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India study

Social studies India

Who was at the top of the castes? Brahmins
Who were at the bottom of the castes? Untouchable
Who are the 2nd best in the caste system? Kshatriya
Who were 3rd in the caste system Vaishya
Who were second to last in the caste system Sudra
What were the Brahmins? Priests
What were the kshatriyas? Warriors
what were the Vaishyas? Merchants or artisans
What were the Sudras? Farmers and servants
What jobs did the untouchable do? Carry dead bodies and sweep streets
What are monsoons Seasonal winds
What do winter monsoons bring? Dry air and moderate temperatures
What do Summer monsoon bring? Rain and often cause flooding
What was special about Harappa and Mahenjo Daro? Their cities were laid out in a grid pattern and each house had a bathroom with drains connecting to a sewer underneath the streets
What did food surplus lead to? It led to people working different jobs like commerce and arts
Why are written records important? Written records are important because we can know for sure that things happened
Did Harappa and Mohenjo Daro civilizations leave written records No
When did farmers plant their crops? Before or after flooding seasons
What is reincarnation? The belief that after someone dies they will come back to earth in a new form
What are the main beliefs of Hinduism? Reincarnation, karma, Dario, mokosha
What are war elephants? War elephants are elephants used in army to stomp on people and scare them away
What did Chandragupta Maury do? He expanded the empire and had a strong army
What is polytheism? The worship of many gods
What is karma? how a person lives determines what form the person will take in the next life
What is Dharma? Correct actions for one’s class, helps achieve karma
What is moksha? Release from pain and suffering of life and becoming one with universal spirit
What are the 3 main rivers in India Brahmaputra River, Indus River, Ganges River
What is the Hindu holy text? Vedas
Who could study the vedas Only Brahmin boys
What did Hindus believe would happen if a Dalit died after being a really good person? They believed that person would go up to a higher caste in their next life
Created by: wildfire30
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