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ANAT 411 MSK muscles

latissimus dorsi, trapezius, levator scapulae, rhomboid major, rhomboid minor superficial muscles of the back
superficial muscle of the back; actions: extends, adducts, and medially rotates the humerus latissimus dorsi
superficial muscle of the back; nerve: thoracodorsal n. latissimus dorsi
superficial muscle of the back; actions: extends head, elevates and pulls shoulders posteriorly trapezius
superficial muscle of the back; nerve: motor innervation CN XI (accessory n.) trapezius
superficial muscle of the back; action: scapular elevation levator scapulae
superficial muscle of the back; actions: rotation of scapula and rotation of glenoid cavity rhomboid major
superficial muscles of the back (3); nerve: dorsal scapular n. rhomboid major, levator scapulae, rhomboid minor
superficial muscle of the back; actions: retraction and elevation of the scapula rhomboid minor
serratus posterior superior m., serratus posterior inferior m. intermediate muscles of the back
intermediate muscle of the back; action: elevates the ribs during respiration serratus posterior superior
intermediate muscles of the back (2); nerves: intercostal nerves serratus posterior superior m., serratus posterior inferior
intermediate muscle of the back; location: deep to rhomboid major and minor, thin m. serratus posterior superior
intermediate muscle of the back; action: depresses the ribs serratus posterior inferior
erector spinae muscles (iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis) deep muscles of the back
deep muscles of the back; actions: unilaterally -> flexion of vertebral column laterally, bilaterally -> vertebral column and head extension, primary extensor of the back, contributes to stabilization of lateral rotation and flexion of vertebral column erector spinae muscles
deep muscles of the back; nerves: dorsal rami of spinal nerves erector spinae muscles
deltoid, serratus anterior, teres major, teres minor, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis muscles of the scapular region
muscle of scapular region; actions: flexion of the arm and rotates medially, abduction of the arm, extension and lateral rotation of arm deltoid
muscles of scapular region (2); nerve: axillary n. deltoid, teres minor
muscle of scapular region; attachment points: clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula; on top of shoulder deltoid
muscle of scapular region; actions: protraction and rotation of the scapula, holds it against thoracic wall serratus anterior
muscle of scapular region; nerve: long thoracic n. serratus anterior
muscle of scapular region; location: inferior to armpit serratus anterior
muscle of scapular region; actions: adducts and medially rotates humerus teres major
muscle of scapular region; nerve: lower subscapular n. teres major
muscle of scapular region; actions: external (lateral) rotation and adduction of the arm at the shoulder joint, stabilization of the glenoid cavity teres minor
muscle of scapular region; actions: abduction initiation of arm to 15 degrees at glenohumeral joint supraspinatus
muscles of scapular region (2); nerve: suprascapular n. supraspinatus, infraspinatus
muscle of scapular region; actions: external (lateral) rotation of the arm at shoulder, stabilizes glenoid cavity infraspinatus
muscle of scapular region; actions: medially rotates arm, stabilizes humeral head in glenoid cavity subscapularis
muscle of scapular region; nerves: upper and lower subscapular nerves subscapularis
subscapularis, infraspinatus, teres minor, supraspinatus rotator cuff muslces
pectoralis major, pectoralis minor muscles of the pectoral region
muscle of the pectoral region; actions: adducts and medially rotates humerus, draws scapula anteriorly and inferiorly pectoralis major
muscle of the pectoral region; nerves: lateral and medial pectoral nerves pectoralis major
muscle of the pectoral region; actions: draws scapula inferiorly and anteriorly against the thoracic wall, stabilizes scapula pectoralis minor
muscle of the pectoral region; nerve: medial pectoral n. pectoralis minor
compartment of the arm; flexors: biceps brachii, brachialis, and coracobrachialis muscles nerve: musculocutaneous n. ant. compartment
compartment of the arm; extensors: triceps brachii nerve: radial n. post. compartment
ant. compartment of the arm; 2 heads (long and short) biceps brachii
post. compartment of the arm; 3 heads (lateral, long, medial) triceps brachii
what muscle is pierced by the musculocutaneous n. coracobrachialis
where is the common origin for the ant. (flexor) compartment of the forearm medial epicondyle
where is the common origin for the post. (extensor) compartment of the forearm lateral epicondyle
consists of superficial, deep, and immediate compartments ant. compartment of the forearm
consists of superficial, deep, and outcropping compartments post. compartment of the forearm
thenar, hypothenar, deep/short intrinsic muscles of the hand
intrinsic muscle of the hand; action: opposition of the thumb thenar muscles
intrinsic muscle of the hand; nerve: recurrent branch of median n. thenar muscles
intrinsic muscle of the hand; action: opposition of pinky hypothenar muscles
intrinsic muscles of the hand (2); nerve: ulnar n. hypothenar muscles, deep/short muscles
intrinsic muscle of the hand; actions: abduction and adduction of phalanges deep/short muscles
gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, piriformis muscles of the gluteal region
muscle of gluteal region; actions: extends thigh and assists in lateral rotation gluteus maximus
muscle of gluteal region; nerve: inferior gluteal n. gluteus maximus
muscles of gluteal region; actions: abduct and medially rotate thigh gluteus medius and minimus muscles
muscles of gluteal region; nerve: superior gluteal n. gluteus medius and minimus muscles
muscle of gluteal region; actions: laterally rotate extended thigh and abduct flexed thigh piriformis
muscle of gluteal region; nerves: branches of brachial plexus piriformis
semitendinous, semimembranous, biceps femoris hamstrings
post. compartment of thigh; actions: flexes leg and rotates it laterally when knee is flexed biceps femoris short head
hamstring; nerve: common fibular division of sciatic n. biceps femoris short head
proximal attachment to ischial tuberosity deep to gluteus maximus m., distal attachment to bones of the leg, innervation by the tibial division of the sciatic n. common features of hamstrings
sartorius, quadriceps femoris muscles anterior muscles of thigh
ant. muscle of thigh; actions: flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates thigh at hip joint and flexes leg at knee joint sartorius
ant. muscle of thigh; nerve: femoral n. sartorius
longest muscle in the body sartorius
rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius quadricep femoris muscles
ant. muscles of thigh; actions: extends leg at knee joint quadricep femoris muscles
ant. muscle of thigh; nerve: femoral n. quadricep femoris muscles
adductor magnus, gracilis muscles of medial thigh
muscle of medial thigh; has adductor and hamstring portions adductor magnus
action: extends thigh nerve: tibial part of sciatic n. hamstring portion of adductor magnus
action: flexes thigh nerve: obturator n. adductor portion of adductor magnus
muscle of medial thigh; actions: adducts thigh and flexes leg gracilis
muscle of medial thigh; nerve: obturator n. gracilis
extensor digitorum longus m., tibialis ant. m., fibularis tertius m., extensor hallucis longus m. ant. compartment of leg
compartment of leg; actions: dorsiflexors of the ankle joint ant. compartment
compartment of leg; nerve: deep fibular n. ant. compartment
fibularis longus m., fibularis brevis m. lat. compartment of leg
compartment of leg; actions: weak plantar flexion of ankle and eversion of ankle lat. compartment
compartment of leg; nerve: superficial fibular n. lat. compartment
gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris, popliteus, tibialis post., flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus post. compartment of leg
compartment of leg; actions: plantarflexion of ankle and flexion of knee post. compartment
compartment of leg; nerve: tibial n. post. compartment
musculature of foot; actions: extending the digits of the foot dorsal musculature
musculature of foot; nerve: deep fibular n. dorsal musculature
musculature of foot; actions: abduction, adduction, plantarflexion of digits plantar musculature
musculature of foot; nerves: medial and lateral plantar n. plantar musculature
where can premature splitting of the sciatic n. occur inferior piriformis
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