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U4 WW1 vocab

Militarism Build up a military for purpose of war or defense
Alliances Agreements between 2 or more nations are working together
Imperialism Nations compete for colonies to create an empire
Nationalism Extreme patriotism nation over individual
Trench Warfare Digging out a long trench for living and fighting in it
Propaganda the spreading of information in order to influence public opinion and to manipulate other people's beliefs.
Revolution to overthrow the government and form a new one.
Communism people who favor the equal distribution of wealth and the end
Neutrality To stay by yourself and not take any sides
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Blowing up every ship you come across even if they are not part of the war
Lusitania A British ship that was torpedo by the Germans
Zimmerman Telegram A telegram message from the germans to mexico intercepted by the britsh
Selective Service Act A draft for men 21 to 30 into the army that 24 million men sign up for
Mobilization To move the people and get the army ready to fight
War Bonds bonds people bought that the money would go to the army then they would turn in the bond for money
Great Migration 500,000 African Americans moved to the north
Rationing Limit the amount of something you eat or use
Espionage Act Harsh penaltis for spying
Sabotage & Sedition Act Made it a crime to say anything bad about our country
The 14 Points 14 points that Wilson came up with to make peace and not start wars
The League of Nations Part of the 14 points but the only one included in the agreement
self-determination The right of the people to decide how they should be governed)
Reparations Money for damages
Treaty of Versailles Was to make they Germany pay for every damage that they caused
Created by: user-1797251
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