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Acu Anatomy- Week 6

Compilation of First Four Quizzes

Point has the vasculature of posterior circumflex artery and vein and innervation of lateral supraclavicular nerve, suprascapular nerve, and axillary nerve according to CAM. LI-15
For what acupuncture point does CAM caution to avoid the axillary artery when needling? HT-1
Point is located antero-inferior to the acromion, on the upper portion of muscle deltoideus and is found when the arm is in full abduction at the depression appearing at the anterior border of the acromioclavicular joint. LI-15 (SJ-14 is the posterior dimple)
According to CAM, what is the vasculature of the point SJ-14? A branch of the posterior (POSTERIOR seems key here) circumflex humeral artery
Point is located with the elbow flexed in a depression about 1 cun superior to the olecranon and has musculature of the tendon of the triceps brachii muscle. SJ-10
For what point does CAM caution to avoid puncturing the radial NERVE and has vasculature of the cephalic vein and branches of the radial recurrent artery and vein? LU-5
What point on the transverse cubital crease is needle perpendicularly 0.5-0.7 cun or pricked to bleed, and which carries a caution in CAM to avoid puncturing the brachial artery? PC-3
What is the correction description of the location of SI-8 according to CAM? With elbow flexed, in a depression between the olecranon of the ulna and the medial epicondyle of the humerus.
Point carries the caution to avoid injuring the radial collateral artery and also has innervation of posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve and radial nerve. LI-13
Point is needled perpendicularly 0.8-1.2 cun and has vasculature of posterior and anterior antebrachial interosseus A and V, and which is also located 3 cun above SJ-4 between the radius and ulna, on the radial side of m. extensor digitorum. SJ-6
Point is located with a loose fist, proximal to the 5 MCP joint, at the JORAWS, with vasculature of the dorsal digital artery & vein and dorsal A&V network. SI-3
Point is located 2 cun above the TC of dorsal wrist between raidus and ulna, is needled perpendicularly 0.3-0.5 cun and which is innervated by branch of posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve, and anterior & posterior interosseous nerve. SJ-5
What is the correct description of the location of SI-6 according to CAM? Dorsal to the head of the ulna, with the palm facing the chest, in the bony cleft on the radial side of the styloid process of the ulna.
Point is located in the "anatomical snuff box" and has musculature of the tendons of extensor pollicis longus and brevis, and the tendon of extensor carpi radialis longus. LI-5
Point is needled perpendicularly 0.3-0.5 cun, is innervated by medial antebrachial cutaneous N, has vasculature of ulnar A and musculature of flexor carpi ulnaris, and is located at ulnar end of TWC in depression on radial side of flexor carpi ulnaris. HT-7 (remember: RADIAL side of ULNAR tendon)
What is the correct point location description for PC-6 according to CAM? 2 cun above the TC of the wrist, between the tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis.
For which of the following points does CAM caution to avoid puncturing the radial artery when needling? Both LU-8 and LU-9
Which of the following points includes a caution against use during pregnancy and is located on the dorsum of the hand between the 1st and 2nd MC bones, at the middle of the 2nd MC bone on the radial side? LI-4
According to CAM what is the vasculature of the point LU-7? Cephalic vein, branches of the radial artery and vein
Point is located on the ulnar side of the palm, in the depression between the base of the 5th MC bone and the triquetral bone (and is sometimes noted as being between the 5th MC bone and the PISIFORM bone). SI-4
What is the correct point description of UB-57? Directly below the belly of the gastroc muscle, on the UB-40-tendocalcaneus line, about 8 cun below UB-40.
Point has the vasculature of "branches of peroneal artery and vein" according to CAM. GB-35 (It is more lateral/posterior, so more of peroneal A/V-- since peroneal is also known as fibular)
Point has caution against puncturing femoral artery and instructions to stay on lateral side of artery. SP-12
Point has caution against directing needle toward lateral side in order to prevent contacting the femoral artery. LR-11
Point has musculature of vastus medialis, vasculature of branches of femoral artery and vein, and is located 2 cun above the mediosuperior border of the patella on bulge of the medial portion of quadriceps femoris muscle. SP-10
Point is contraindicated during pregnancy (one of several on our list). SP-6
Point is contraindicated during pregnancy (except to aid in difficult labor). UB-60
Avoid puncturing dorsal artery (of foot). ST-42
Point has vasculature of the great saphenous vein and posterior tibial artery and vein, and is innervated by medial crural cutaneous nerve and deeper by tibial nerve. SP-6
Point is innervated by the sural nerve, has vasculature of small saphenous vein and the postero-external malleolar artery and vein, with musculature of the Achilles tendon. UB-60
Point is traditionally needled perpendicularly 0.3-0.5 cun, but can be needled perpendicularly DEEPER in order to penetrate to SP-6. GB-39
Point has vasculature of the lateral palmar artery and vein and is located in a depression lateral to the cuboid bone of the foot. UB-63
Point is innervated by the medial crural cutaneous nerve and deeper by the tibial nerve, has musculature of the abductor hallucis m. and is located in a depression below the tip of the MM. Other sources say 1 cun below MM. KD-6
Point is located in a depression distal to the junction of the 4th and 5th MT bones on the lateral side of the tendon of the extensor digiti minimi and has vasculature of the A&V network of the foot and the 4th MT A&V. GB-41
Point inear the medial malleolus is generally needled perpendicularly 0.3-0.5 but can also be needled perpendicularly DEEPER to penetrate to reach UB-60. KD-3
Point is located in a depression distal and inferior to the medial malleolus, midway between the tuberosity of the navicular bones and the tip of the medial malleolus. SP-5
Created by: mrbarr
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