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Anatomy Study Stack

Weeks 1-5 Review

As an anatomical region, lumbar refers to: The infero-medial aspect of the back
Muscles are _________ to the skin. Deep
The plane that divides the body into front and back portions is the ______ plane. Coronal
The space that encloses the brain and spinal cord forms on continuous cavity called _______. Dorsal cavity
The inner region of an organ: Medullary
Outer region or layer of an organ: Cortical
The gluteal region is _______ to the popliteal region. Superior
The dorsal cavity is subdivided into __________cavity and a _________ cavity. Cranial cavity and spinal cavity
Which system is involved in immunity? Lymphatic
The inguinal region lies where? Where the thigh joins the trunk
Physiology is defined as the study of what? Study of the function of a living organism
The abdominopelvic cavity is subdivided into which cavities? Abdominal and pelvic cavities
Anatomy is defined as the study of what? Study of the structure of a living organism
The body as a whole can be subdivided into two major divisions. Axial and appendicular
What are the characteristics of human life? Growth, Responsiveness, and Reproduction
What part of the body is the mental region? The chin
What organs are in the ventral body cavity? Heart, liver, and urinary bladder
Superior means what? Toward the head
The midsagittal plane is also called the ________. Median
Which study focuses on the structural changes that occur as one ages? Developmental Anatomy
The chest is ________ to the abdomen. (directional term) Superior
The brain is ______ to the skull. (directional term) Deep
Order the levels of organization of the body from smallest to largest: Chemical, Organelle, Cellular, Tissue, Organ, System, Organism
The structure that is called the "powerhouse" of the cell is the: Mitochondria
In anatomical position the wrist is _____ as compared to the elbow. (directional term) Inferior
A plane through the body that divides the body into right and left sides is called: Sagittal
A sagittal section divides the body into ______ portions. Right and left
A frontal section divides the body into ______ portions. Front and back
How many abdominal regions are there? 9
A plane through the body that divides the body into anterior and posterior portions: Coronal
The smallest living units of structure and function in the body are: Cells
The lungs are located in what cavity? Thoracic cavity
What happens during hydrolysis? Compounds are broken down by adding a water molecule
As the concentration of hydrogen ions increases, the pH goes ______, and the solution becomes more ____. Down ; Acidic
The total number of electrons in a neutral atom equals the number of: Protons in its nucleus
Acids release hydrogen ions. True or False True
Radon is a subatomic particle. True or False False
A substance that cannot be broken down or decomposed into two or more different substances is called an: Element
The most abundant element essential to life is: Carbon
Water is nonpolar or polar? Polar
How many protons does oxygen have ? (Atomic number is 8) 8
As the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-) increases, the: Solution becomes more basic
A ______ reaction is when substances are combined to form more complex substances. Synthesis
The process of the digestion of food is which type of reaction? Decomposition
An ionic bond is formed by: A positive and a negative ion attracting each other
This membranous organelle is the site of protein synthesis for proteins that are secreted by the cell. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
The outer boundary of a human cell is called the: Plasma Membrane
Which organelle is categorized by folded membranes called cristae. Mitochondria
Cisternae of this organelle are continuous with the nuclear envelope. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
The inside of the cell is composed largely of a gel-like substance called: Cytoplasm
Which cells recognize and destroy non-self cells? Immune cells
Which are the organelles that allow for the recycling of amino acids in the cell? Proteasomes
The cell extension that contains microfilaments is called: Microvilli
Granules or threads within the nucleus are called: Chromatin
ATP production occurs within which organelle? Mitochondrion
A specialized cell structure that propels the sperm is the: Flagellum
Skin cells (epithelial) are held tightly together by: Desmosomes
Which organelle processes and packages material to be secreted? Golgi Apparatus
A lubricating substance produced by goblet cells is called: Mucus
The dermis is composed of two layers, a thin papillary layer and a thick ______ layer. Reticular
The two main layers that compose the skin are the dermis and: Epidermis
Each hair follicle has a small bundle of involuntary muscles attached to it called the: Arrector pili muscle
The ______ junction "glues" the epidermis and dermis together and provides mechanical support for the epidermis. Dermoepidermal
Stratified squamous (keratinized) epithelial cells are found in the: Epidermis
The union of basal and fibroreticular laminae forms the: Basement membrane
The conducting unit of the nerve tissue is the: Neuron
The mixed secretions of sebaceous and ceruminous glands form a brown waxy substance called the: Cerumen
The strongest and most durable type of cartilage is: Fibrocartilage
What is the most superficial layer of the epidermis? Stratum corneum
The connective tissue membranes that line the spaces between bones and joints are called _____ membranes. Synovial
The basic determinant of skin color is: Melanin
The external ear is composed of: Elastic cartilage
What is the weakest region of the femur? Neck
Where are microscopic blood vessels and nerves passing through the center of the osteon? Central (Haversian) Canal
Where are the collagen fibers of the periosteum? Perforating (Sharpey's) fibers
The region of the long bone comprised of a network of trabecular plates: Spongy bone
The region of the long bone that contains the medullary cavity: Diaphysis
The deep hemispherical socket where the three pelvic bones intersect: Acetabulum
The ______ has tuberosities that are the strongest parts of the hip bones. Ischium
Which fossa is where the ulna articulares with the humerus? Coronoid fossa
Which bone forms part of the hard palate? Palatine bone
Created by: bethnp
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