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The precentral gyrus of the cerebral cortex contains the A) primary visual area B) general sensory area C) primary motor area D) gnostic area primary motor area
The corona radiata is an example of: A) porjection tracts B) commissural tracts C) association tracts D) all the above projection tracts
Broca's area is usually found in which area of the cortex? A) frontal lobe B) parietal lobe C) occipital lobe D) temporal lobe frontal lobe
Which tracts terminate at the cerebral cortex, in the parietal lobe? A) extrapyramidal B) pyramidal C) sensory D) all the above sensory
The visual association area would: A) perceive color B) perceive brightness C) perceive edges D) perceive faces perceive faces
The Motor neurons which control the face take up a large portion of the primary motor area of the cerebral cortex because the face: A) is very sensitive B) does fine movements C) has large motor units D) contain the nose does fine movements
The area that controls walking and standing is the: A) basal ganglia B) primary somesthetic area C) olfactory area D) gnostic area basal ganglia
What is the biggest part of the brain? A) thalamus B) cerebrum C) hypothalamus D) medulla cerebrum
An part of the brain that remembers and coordinates all sensory information is; A) hypothalamus B) thalamus C) gnostic area D) pons gnostic area
The area of the brain that helps you focus on this test: A) Reticular Activating Center B) substantia nigra C) hypothalamus D) cerebellum Reticular Activating Center
The rubrospinal tract: A) originates in red nucleus B) terminates in basal ganglia C) releases dopamine D) controls muscle tone E) B and C F) A and D A and D
Centers for the regulation of temperature and blood glucose levels are located in the: A) hypothalamus B) medulla C) thalamus D) pons hypothalamus
The lumbar plexus can be impinged by A) posas minor B) psoas major C) rectus femoris D) piriformis psoas major
The sacral plexus arises from the anterior rami of Spinal Nerves A) L4 - S3 B) C1 - C4 C) C5 - S1 D) L1 - L4 L4- S3
The sciatic nerve can be impinged by A) presidential veto B) piriformis C) psoas minor D) rectus femoris priformis
What kind of activity could cause Sciatica? A) sitting B) writing C) knee extension D) dating sitting
Sartorious, the inguinal ligament, and adductor magnus are the borders of the A) femoral nerve B) femoral triangle C) ingunal plexus D) inguinal triangle femora triangle
Damage to the common peroneal nerve could cause difficulty with A) waling B) sitting C) knee extension D) thinking deep thoughts walking
The ventral rami of the lumbar nerves: A) enter plexues B) Innervate rectus addominis muscle and intercostal muscles C) have no motor component D) innervate the muscles of the back Enter plexuses
Which of these is a terminal nerve of the Lumbar Plexus A) Iliohypogastric B) Obturator Nerve C) Femoral Nerve D) All the above All the above
The Femoral nerve innervates all of the following muscles except A) Iliacus B) Gracilis C) Quadriceps Femoris D) Sartorious Gracilis
Innervation of the peroneus longus muscle comes from the A) deep peronel nerve B) superficial peroneal nerve C) tibial nerve D) none of the above superficial peroneal nerve
Terminal nerves of the sacra plexus are A) Superior gluteal B) Femoral C) Obturator D) All the above Superior gluteal
Golgi tendon organs: A) are located in the belly of the muscle B) are proprioceptors C) Detect changes in muscle length D) All of the above are proprioceptors
The falx cerebri: A) lies in the central sulcus B) is made up of blood vessels C) is an extension of the meninges D) Separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum is an extension of the meninges
The nerve which is commonly impinged by the Piriformis muscle is arises from which spinal nerves? A) L1 - L4 B) L4 - S3 C) S3 - C1 D) C5 - T1 L4 - S3
Toward the end of a test you get tired and your head falls down toward the desk. What reflex center is it that catches your head and pulls it back up? A) vestibular neclei B) nucleus gracillis C) superior colliculi D0 inferior colliculi vestibular neclei
Which of the following is a function of the CNS? A) reading these question B) remembering the info C) picking the right answer D) all of the above all of the above
Where is the cerebro spinal fluid reabsorbed into the blood stream? A) Ventricals B) Apertures C) Cerebral aqueduct D) Arachnoid villi Arachnoid villi
Cerebrospinal fluid A) should be changed every 5000 miles B) is made in the central canal of the spinal cord C) flows in the subarachnoid space D) circulates through the epidural space flows in the subarachnoid space
Ventricles: A) are spaces in the brain that are filled with cerebrospinal fluid B) are the site of cerebrospinal fluid production C) were first described by Aristotle (incorrectly) and then by da Vinci (correctly) D)All of the above All of the above
The decussation of the pyramids is located: A) in the pons B) in the cerebellum C) along the banks of the Nile D) in the lower brain stem along the banks of the Nile
Located within the medulla oblongata are: A) the pneumotaxic center B) the pleasure center C) nuclei for cranial nerves VIII to XII D) the thermostat center nuclei for cranial nerves VIII to XII
Within the medulla: A) incoming sensory fibers decussate from one side to the other B) outgoing motor fibers from the motor cortex decussate from one side to the other C) there is no decussation D) decussation only occurs on Wednesdays outgoing motor fibers from the motor cortex decussate from one side to the other.
Peduncles connect the cerebellum to the A) medulla B) pons C) midbrain D) all the above all the above
The Midbrain: A) contains the corpora quadrigemmina B) is located just inferior to the cerebellum C) is located between the pons and the medulla oblongata D) is part of the diencephalon contains the corpora quadrigemmina
The diencephalon is composed of the: A) thalamus B) hypothalamus C) substantia nigra D) A & B A & B
The insula A) is a lobe of the brain for which there is no corresponding cranial bone B) secretes the neurotransmitter dopamine C) separates the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe D) A & B is a lobe of brain for which there is no corresponding cranial bone
Created by: surewinlina
Popular Physiology sets




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