conjunctiva clear membrane that lines the anterior eyeball and eyelids
Sclera white part of the eye that maintains the eye shape and protects the inner tissues
Cornea transparent layer over the iris & pupil
Choroid blood-rich layer under the sclera
Pupil black circular opening that allows light in
Iris colored muscular layer that surrounds the pupil
Ciliary body muscles and ligaments that adjust the eye shape for focusing on objects
Aqueous humor anterior chamber fluid that gives the eyeball shape & provides nutrients to lens and cornea
Fovea Centralis area of sharpest visual acuity
Lacrimal Apparatus tear apparatus
Lacrimal glands secrete tears
Ciliary glands tiny sweat glands that secrete a protective lubricant onto the eyeball
Lacrimal canaliculi ducts on the inner corner of the eyes that collect tears and drain them
Lacrimal sac (tear sac) stores tears before they are drained by the lacrimal duct
Lacrimal duct passageway that drains tears into the nose
Vitreous Humor clear gel-like fluid in posterior chamber of the eyeball that keeps retina in place
Retina thin layer of tissue in posterior eye that converts light to neural signals as vision
Photoreceptors light sensitive cells that receive images and convert them to nerve impulses
Rods allow us to see in dim vision (black & white receptors)
Cones color receptors
Macula area with large amount of cones for high acuity vision
Optic Nerve (2nd cranial nerve): transports impulses from retina to brain
Optic disk blind spot
Primary Functions of the Ear receptor organs for the sense of hearing,; help to maintain balance
Functions of the three areas of the ear Outer (External): - hearing • Middle (Tympanic Cavity): hearing • Inner (Internal): hearing and equilibrium
Primary Function of the Outer Ear Transmits sound waves to the middle ear
Primary Structures – Auricle (Pinna): shell-shaped structure of outer ear – Auditory Canal (External acoustic meatus): canal that leads to tympanic membrane – Cerumen: earwax
Auditory Ossicles 3 small bones in the tympanic cavity • Malleus (hammer) • Incus (anvil) • Stapes (stirrup) *These bones together transmit vibrations of the eardrum to the fluids of the inner ear
Tympanic membrane (eardrum)transmits sound via waves of vibration
Eustachian Tubes (auditory tube) that equalizes pressure
Labrinth contains structures that control balance
Vestibulocochlear nerve auditory nerve
Coclea snail like structure that contains fluids that carry sound vibrations
Olfactory Nerve first cranial nerve
Olfactory Receptor Cells react to odors
Tongue Functions deglutition, gustatory sense (taste), & mastication
Papillae raised areas that contain taste buds
Taste buds tiny areas that distinguish different tastes
How many taste buds are you born with? 10,000
Skin sense of touch, pain, pressure, & temperature
Touch receptors epidermis
Pressure receptors deeper in dermis
Pain receptors located beneath epidermis near hair follicles
Skin on hands, lips, and fingertips are the MOST sensitive areas fact
Astigmatism abnormal curvature of the cornea
Hyperopia farsightedness (up close images appear blurry)
Myopia (nearsightedness) distant images appear blurry
Presbyopia farsightedness caused by decreased elasticity in the lens from aging
Conductive deafness inadequate sound-wave conduction
Nerve deafness results from damage to cochlea or auditory nerve (sensorineural hearing loss)
Impacted Cerumen heavy accumulation of earwax that could lead to infection or hearing loss
Meniere’s Disease inner ear disturbance causing dizziness and spinning (vertigo)
Tinnitus ringing in the ears
Ishihara Color Vision Test detects color blindness
Visual Acuity Test uses a Snellen chart to detect myopia and hyperopia
Visual Field Test measurement of what can be seen in a certain area when eyes are looking straight ahead without moving head
Audiometry testing to measure the ability to hear different sounds (process of measuring hearing
LASIK (laser in situ keratotomy) uses UV laser to correct refractive conditions
Enucleation surgical removal of eyeball
Phacoemulsification lens is broken up with ultrasonic vibrations then suctioned out (usually due to cataracts and to prepare for an artificial lens)
Precision Nerve Exams tests for 5 different responses to evaluate the nervous system for a disorder
Extinction touch of different areas and patient has to identify sites with eyes closed
Graphesthesia pt must identify letter/number written on hand (eyes closed)
Pain & light-touch sensation identifying sharp or dull objects placed upon skin while eyes closed lying supine
Position sense identify if big toe moved up or down
Stereognosis pt has to identify object placed in hand with eyes closed
Created by: SiriP
Popular Medical sets




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