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Med term ch 3-9

Endocrine and nervous system main controlling systems in the body
Endocrine (endocrine/o) system is a group of glands that secrete hormones that regulate functions of the body
Hormones released have specific tissues that they target
are the endocrine glands ductless yes
Target tissues have receptors that are specific to certain hormones
Even in small amounts Hormones are potent
Some target tissues include Growth, reproduction, metabolism, and behavior.
Steroid hormones Made from lipids (lip/o); produced by gonads (sex glands), and adrenal glands (on top of the kidney) (adrenal/o)
Amino acid hormones made from proteins; is made from all other glands
Pituitary gland Connected to the hypothalamus (the part of the brain that maintains homeostasis in the body); Hypothalamus is connected to both lobes and controls two lobes posterior and anterior pituitary.
Posterior Pituitary Releases 2 hormones; Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)- has action on the kidneys and constricting blood vessels to increase blood pressure; Oxytocin- stimulates urine, contractions, and lactation.
Anterior Pituitary Produces 6 hormones; One is somatropin (stimulates bone growth and other tissues) (somat/o- body) (Tropin- acting on another gland); The other hormones regulate other glands (thyroid, adrenal glands, gonads, and mammary glands)
Growth hormone promotes tissue growth
Thyroid stimulating hormone TSH stimulates thyroid gland to produce
Adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulates adrenal cortex to make cortisol (stress hormone) to help with injury and pain
Follicle-stimulating hormone stimulates ovaries to develop and make follicle; stimulates teste growth and promote sperm development
Luteinizing hormone helps develop corpus luteum in ruptured ovarian follicle; stimulates testosterone in males
Prolactin stimulates milk secretion in mammary glands
Excess GH (children gigantism, adults acromegaly-enlargement of hands, feet, and facial features. Cause, usually tumor) (adenoma, aden/o- gland) ( oma-tumor)
Low GH failure to grow (dwarfism), decreased bone density
High TSH trying to stimulate more from thyroid because hypothyroid is occuring
Low TSH too much thyroid function
Cushing disease excess cortisol cause by pituitary tumor that increased ACTH production. Will have moon shaped face, fluid retention, increased hair growth
Addisons disease adrenal cortex damage or pituitary malfunction causing a decrease in ACTH, which decreases cortisol and cause hypotension, hypoglycemia, and hyperkalemia.
Excess LH could mean menopause or polycystic ovary syndrome
Decreased LH lacking nutrition, pituitary issues, increased stress
Excess prolactin decreased estrogen and testosterone
Decreased prolactin poor milk production postpartum
Graves disease symptoms most common cause of hyperthyroidism; rapid heartbeat (palpitations), increased appetite, weight loss, feeling shaky and/or nervous, diarrhea and/or more frequent bowel movements
Goiter Iodine deficiency- drops hormone production. In an attempt to increase production, thyroid enlarges
Hashimoto's disease autoimmune disorder that inflames the thyroid gland causing a decrease in hormones (hypothyroid). In attempt to increase production, thyroid enlarges.
Graves disease autoimmune disorder that produces a protein that mimics TSH. This causes the thyroid to increase in size from increased stimulation.
Antidiuretic hormone promotes water absorption by the kidneys and causes blood vessels to constrict
Oxytocin causes uterine contractions and milk ejection for the mammary glands
Excess ADH serum of inappropriate diuretic hormone
Decreased ADH diabetes insipidus
Excess oxytocin can cause uterine muscle to be too thick to allow pregnancy
Decreased oxytocin can stop labor, and cause hemorrhage after birth.
Cushing disease excess cortisol caused by an pituitary tumor that increased ACTH production. Will have moon shaped face, fluid retention, increased hair growth, obesity, thin extremities, bruise easily.
Infectious pathogens (microorganisms and other parasites)
Degenerative wear, tear, structural problems, break downs
Immune disorders failure of the immune system, allergies, autoimmune disorders
metabolic disorders lack of enzymes or components for cellular function. Not taking in or absorbing nutrients
Hormonal disorders under or over production of hormones that don't function properly
Mental and emotional Affect the mind and adaptation of an individual to their environment.
Inflammation Injured cells release chemicals that allow blood cells and fluids to move into the tissue. This causes heat, pain, redness, and swelling; Suffix- itis
Phagocytosis The method the body uses to get rid of invaders, damaged cells and other debris; the end product is pus.
Immunity This is all of our defenses against infectious disease. Innate- inflammation and phagocytosis. Mechanical barriers- skin, body secretions. Adaptive immunity- develop from exposure.
Inspection visual exam
Auscultation Listening to body sounds with a stethoscope
Palpitation Touching the surface of the body with hands or fingers
Percussion Tapping the body to evaluate by sound
Radiography X rays
Ultrasonography Visual image that comes echoes of high-frequency sound waves
Fluoroscopy Uses X rays to examine deep structures using the shadows cast by X rays on a fluorescent screen.
CT Computed tomography. Uses a large number of X rays passed through the body at different angles to create a 3D image in cross section layers
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging- uses magnetic field and radio waves to see the characteristics of soft tissue based of difference in their molecular properties
PET positron emission tomography- can measure metabolic activity of an organ. Uses something simple like glucose and adds a positron-emitting isotope that can be seen by the scanner as it is metabolized
Acute sudden, severe; having a short course
benign Not a recurrent or malignant, favorable for recovery, describing a tumor that does not spread to other tissues
carcinoma A malignant neoplasm composed of epithelial cells
chronic of long duration, progressing slowly
cyst an abnormal filled sac or pouch; used as a root meaning a normal bladder or sac, such as the urinary bladder or gallbladder
edema accumulation of fluid in the tissues, swelling; adjective: edematous
etiology the cause of a disease
hernia protrusion of an organ through an abnormal opening; commonly called rupture
lesion a distant area of damage tissue, an injury or wound
malignant growing worse, harmful, tending to cause death, describing an invasive tumor that can spread to other tissues
metastasis spread from one part of the body to another, characteristic of cancer; verb is metastasize, adjective: metastatic
microorganism an organism too small to be seen without the aid of a microscope
necrosis death of tissue
neoplasia an abnormal and uncontrolled growth of tissue; from prefix neo- meaning new and root plasm meaning formation
neoplasm a tumor, or abnormal growth, which may be benign or malignant
parasite an organism that grows on or in another organism, causing damage to it
pathogen an organism capable of causing disease
prolapse a dropping or downward displacement of an organ or part, ptosis
pus a product of inflammation consisting of fluid and white blood cells
sarcoma a malignant neoplasm arising from connective tissue; adjective: sarcomatous
sepsis the presence of harmful microorganisms or their toxins in the blood or other tissues; adjective: septic
toxin a poison
trauma a physical or psychological wound or injury
carcin/o cancer, carcinoma
alg/o, algi/o, algesi/o pain
cyst/o filled sac or pouch, cyst, bladder
lith calculus, stone
onc/o tumor
path/o disease
py/o pus
pyr/o, pyret/o fever, fire
scler/o hard
tox/o, toxix/o poison
brady slow
dys abnormal, painful, difficult
mal bad, poor
pachy thick
xero dry
algia, algesia pain
cele hernia, localized dilation
clasis,clasia breaking
itis inflammation
megaly enlargement
odynis pain
oma tumor
pathy any disease of
rhage, rhagia bursting forth, profuse flow, hemorrhage
rhea flow, discharge
rhexis rupture
schisis fissure, splitting
dilation, dilatation; expansion, widening
ectasia,ectasia dilation, dilatation, distension
edema accumulation of fluid, swelling
lysis separation, loosening, dissolving, destruction
malacia softening
necrosis death of tissue
ptosis dropping, downward displacement, prolapse
sclerosis hardening
spasm sudden contraction, cramp
stasis suppression, stoppage
stenosis narrowing, constriction
toxin poison
Created by: kenzie2802!
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