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ANAT 411 MSK n, a, v

mixed n. that carries motor and sensory fibers to the periphery spinal nerve
root of spinal n. that carries sensory info to CNS post. root
root of spinal n. that carries motor info away from CNS to periphery ant. root
how many spinal roots are there 31
which vertebral section has an extra spinal n. cervical
how many coccygeal nerves are there 1
vertebral column grows faster than spinal cord which means it does not extend the entire length of the vertebral column which contributes to the formation of what cauda equina
distal end of spinal cord conus medularis
dorsal root ganglion, rootlets of dorsal horn (sensory), ventral rami of spinal n. dorsal rami of spinal n., rootlets of ventral horn (motor), denticulate ligament features of spinal cord
sulcus, extends the length of the ant. surface ant. median sulcus
sulcus, extends along the post. surface post. median sulcus
sulcus, on each side of the post. surface marks where the post. rootlets of spinal nerves enter the cord posterolateral sulcus
the ant. and post. root come together to form a spinal n. that is a mix of ____ and ____ fibers that emerges from the intervertebral foramen sensory, motor
rami, innervates only the intrinsic back muscles and the skin on the back (dermatomes) post. rami
rami, innervates most other skeletal muscles of the body and the remaining areas of the skin (dermatomes) ant. rami
the army (artery) goes over the bridge (subscapular notch) , the navy (nerve) goes under the bridge suprascapular a. and v.
space of scapular region that contains post. circumflex humeral a. and axillary n. quadrangular space
space of scapular region that contains circumflex scapular a. and circumflex scapular v. triangular space
space of scapular region that contains profunda brachii a. and radial n. triangular interval
the ____ a. becomes the ____ a. at the lateral margin of rib 1 and passes through the axilla becoming the ____ a. at the inferior margin of the teres major m. subclavian; axillary; brachial
proximal to medial, deep to medial, distal to medial 3 parts of the axillary a. (separated by pectoralis minor)
3rd part of axillary artery; ant. and post.; circumflex and anastome around the surgical neck of the humerus while supplying the deltoid, humeral head, and shoulder joint circumflex humeral arteries
basilic (moves medially, drains into subclavian), brachial (drains into subclavian), cephalic (more lateral movement, drains into subclavian) veins of axillary region
axillary lymph (____) nodes drain 75% of the lymph from breasts and so may swell in cancer sentinel nodes
what muscles is the brachial plexus associated with ant. and mid. scalene muscles
roots, trunks, divisions (ant. and lat.), cords (med., post., lat.), branches order of brachial plexus
supplies ant. compartment of the arm, pierces the coracobrachialis m. musculocutaneous n.
supplies post. compartment of the arm and extensor muscles in forearm, most of the skin of the post. forearm, and dorsal surface of the lat. 3 1/2 digits; off post. cord; extends at wrist radial n.
flexor and pronator muscles in the ant. compartment of the forearm with exceptions (thenar muscles and lat. 2 lumbricals of the hand), sensation to lat. aspect of palm (lat. 3 1/2 fingers on palmar surface of hand) median n.
supplies 2 muscles of ant. forearm, intrinsic muscles of the hand, sensation to medial 1 1/2 fingers and the associated palmar area, passes through the arm by running on the medial sign of the brachial a. before descending into the forearm ulnar n.
supplies arm and is the continuation of axillary a., starts at inf. border of teres major and ends in cubital fossa, during its course it gives rise to the profunda brachii a. that runs in the post. compartment brachial a.
bundle of arteries, branches of other arteries; more blood supply needed at joints cubital anastamosis
cephalic, brachial, basilic, medial cubital superficial veins of shoulder and upper limb
n. that passes through the arm by running on the side of the brachial a. before descending into the cubital fossa median n.
which n. is part of the funny bone ulnar n.
n. that runs post. to the brachial a. before spiraling around the humerus in the radial groove, deep and superficial branch of the radial n. supplies the forearm and hand radial n.
cephalic v., large perforating v., basilic v., median cubital v. superficial veins of the elbow
axillary, radial, brachial, profunda brachii, ulnar arterial supply of the brachium
musculocutaneous, median, ulnar, radial nerves of the brachial region
musculocutaneous n. (branches into cutaneous nerves, sensory, forearm), lat. antebrachial cutaneous n. (continuation of musculocutaneous), radial n., median n., ulnar n., ant. interosseous n. (innervates ant. compartment of forearm) neurovascular relationships to the cubital fossa
branches into cutaneous nerves, sensory, forearm musculocutaneous n.
innervates ant. compartment of forearm ant. interosseous n.
branch of radial n. that provides motor innervation to the post. compartment of the forearm deep
branch of radial n. that is sensory, cutaneous superficial
ant. and post. interosseous arteries supply ____ structures in the forearm deep
what is the only n. that goes through the carpal tunnel median n.
sup. gluteal n., inf. gluteal n., pudendal n., sciatic n., post. cutaneous n. of thigh, n. to obturator internus nerves related to piriformis m.
n. that supplies gluteus medius and minimus muscles, travels superiorly to piriformis m. superior gluteal n.
n. that supplies gluteus maximus inferior gluteal n.
n. that appears in the gluteal region but supplies structures in the pelvis pudendal n.
n. that has a tibial and common fibular division, supplies post. thigh m. as well as leg and foot muscles sciatic n.
a. that enters gluteal region through the greater sciatic foramen superior to piriformis; supplies gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus superior gluteal a.
a. that enters gluteal region through the greater sciatic foramen inferior to piriformis; supplies gluteus maximus, other muscles of the gluteal region, and superior parts of the hamstring muscles inferior gluteal a.
contents of adductor hiatus femoral a. and v.
innervates the medial compartment of the thigh obturator n.
innervates the ant. compartment of the thigh that flex the hip joint and extend the knee femoral n.
v. supplying the intermediate compartment of femoral sheath femoral v.
a. that supplies the lat. compartment of femoral sheath femoral a.
canal that supplies the medial compartment of femoral sheath femoral canal
nerve, artery, vein, lymph (travels through the triangle and moves to the ant. compartment of the thigh) NAVL
a. that is a continuation of the external iliac a. distal to the inguinal ligament and is the primary a. of lower limb femoral a.
great saphenous v., small saphenous v., perforating veins, dorsal venous arch superficial veins of lower limb
popliteal a., popliteal v., tibial n., common fibular n. contents of popliteal fossa
branch from tibial n. and branch from common fibular n. make it up, sensation of post. leg and travels down to foot to provide sensation sural n.
passageway for tendons, nerves, and vessels to travel between the post. leg and the foot tarsal tunnel
tibialis post. m., flexor digitorum superficialis m., post. tibial a., post. tibial v., post. tibial n., flexor hallucis longus m. (Tom, Dick, and A Very Nervous Harry) contents of tarsal tunnel
popliteal, ant. tibial, dorsalis pedis, post. tibial, fibular, dorsal and plantar arches arterial supply of leg
medial and lateral plantar nerves are the 2 terminal branches of what n. tibial
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