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LMA Review Cards

Late Middle Ages Review Cards

Who was William the Conqueror? Won the Battle of Hastings and gains control of land in England and France
Who is Henry II? Married Eleanor of Aquitaine and ruled over England and half of France
Who was King John? Weak English king who was forced to sign the Magna Carta
Who was Hugh Capet? Established the Capetian Dynasty in France. Weak king chosen by French nobles
Who was Richard I? English king who fought in the Crusades. Known as Richard The Lionheart
Who was Edward I? King of England who strengthens the monarchy and creates the Model Parliament
Who was Philip II of France? French king who strengthened the monarchy through the use of bailiffs
Who was Louis IX? Known as Saint Louis. He was a pious, popular, and just leader of France. Created the Parliament of Paris
Who was Philip IV? French king who creates the Estates General
Who was Joan of Arc? French girl who leads the French troops to victory at the Battle of Orleans. She is captured by the English and burned at the stake as a heretic. Later made a saint.
Who was Charles VII? French king who ascends the throne with the help of Joan of Arc. Creates France's first permanent army, a Royal Council, and taxes land and salt to generate revenue
Who was Louis XI? French king known as "the spider king" who used trickery, bribery, and a spy network. Expand France to include Burgundy and did not use the Estates General.
Who were the Moors? Muslims living in Spain
Who were Ferdinand and Isabella? Their marriage untied the two separate kingdoms of Spain
Who was Philip II of Spain? Spanish king who expanded the kingdom of Spain by annexing Portugal
Who was Ivan I? Russian prince who served the Mongols and enlarged the Kingdom of Moscow
Who was Ivan III? Known as "The Great". Frees Russia from the Mongol Yoke and becomes the 1st Czar of Russia
Who was Ivan IV? Known as "The Terrible". Codifies the laws of Russia, used secret police and killed thousands
Who was Pope Urban? Pope who gave a speech that launched the 1st Crusade
Who was Saladin? Muslim leader during the Crusades
European monarchies began to consolidate power and form what during the Late Middle Ages? Nation-states
What is common law? Law based upon customs and judges' decisions rather than upon written codes
What was the Magna Carta? English document that made the law the supreme power and limited the monarchy's power
What was the Hundred Years' War? War between England and France over land and hereitary rights. France wins and England is expelled from France.
What was the War of the Roses? Civil war between the Yorks (white roses) and the Lancasters (red roses) over the English throne. Lancasters win.
Who was Henry Tudor (Henry VII)? English king who appoints many advisors from the middle class, uses local government, taxes land to gain revenue, avoids war, and creates the Star Chamber. England prospers under his reign.
What was the main goal of the Crusades? Win back the Holy Land (Jerusalem) from the Muslims
What two forces were battling during the Crusades? Christians and Muslims
Why did people go on the Crusades? Religious reasons, to gain wealth and land, for adventure
What were the effects of the Crusades? Decline in pope's power, increase in power of monarchs, increased religious intolerance, increased trade and demand for Asian goods
Who invaded Russia? Mongols
What did the Mongols do to Russia to create an empire? Allowed Russian princes to rule if they paid tribute to the Mongols
The capital of the Byzantine Empire was - (list all three names) Byzantium - Constantinople - Istanbul
Who conquered the Byzantine Empire? Ottoman Turks
What was the Black Death? Disease spread by fleas from infected rats
What were the effects of the Black Death? 25 million die, end of feudalism, increase in demand for labor, peasants demanded higher wages
Who was education largely confined to during the Late Middle Ages? Nobles and clergy
Where did church scholars copy ancient litereature? Monasteries
What language did they copy ancient texts into? From Greek and Arabic into Latin
What was the Spanish Inquisition? Special courts set up to seek out heretics
What was the Reconquista? Reconquest of Spain from the Muslims
Merchant Guild Association of merchants and workers created to protect their rights to trade and to help out members and their families
Craft Guild Associations of skilled workers that set standards for working conditions
Apprentice One who learns a skill under a master
Journeyman Skilled worker who was paid wages by a master
Middle Class Class of skilled workers between the upper class and the poor and unskilled workers
Vernacular Languages Everyday speech that varies from place to place
Troubadours Traveling singers who entertained people during the Middle Ages
Scholasticism Medieval philosophy attempting to bring together faith and reason
Dante Alighieri Wrote the Divine Comedy - written in the vernacular about the faults he saw in Italian society
Geoffrey Chaucer Wrote The Canterbury Tales - written in the vernacular and poked fun at society and the clergy
Peter Abelard Important philosopher of scholasticism. His book Sic et Non raised many questions about the church's teachings
Thomas Aquinas Great medieval philosopher - He was a monk who wrote Summa Theologiae which summarized medieval Christian thought
Gothic Style of church architecture characterized by tall spires and flying buttresses that was developed by master builders during the Late Middle Ages
Created by: Jrafter



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