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ch 3 and 4

cells and cellular metabolism

(true or false) cytoplasm is located between the cell membrane and the nuclear envelope true
(true or false) the framework of a cell membrane is a lipid bilayer true
(true or false) energy is stored in ATP molecules in ribosomes false
(true or false) smooth endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum does not fasle
(true or false) peroxisomes and lysosomes are sacs that contain enzymes true
(true or false) the golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum take part in secretion true
(true or false) cilia and flagella extend from certain cells, enabling them to move true
(true or false) if a nerve cell has a greater concentration of Na+ on the outside of the cell membrane compared to the inside, then the movement of Na+ to the outside of the cell is by diffusion false
(true or false) facilitated diffusion moves a substance following its concentration gradient, with the aid of a carrier protein true
(true or false) some types of active transport use energy provided by ATP molecules true
(true or false) proteins are manufactured in the mitochondria false
(true or false) the nucleus is in the nucleolus false
(true or false) during interphase, a cell rests false
(true or false) cell division consists of mitosis and cell differentiation false
(true or false) during anaphase of mitosis, centromeres separate and replicated chromosomes separate true
(true or false) all cell types divide at the same rate false
(true or false) all cell types can divide a limitless number of times false
(true or false) the process by which cells specialize is called differentiation true
about how many cells constitute the body of an adult 50-100 trillion
3 major parts of a cell nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane
a cell is surrounded by an extremely thin, flexible membrane. why is the membrane selectively permeable? it allows some substances to pass through and excludes others based on size, polarity, and other factors
cell membranes are described as a fluid mosaic that maintains stability while still allowing movement. what component maintains most flexibility of the membrane? phospholipid bilayer
a protein that spans the cell membrane is... integral protein
endoplasmic reticulum is best described as a... network of interconnected membranes
(true or false) metabolism refers to all of the chemical reactions in a cell true
(true or false) phospholipids are critical structures in cell membranes and are enzymes false
(true or false) catabolism builds up molecules and anabolism breaks down molecules false
(true or false) enzymes are proteins that promote specific chemical reactions true
(true or false) a cell may contain hundreds of different types of enzymes true
(true or false) in glycolysis, the enzyme phosphofructokinase catalyzes the slowest part of this metabolic process and can be considered a rate-limiting enzyme true
(true or false) during the anaerobic reactions of cellular respiration, pyruvic acid reacts to form glucose false
(true or false) all of the genetic information in a cell is a genome true
(true or false) a DNA molecule is a double helix in which A pairs with C and T pairs with G false
(true or false) a DNA strand with a base sequence of ACTTCGCATG, when replicated, would yield a newly formed strand of the same base sequence false
(true or false) a DNA sequence of CGCTTACGATTG would be transcribed into an RNA sequence of GCGAAUGCUAAC true
(true or false) codons are three continuous mRNA bases true
(true or false) a mutation that changes a CGC codon to CGA would not affect health because the encoded amino acid is unchanged true
one reason why protein synthesis is important is... enzymes are proteins and enzymes are essential to metabolism
an example of anabolic reaction is... many monosaccharides bonding, forming glycogen
what are characteristics of enzymes they speed up rate of chemical reactions, most are proteins, they have active sites
lactose is a disaccharide found in milk. individuals who are lactose intolerant lack the enzyme to break this sugar down into monosaccharides. based on enzyme nomenclature, what enzyme is deficient in these individuals? lactase
basic steps of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction - substrate and product combine, forming E-S complex - the reaction occurs - products are released - unchanged enzyme is released and recycled
humans require vitamins in their diets because these nutrients... act as coenzymes
energy is defined as... ability to work
the anaerobic reactions of cellular respiration take place in... cytoplasm
in the citric acid cycle, what is released carbon dioxide
structure in order from increasing size nitrogenous base - nucleotide - gene - chromosome - genome
if one strand of DNA has the sequence TCAGGCTATTCCCG, then the complementary sequence of the other stand is... AGTCCGATAAGGGC
the codon that will signal where to begin making a polypeptide is... AUG
cholesterol stabilizes membrane, helps keep it impermeable to water-soluble substances
carbohydrates cell recognition and interaction, self markers
cytosol fluid portion of cytoplasm
organelles tiny solid structures with specific functions in cell
cytoskeleton supporting framework of protein rods and tubules
ribosomes composed of protein and RNA, link amino acids in protein synthesis
endoplasmic reticulum tubular transport system - rough conducts protein synthesis - smooth conducts lipid synthesis
vesicles store or transport substances
golgi apparatus refines, packages, and delivers proteins made on rough er
mitochondria powerhouse of cell
lysosomes contains enzymes that digest proteins, carbs, nucleic acids, bacteria, debris, and worn out parts - garbage disposal
peroxisomes contain enzymes that digest lipids, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide
what do microfilaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments made up cytoskeleton
microfilaments - tiny rods of actin - provide cellular movement (contractions)
microtubules - larger tubes of tubulin - rigidity maintains cell shape - make up cilia, flagella, and centrioles - help move organelles
intermediate filaments support nuclear envelope
what do centrioles produce spindle fibers during cell division - distribute chromosomes to forming daughter cells
cilia consists microtubules in cylindrical pattern - propel mucus in respiratory tract, propel egg to uterus
flagella - similar structure to cilia, but longer - flagella causes entire cell to move - tail of sperm is only flagellum in a human cell
cell nucleus contains genetic material and controls cell activities
nuclear envelope double-layers membrane - nuclear pores allow passage of certain substances
nucleolus - dense body of RNA and protein - site of ribosome production
chromatin - consists of cell's chromosomes - stores info for protein synthesis
physical (passive) processes require... no ATP
physiological (active) processes require... ATP
diffusion - higher concentration to lower concentration - only substances cell membrane is permeable to - passive process (no ATP required)
when is equilibrium reached? when concentrations of water and solute are equal in both compartments
facilitated diffusion - diffusion across cell membrane through ion channels or transporters - water-soluble substances - passive process (no ATP required)
osmosis - movement of water across selectively permeable membrane - water moves to region of higher impermeant solute concentration - passive process (no ATP required)
isotonic solution same osmotic pressure cells in an isotonic solution have no net gain or loss of water
hypertonic solution higher osmotic pressure cells lose water (plasmolysis)
hypotonic solution lower osmotic pressure cells gain water (cytolysis)
cell cycle stages - interphase - mitosis - cytokinesis
interphase - active period - maintain normal functions - replicates genetic material (DNA) - cell synthesizes organelles, membranes, and biochemicals to prepare for cytokinesis
phases of interphase - s (synthesis) phase - g1 and g2 (growth or gap) phases
Created by: KimBriann
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