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digestive review

Mouth receives food into the oral cavity as it is tasted and broken down by the teeth. (mastication)
Teeth hard structures in the mouth that breakdown food by chewing
Tongue muscular organ that contains taste buds. Aids in chewing/swallowing (deglutition).
Salivary glands secrete amylase that aids in chemical breakdown of starchy foods
Pharynx (throat) carries both food, liquid & air. Nasopharynx, Oropharynx, Laryngopharynx
Esophagus muscular tube that carries the food to the stomach. Relies on peristalsis to move the food.
Stomach receives food from the esophagus. Food usually remains in the stomach for 1-4 hours
Small intestine process of digestion is completed here. 17-20 feet long/ 1 inch in diameter. 3 sections: duodenum, jejunum, ileum
Colon (Large intestine) absorbs liquid and remaining indigestible materials which are excreted from the body at the anus. 5 feet long/ 2 inches in diameter. 6 parts: cecum/appendix, ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid, rectum
Rectum last part of the large intestine that stores waste before it passes out of the body through an opening called the Anus
Feces (stool) indigestible waste expelled through the anus (opening at lower end of the digestive tract).
Liver storage of nutrients, breaks down fats and helps remove wastes from the body, converts glycogen to glucose for energy, makes bile (breaks down fatty foods), Located in RUQ
gallbladder stores and concentrates bile (small sac located inferior to the liver)
pancreas Produces insulin & enzymes for digestion
1st small intestines duodenum
2nd small intestines jejunum
3rd small intestines ileum
1st large intestines cecum/appendix
2nd large intestines ascending colon
3rd large intestines transverse colon
4th large intestines descending colon
5th large intestines sigmoid
6th large intestines rectum
1 mouth
2 pharynx
3 esophagus
4 stomach
5 small intestines
6 large intestines
7 rectum
8 anus
GERD (acid reflux) upward flow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus.
Pyrosis (heartburn) burning feeling in chest from GERD
Peptic Ulcers sores in the membrane of the digestive system from overproduction of stomach acid
Anorexia Nervosa self-deprivation of food and normal body weight that is a psychiatric disorder that affects the digestive system.
Bulimia Nervosa eating disorder characterized by frequent episodes of binging and purging.
Obesity excessive accumulation of fat in the body. Generally more than 30% overweight.
IBS irritable bowel syndrome) common condition of unknown cause with symptoms of cramping, pain, constipation and /or diarrhea.
IBD inflammatory bowel disease) general term for disease that cause inflammation of the intestine
Crohn’s Disease inflammation of the lining of digestive tract causing fatigue, diarrhea, weight loss
Colitis inflammation of digestive tract causing pain, bloating, vomiting
Hernia protrusion of an organ/structure through the muscle that usually contains it
Dental Caries tooth decay including cavities
Celiac Disease malabsorption condition with weight loss and diarrhea thought to be caused by an intolerance of gluten
Hepatitis inflammation of the liver caused by viral infection, drugs, alcohol, and/or fatty liver. Can cause jaundice (due to liver damage)
Cirrhosis scarring of the liver often caused by excessive alcohol consumption, drugs, or hepatitis
Ascites abnormal excess fluid in the abdomen
Constipation difficult elimination of hard stool
Diarrhea abnormal watery or loose still
Emesis vomiting
Halitosis bad breath
Nausea urge to vomit
Regurgitation vomiting
Dehydration fluid loss
Antiemetic Drugs that prevents or relieves nausea and vomiting.
Bariatric Surgery term that encompasses the surgical treatments available for morbid obesity, including lap bands, gastric bypasses, and other similar procedures to reduce the size of the stomach or digestive tract
Diet A diet specially prescribed to treat a health condition through gradual elimination and/or integration of specific foods.
Laxative Drug that stimulates bowel movements
Bariatrics concerned with the prevention and control of obesity
Dentist specializes in the care of the teeth and oral cavity
Dental Hygienist licensed to clean, x-ray, give fluoride treatments and educate patients about hygiene.
Gastroenterologist specializes in the care of the stomach and intestines.
Orthodontist dental professional who specializes in the alignment of the teeth.
Periodontist dental professional who specializes in the tissues surrounding the teeth.
Proctologist physician who specializes in the colon, rectum and anus.
Ingestion intake of food
Digestion breakdown of food into nutrients
Absorption nutrients enter bloodstream and are delivered to the body
Elimination unused solid waste expelled (fiber, fat, protein & bacteria)
Created by: rr3ynolds
Popular Medical sets




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