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Chapter 4 BusinLaw

Bedrock View a strict constructionist interpretation of a constitution.
Bicameral a two-house form of the legislative branch of government.
Commerce Clause that section of the U.S. Constitution allocating business regulation between federal and state governments.
Delegated Powers powers expressly granted the national government by the Constitution
Due Process Clause a guarantee of protection against the loss of property or rights without the chance to be heard.
Executive Branch the branch of government (e.g., the president) formed to execute the laws
Ex Post Facto Laws a law making crim- inal an act that was lawful when done or that increases the penalty when done. Such laws are generally prohibited by constitutional provisions.
Federal System the system of government in which a central government is given power to administer to national concerns while individual states retain the power to administer to local concerns.
Judicial Branch —the branch of government (e.g., the courts) formed to interpret the laws
Legislative Branch —the branch of government (e.g., Congress) formed to make the laws.
Living-Document View the term used when a constitution is interpreted according to changes in conditions.
Police Power the power to govern; the power to adopt laws for the protection of the public health, welfare, safety, and morals
Preemption the federal government’s superior regulatory position over state laws on the same subject area
Privileges and Immunities Clause a clause that entitles a person going into another state to make contracts, own property, and engage in business to the same extent as citizens of that state.
Quasi-Judicial Proceedings forms of hearings in which the rules of evidence and procedure are more relaxed but each side still has a chance to be heard.
Shared Powers powers that are held by both state and national governments.
Tripartite three-part division (of government)
Created by: user-1792509
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