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Ancient India


citadel A fortress built to protect a city
granary A place to store grain
Jatis A social group that does a particular job and that a person is born into.
Dharma A belief found in Hinduism and other Indian traditions that a person has a duty or obligation to live an honorable life
monism The idea that all existing things in reality come from one original source
Pilgrimage A journey to a holy place
Alms Goods or money given to the poor
Nirvana An ideal state of happiness and peace
Edict A command that is obeyed like a law
Province A territory that is part of a country or an empire
Much of the water in the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra rivers comes from... melting ice in the mountains. melting ice in the mountains.
Benefit of the location of the Himalaya Mountains... Protection from enemies
The Indus and Ganges rivers are similar to the Nile because.. They carry silt that enriches the soil.
Harappan civilization, which included Mohenjodaro, developed in the... Indus River Valley
A fact that shows Mohenjo-Daro was carefully planned Nine streets divided the lower city into blocks.
Archaeologists found a structure that was 39 feet long and 8 feet deep, with a well nearby and a drain along one side. It is used for… Bathing
A feature of Mohenjodaro was quite different from other settlements of that time because it had a… Sewer system Sewer system
A war game played in ancient India is thought to be an early form of.. chess
The best reason for someone in India to study Sanskrit was to… read the ancient texts
The roots of Hinduism are found in the Vedas, which are... a collection of sacred texts
What are the varnas? Four main social classes that lead to a functioning society
An animal that became a symbol for the Hindu belief in reverence for life was.. The cow
Hindus believe that acquiring good karma is needed to... achieve freedom from the cycle of rebirth
To certain Hindus, the soul, or atman, is a part of... Brahman
Living as an Ascetic you would… Give up most of what you own
One of the Four Noble Truths is suffering is caused by desires.
The Eightfold Path of Buddhism is most similar to the Hindu belief of… Dharma
The Gupta Empire was different from the Mauryan Empire because… It gave local areas a lot of independence
The factors in the Gupta Empire most helped the growth of learning was… Peace and stability
The change that took place in Hinduism during the Gupta Empire was… Many of its legends were written down.
In the Gupta Empire, stone, wood, bronze, and terra-cotta clay were all used to make... Sculptures Sculptures
The level of technology in the Gupta Empire… They had skill in working with iron
The feature of modern arithmetic came from ancient India by way of the Arabs… Zero
Herders, artisans, and farmers all belonged to the social class of… Vaishyas
The Untouchables were excluded from other Indians because… They did work others considered lowly
Buddha was troubled by …. Aging, sickness, and death
Siddhartha Gautama was… The prince who became the Buddha
The Buddha decided not to escape into enlightenment right away because… He wanted to teach people the path he had found.
The main achievement of the Maurya family was to... Unify India
The experience that led to a deep change in Ashoka's values was... Seeing a very bloody battle.
The actions by Ashoka reflect when he gave up hunting and became a vegetarian was… Respect for all living things
The Chandragupta Maurya's rule differed from Ashoka's by… Chandragupta Maurya used force to be sure no one threatened his power.
An important way Ashoka spread Buddhist teachings was by… He had edicts carved into pillars and walls.
The first Gupta ruler formed alliances with other rulers by… Arranging marriages
One of Ashoka's edicts announced that people would only be jailed for a good reason to promote the goal of… Justice
Created by: MrsWilhiteBRMS
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