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Med 104 .

Week 1 deck

MRI magnetic resonance imaging
EKG electrocardiography
LPN Licensed practical nurse .
RN Registered nurse
CT Cat scan
Lou Gehrig's disease Fatal type of neuron disease. Progressive degeneration of nerve cells in the spine and brain.
Chron's disease Inflammatory bowel disease. Causes swelling of the tissue in your digestive tract.
Parkinson's disease Progressive disorder that affects the nervous system and the parts of the body that control the brain.
Alzheimer's disease Progressive disease. Beginning with mild memory loss and possibly leading to lost in social skills.
cushing disease Is a hormonal disorder. Caused when you have high levels of cortisol by the adrenal glands.
Acute Suddenly , severe symptom
Chronic Long lasting, persistent
Febrile fever
Afebrile no fever
Lethargic sluggish
CPR Cardio Pulmonary respirations
B.I.D Two times a day
CNS Central nervous system Incl (Brain and spinal cord)
COPD Chronic obstructive Pulmonary disease
Dx Diagnosis
Exacerbation To get worse
malaise to not feel weel
Symptom Something a patient feels.
Progressive gradually rises each day..
Noncontributary Not released to this specific problem
Lethargic Sluggish
Genetic/hereditary runs in the family.
Etiology Is the cause.
Idiopathic Any disease that's unknown from its origin..
Subject: Chief of complaint, how a patient experiences and describe the problem.
Objective: laboratory findings, patient physical exam
Assessment: diagnosis,identification of the problem, list of possibilities for the diagnosis.
Plan: treatment with medicine or a procedure.
iatrics? example Medical science . Pediactrics
iatrist? Example Specialist in medicine. Psychiatrist
ist? Example Specialist . Dentist
Logist? Example Specialist in the study of. Psychologist
Logy? Example Study of. Psychology
Suffix Algia,dynia mean? Pain
Suffix Cele mean? Hernia ( A bulging of tissue in a certain are where it doesn't belong)
Suffix emia mean? Blood condition
Suffix itis mean? Inflammation
Suffix lysis mean Loosen, break down
Suffix Malacia mean? Abnormal softening
Suffix megaly mean? Enlargement
Suffix Oid mean? Resembling
Suffic oma mean? Tumar
Suffix osis mean? Condition
Suffix pathy means? Disease
Suffix penia mean? deficiency
Suffix ptosis mean? Drooping
Suffix RRhage mean? Excessive flow
Suffix Spasm,Spazym mean? Involuntary condition
Centesis Puncture
Gram Written procedure
Graph Instrument used to produce a record cardiograph.
Graphy Writing procedure
Meter Instrument used to measure
Metry Process of measuring
Scope Instrument used to look at something
Scopy Process of look.
Desis Binding function
ectomy Surgical removal of something
pexy Surgical fixation to secure
Plasty Reconstruction of something to change.
RRhaphy Suture (Stitches)
Stomy Creation of an opening colostomy
Tomy Incision
Oste/o Bone
Crani/o Skull
Cervic/o Neck
Spondyl/o Vertabra
Lumb/o Loin,Lower back
Autosmatagnosis When a person reports the feeling or sending of a missing limb
Cerbro/o brain
Mening/o Meninges
Esthesi/o Feeling
Phas/o Speech
Somn/o Somn/i Hypn/o Sleep
Ocul/o Opthalm/o Opt/o eye
Lacrim/o Dacry/o Tear
Blephar/o Eyelid
Lacrimal gland Produces tears that stream across the eye and keep it wet
Sclera White part of your eye
Insulin Decreased the level of sugar in the blood.
Blood condition: -emia
Urine Condition: -uria
Adenalgia: Pain in a gland
Hirsutism: Excessive growth of facial and body hair in women.
Amenorrhea: Lack of menstrual flow
Menarche: Beginning or first menstruation
Polydipsia Excessive thirst
Polyphagia Excessive eating
Polyuria Excessive urination
Galactorrhea Discharge of milk
Goiter Swollen thyroid gland
Thyromegaly Enlargement of the thyroid
Inner part of the adrenal gland makes what? Epinephrine
Parathyroid glands make? Parathyroid hormone.
Transfusion: Infusion into a patient of blood from another source
Valvul/o Heart Valve
Antianginal Drug that prevents or relieves the symptoms of angina pectoris
Thrombolytic Drug that breaks down clots
Echo Echocardiogram
Sv Stroke Volume
SCA Sudden cardiac arrest
Nas/o Nose
Laryng/o Larynx (Voice Box)
Pharyng/o Pharynx ( Throat)
Sept/o Septum
Bronchitis inflammation of the bronchi
ox/o oxygen
Rhinorrhagia Excessive blood flow from the nose
Rhinorrhea Runny nose
Metrorrhagia Menstrual bleeding at irregular times
Ovaralgia Pain in the ovaries
Vaginodynia Pain in the vagina
Amniorrhea Discharge of amniotic sac
Braxton Hicks contraction Sporadic contractions of the uterine muscles of women not in labor; also known as Braxton hicks
Hyster/o Uterus
oophor/o Ovary
Salping/o Fallopian tubes
Mast/o Breast
Pelv/i Pelvis
Created by: Eshasassed
Popular Medical sets




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