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The Gilded Age

History Unit 1: The Gilded Age

The Reconstruction Period - The Amendments & Civil Rights Acts - The Rise of Jim Crow in the South (Aka The Lost Cause) the attempt to bring back the confederacy and pro slavery.
The Amendments & Civil Rights Acts - 13th Amendment - 14th Amendment - 15th Amendment - Civil Rights Act of 1866 - Civil Rights Act of 1871 - Civil Rights Act of 1875
13th Amendment Abolished slavery for the whole nation
14th Amendment Made all former slaves national citizens with all implied rights, including voting.
15th Amendment Outlawed racial discrimination in voting
Civil Rights Act of 1866 Outlawed racial discrimination in all public places
Civil Rights Act of 1871 The KKK is an outlawed terrorist group - Threat to government's attempt to rebuild South - Also known as: Force Act or KKK Act
Civil Rights Act of 1875 Racial discrimination is illegal in areas of commerce and law
The Rise of Jim Crow in the South - Pro-Jim Crow → Wanted Slavery back - Not about racism but slavery - The Confederacy lost but wanted to bring back slavery by finding loopholes in the civil rights.
One Loophole All reforms targeted only state-level discrimination. So they made laws against slaves using local and business codes called Black Codes. - Only Counties, not states - Only mentioned S, not race.
The Black Codes (The Main One) - Practices/Traditions in Slave South. - White business owners don’t have to sell to black people. - Black & white can’t marry. Nothing to do with amendments but with marriage. - Ex: Poll Taxes, Literacy tests, the Grandfather Clause, Black curfew
Supreme Court Decisions Affecting Black Civil Rights - Hall v. Decuir - US v. Harris - Civil Rights Cases - Plessy v. Ferguson - Williams v. Mississippi
Hall v. Decuir | 1878 - Struck down Louisiana law that prevented racial discrimination by common carriers (Railroads, buses, steamboats). - Court declared the law as a burden on interstate commerce, over which States had no authority
US v. Harris | 1882 - Declared federal laws that punished crimes like murder and assault unconstitutional - The crimes were under local (State) government, not federal - Struck down the Civil Rights Act of 1871
Civil Rights Cases - Struck down Civil Rights Act of 1875 - Congress may not legislate a Civil right unless a state passes a discriminatory law
Plessy v. Ferguson | 1896 - "Separate but equal" accommodations on railroads - Made it where segregation doesn't mean discrimination
Williams v. Mississippi | 1898 - Required a literacy test to qualify for voting - Southern states deprived of blacks to vote
Result of The Rise of Jim Crow Amendments are completely invalidated
The Gilded Age From Mark Twain
Mark Twain (4) - 1st American Voice/Novelist - 1st Anti-Jim Crow Voice - Wrote about something no one else has: The Poor - Made a lot of books (Mostly Fiction) - Ex: Huckleberry Finn, and The Gilded Age (Nonfiction)
The Gilded Age - Gilded → Cover something cheap to make it look better. - Stated U.S. technology is an illusion and only looks good on the surface because most of us are poor so U.S. sucks.
The “New South” New → Improvement - Why did the 1st Black Civil Rights Movement fail? - Why did 1930s Former Slaves claim that Life in the “New South” after Abolition was Worse than Slavery?
Why did the 1st Black Civil Rights Movement fail? - Should have a President to enforce amendments - US Supreme Court is pro-slavery. - After US Civil War, South weren't killed, became more politically powerful
The Gilded Age National Government - U.S Congress - US Supreme Court - POTUS
U.S Congress: Senate - Ineffectual and Corrupt - The political majority - Flip-flopped every 4 - 6 years
U.S Congress: House of Representatives - Pro-S Democrats regained the majority and had more power after they lost the Civil War. - Because 3/5 Compromise was gone, slaves are counted as citizens now. 2/5 more state population → More seats in the House
US Supreme Court - Presidents pick Judges - Any federal officer can be impeached - Impeachment starts at the House (Dem. owned House so won’t impeach a Pro-S judge) - All GA judges were Pro-S Dem. and nominated before the Civil War (2 Judges were apart of the K.K.K)
POTUS - Main job: Enforce the laws - GA Presidents were supposed to be weak because of what happened to our last two strong presidents. - Congress was supposed to be strong
Last 2 Strong Presidents - A. Lincoln got assassinated - Andrew Johnson (VP of Lincoln turned to POTUS) was impeached
POTUS Topics - Tariffs (High since Republicans supported Industrial North) - The Nature of U.S. Money - His Party’s Goals - All Republicans except 1 (Grover Cleveland) - South is still in power
Why did 1930s Former Slaves claim that Life in the “New South” after Abolition was Worse than Slavery? The Disillusionment (Getting rid of an illusion) of “US Freedom” Slaves dream & hope for freedom. Now they gotten it and realized it’s worse than slavery. - Racial Segregation in the South - KKK - New Southern Labor Replacements for S
Racial Segregation in the South Never before the Civil War - Lynching
KKK - Came after the Civil War - Slaves, as property, had state laws to protect them from undue harm. Now gone since they are considered people now. - Slaves, to keep them as slaves, the owners sold the family off. Not terror or harm them like the KKK.
New Southern Labor Replacements for Slavery (Slave cropping, Tenant Farming, etc.) - Still worked and lived in the same place, just not a slave anymore - Didn’t just included former slaves but also most poor white Southerners (In terms of labor, same boat)
The Industrial North → The Rise of Big Business (Business Monopolies) Big Business is the National Priority and needs stability → Status Quo - National Government → Politics of the Status Quo - Adhered to the philosophy of Social Darwinism
Status Quo Keeping things the same since everything was good. (Rich getting Richer)
Social Darwinism God (Protestant Belief) predetermined which families succeeded or failed in successfulness. Based on his granting certain superior genes.
Social Darwinism Characteristics - Came from rich people that felt guilty from their rich and made this. - No social mobility (Since trying to change your status → Going against God)
Scientific Theory - Starts with a Hypothesis - Proven correct - The world tests it and tries to disprove it - Then makes predictions about future discoveries that are later proven - Can never be disproven
Old School Political Conservatism - Weak and Small Federal Government - Small Federal Budget - High Tariff - No standing (Permanent) Military - Favors big business - No civil rights or charity - International Isolationism - Weak presidents - Laissez faire
International Isolationism Don’t get involved in foreign fair. - Stated neutral and sold guns to both sides.
The Second Industrial Revolution (IR) - Developed in the same area as the 1st IR - No geographical limitations but didn’t went through the whole nation because it's more expensive and takes longer to build in the South - New Products: Capital Goods - New Model of Business: Monopolies
New Products: Capital Goods - Opposite of consumer goods. - Only made for Big Business - Capital Goods: Iron, Coal, Steel (When combined with iron and coal), Lumber, Oil, Railroads
Monopolies One business controls the whole market; No competition - Begin with railroads (Only few companies could make railroads)
Railroads - The oldest & largest monopolies - Only capital good that had several monopolies because the country was so big so Regional monopolies - Only business that used all capital goods - 4 Transcontinental Railroads - Started with the Pacific Railway Act
4 Transcontinental Railroads All named Pacific because they all headed to the Pacific - Great Northern Pacific RR (The best) - Central Pacific RR - Union Pacific RR - Southern Pacific Railroad
Pacific Railway Act - Free land - Limited Liability - Bankruptcy Protection - All construction costs are paid (Bonus money for completing ahead of schedule) - Ownership forever (Owned their railroads, not gov.) - Caused TCRR to be greedy and take more.
Free Land 5 miles on each side of the RR except where cities already existed
Limited Liability - Doing public work for Government| LLC - If anything goes wrong (Fire, death, etc.), families can’t sue company, have to sue the government
Bankruptcy Protection As long as you're building for the government, you won’t go bankrupt
Pacific Railway Act Aftermath The RR corruption settled in → US Senate Solution - Government invested the corruption about half way in the GA and came up you get money every 10 miles (Checkers style) Didn't work
Life in Northern Cities - Dominated by Ward Politics (Turns Ethic Clusters into something corrupt) - Under Ward Politics became Ethic Wards and run by a Ward boss
City Ward The smallest division of a city government
Ethic Clusters Areas in the city that mostly one race belongs to - Natural settlement pattern of people in large cities - Chinese → Chinatown - Always been around
Ethic Wards Redraw lines and draw borders based on race
Ward Boss Usually an elected official
Ward Bosses provide New Immigrants With - Factory Jobs - Residence in a tenement - Native language Newspapers - Ethic Social clubs - Utilities - Protection - Provided the necessities of life (Just enough to keep them alive and working in the facilities, easily replaceable)
Tenement Horrible apartment
Protection from - Other ward bosses - Rival Ethic gangs - Corrupt officials in the city - Rival police
What Immigrants Must Do For Ward Bosses - Give up the “American Dream” - Work only when/where you’re told - Live only where you’re told → In a tenement - Forget Social Mobility and Democracy - Always be a poor industrial laborer
What Immigrants Must Do For Ward Bosses Pt. 2 - There is no land/property ownership for factory workers - Must re-elect your Ward Boss - Labor Hours follow the sun - Never call proper city officials (Police/Fire depts.), form/join labor union, or try to reform the system
Must re-elect your Ward Boss - Voting comes and you need to elect them - Some WB get them cleaned up and changed so they vote again but with different names
Labor Hours follow the sun Till the sun rises and falls - 12 hours a day for 6 days a week
Never call proper city officials Ward place is a little city and ward boss a major. He has his own people and doesn’t want anyone sniffing in his ward.
John D. Rockefeller Personal Info - The Norm - Born in the US - Well-educated (College) - Came from money - Old Immigrant (WASP)
John D. Rockefeller Personal Info Pt. 2 - Philosophy: Social Darwinism (Protestant) - Believed Poverty was a disease that you could catch so he didn’t touch anyone poor - Public Image: Very Negative with poor (Tried to better his image before he died)
WASP White, Anglo-Saxon (White again), Protestant
John D. Rockefeller Business: Standard Oil Company - Invented a new business model - Horizontally Integrated Firm: When a company monopolizes one step of a capital goods processing - Applied to get the 1st Oil monopoly
Ohio Oil Companies BEFORE Rockefeller 4 Separate Stages of Oil companies - Get from ground - Refine them - Market them - Hand it to the buyer
Ohio Oil Companies AFTER Rockefeller Bottlenecked the other 2’s to be the only one refining
John D. Rockefeller Charities: For Rich - New York Public Library to complete with Carnegie Libraries - University of Chicago - Eradicated smallpox/malaria in Panama - Rockefeller Plaza (NYC)
Eradicated smallpox/malaria in Panama - US made Panama - We backed the Panama revolt so Northern Columbia gave us the right to have a canal - Solved the issue by dumping oil in the water to kill the mosquitoes
John D. Rockefeller Charities: For Poor - Later in Life (True charities) - “Shoe The Children” Campaign to wipeout hookworm in the South (Worked, no longer a problem) - He funded several Southern historically black colleges
Andrew Carnegie Personal Info - Born in Scotland - No formal education (Self-taught literacy) - Born in Abject Poverty - New Immigrant (Non-protestants) - Nativism
Andrew Carnegie Personal Info Pt. 2 - Child Laborer: A “Bobbin Boy” - Philosophy: Social Darwinism (Catholic) - Believed rich people should give their money to the poor by helping the poor with charities (Gospel Of Wealth) - Public Image: Very Positive with poor
Abject Poverty Hard time just to survive
Nativism - Favored Protestantism - Believed they are the true natives of America, not others - Feared all non-protestants (Mostly Anti-catholic, Jews, Chinese, and Russians (Believed in Eastern Orthodox)
One place in the country where Nativism wasn’t an issue: South because it was all farming and immigrants didn’t went there
Bobbin Boy Replace the spools of thread when it went out and simple maintenance work. - To send money back home to family
Andrew Carnegie Business: Carnegie Steel - Invented a new business model - Vertically Integrated Firm: When a business monopolizes all 4 steps of a capital good’s processing
Pennsylvania Steel BEFORE Carnegie - Multiple businesses: 1,2,3,4
Pennsylvania Steel AFTER Carnegie - He made a business that had 4 steps. He wasn’t paying for the middle man.
Andrew Carnegie Charities: For Rich - Carnegie Hall - Carnegie Mellon University
Andrew Carnegie Charities: For Poor - Carnegie Libraries (Poor people to read and write | educate themselves) - 1st Public Libraries - Literacy Campaigns - Free for those who live near it - Located outside New England (Where Carnegie lived) In South and West
Texas Fence Wars North RR Monopolies wanted cattle to go up north for meat but the Farmers didn’t want that. The monopoly hired men to dress as the KKK to steal cattle from farmer’s barb wire fences. Texas farmers lost but did Socialism to fight against it.
Socialism Get people organized to do something
Farmers Banded Together and Pool Resources To - Hire lawyers to sue the Railroads and they won. - Create Farmers’ Co-Operatives (Co-ops) - Create Farmers’ Credit Unions - Doesn’t charge any fees - Later, others join in and merge with the North. Like like-minded socialist operation like The PP.
Farmers’ Co-Operatives (Co-ops) Deposit money and the co-ops buy tools in bulk and give to the farmers. (Little Walmart Farmer)
Farmers’ Credit Unions Pool money to 1 or 2 families that need it. If they can’t pay, they discuss.
The Populist Party (PP) Populist: For the people (Liberal Term) - Most popular liberal (3rd) party - Another party for the poor - Started in Lampasas, TX in 1870s during the Texas Fence Wars
PP Party Platform - Replace the national “Gold Standard” (GS) - Proposed The 1873 Coinage Act to be repealed - Corrupt RRs and Utilities - The NB is corrupt and too monolithic - Corrupt Crop Value Pricing - Unfair (State) Tax Codes - No Tariffs
Replace the national “Gold Standard” (GS) - No more Greenbacks (Soft money: Not real money) - Poor people dislike it b/c when the gold increases so does debt; makes it harder to pay it off - Rich people like it b/c how it performs in the stock market and property owners, stability and stable gr
"Gold Standard" Solution Proposed the “Bimetallic Standard” - Gold and Silver standard 16:1 (1 in 16th in silver) - Just enough instability to help interest rates to help pay off loans. - Pay it off in the downturn but still growing
Proposed The 1873 Coinage Act to be repealed During the Gold Rush, immigrants moved to buy land to mine gold & silver. Exchanged rocks for gold & silver coins at the federal assayer's office. However, this act was made illegal as it caused harm to the silver market due to the lot of ore found.
Proposed The 1873 Coinage Act to be repealed Pt 2 - Farmers called it the “Crime of 73” - Claimed government did it to keep GS. - Farmers wanted to repeal it since more silver, will cause lower debt.
Corrupt RRs and Utilities - Anything for life should be nationalized - Should taken by the government since anything that is so important to our daily existence, should be governed by the government, not the people wanting a buck
The National Bank is corrupt and too monolithic - Monolithic - Corrupt since it sets the GS - Proposed the Subtreasury Plan (Later changed to the Federal Reserve, what we use now)
Monolithic Not adequate for the job since it’s just one entity
Subtreasury Plan Break up the NB into several regional banks. - Value of Regional banks is adjusted interest rates to help people in the region, not the nation - To adjust loan repayment interest rates based on regional economies
Corrupt Crop Value Pricing - Corrupted by people owning stock - Proposed government price fixing
Unfair (State) Tax Codes - Proposed a federal income tax - Based on Salary - You have higher salary, pay more
No Tariffs - Tariff: Tax on imported goods - Free market
The government replaced the? - The National GS - Corrupt RRs and utilities - Subtreasury Plan - Federal Income Tax, - Crop Price Fixing
In the last 15 years of GA, PP... - Won all of West and South states - Didn’t win presidency but multiple congresses - Never went the national level - Democratic absorbed the party
Democrats - Used to be the poor people party but then lost favor - They promised to do reforms and the concerns for the poor in future elections and somewhat did it. - New Liberalism (After John F Kennedy)
William Jennings Bryant - Democratic - Leader of the Democratic party - Gained support from the Populist Party after his Cross of Gold Speech
Neo (New) Conservatives Conserve Traditional - Republicans
Neo (New) Liberalism Change - Don’t fit in the Old School Political Conservatism - Democratic
Lynching Hung by race without any due process
After the Gilded Age was the? Progressive Age because they acknowledged the GA being corrupt
After Civil war and South left, North was led by? The Radical Republicans (Minority, not abolitionists) wanted to punish the seceded South
The Political party's chair is the? Leader of a political party
Grover Cleaveland The only democratic party president in Glided Age
Mckinely President death led to the end of the GA by getting assassinated
Joseph Glidden Made barbed wire on fences
Modern day liberalism started in? Texas
Created by: Whateverisfree
Popular Histology sets




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