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Nervous System HB

astro- star
audi- / oto- hearing
auto- self
-ellum smaller
cereb- / enceph- brain
dendr- treelike
gli- glue
inter- between
mening- membrane
neuro- nerve
oligo- few
opt- vision
photo- light
polar- end
Central Nervous System (CNS) brain and spinal cord
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) all nerves not found in the brain or spinal cord
Afferent nerves sends impulses from the senses to the CNS
Efferent nerves sends impulses from the CNS to the muscles and glands
sensory imput detects stimuli inside and outside the body
respone activation of muscles (motor output) or glands
integration processing and interpreting information
neurons conduct impulses around the body
neuroglia "nerve glue" support, insulate, and protect the neurons
interneurons connect afferent and efferent neurons
myelin waxy insulation around the axon of a neuron wade by a Schwann cell
neurilemma outer layers of the Schwann cell
nodes of renvier gaps in the myelin sheath
astocytes support and anchor neurons to cappillaries
microglia provide immune response to CNS
Ependymal cells secrete and circulate cerebrospinal fluid
oligodendrocytes provide myelin insulation to neurons
satellite cells support and anchor neurons
Schwann cells provide myelin insulation to neurons
synapse where two neurons meet
synaptic cleft space in between two neurons
nerotransmitters a chemical substance secreted by a neuron that aids in the transmission of the nerve impulse to an adjacent neuron
action potential recording of electrical change in membrane potential when a neuron is stimulated
nerve impulse a signal transmitted along a nerve fiber that consists of a wave of electrical depolarization that reverses the potential difference across the nerve cell membranes
meninges three layers of connective tissue that surround the brain and spinal cord
dura mater thick, tough layer of the meninges
arachnoid membrane thin, cobweb-like layer of the meninges
pia mater thin layer containing lots of blood vessels in the meninges
cerebellum structure of the brain that lies above the pons and medulla. Deals with synergy
cerebral cortex outer layer of each cerebral hemisphere, consisting of many multipolar neurons and nerve cell fibers
cerebral hemisphere convoluted mass of nervous tissue located above the deeper structures
home of consciousness, memory, and sensory perception cerebral hemisphere
cerebrum the largest part of the brain
sulcus indented region or groove in the cerebral cortex between the ridges
corpus collosum bundle of nerve fibers that connect the two hemispheres of the cerebrum
gyri ridges of the cerebrum
sulci grooves of the cerebrum
cerebral cortex "gray matter," made of cell bodies and dendrites
cerebral medulla "white matter," made of myelinated axons
basal nuclei islands of gray matter
What does the frontal lobe control? voluntary movements, reasoning and decision making, memory, ability to predict consequences of actions, planning, verbal communication (Broca's area)
What does the parietal lobe control? sensations (pain, temperature, touch), visual-spatial processing, body position
What does the occipital lobe control? visual processing- vision, and memory of objects
What do the temporal lobes control? memory, comprehension, and pronunciation of words, sensations of smell and sound, emotional association of memories
thalamus region of the brain that acts as a relay center. It receives all sensory input, except for smell, and then relays it to the sensory and association cortex
hypothalamus structure in the brain located beneath the thalamus. It consists of many aggregations of nerve cells and controls a variety of functions aimed at maintaining homeostasis.
What does the hypothalamus control? autonomic processes (body temperature, metabolism), hormones, emotions and feelings of pleasure
brain stem part of the brain that consists of the medulla and pons. Controls breathing and reticular activating systems that control many basic body functions
What is the function of the midbrain? relays information to the cerebrum and controls body movements and posture
What is the functions of the pons? carries information from one side of the brain to another. Also controls breathing
What is the functions of the medulla oblongata? transmits impulses between the brain and spinal cord. It controls blood pressure, heart rate, swallowing, and coughing
reflex automatic response to a stimulus
reflex arc a neuronal pathway by which sensory impulses from receptors reach effectors without traveling to the brain
sensory receptors dendrites that react to a certain external or internal stimulus
What do mechanoreceptors detect? touch
What to thermoreceptors detect? temperature variation
Another name for pain receptors nociceptors
What do chemoreceptors detect? chemicals
What do photoreceptors detect? light
Free nerve endings sense pain, temperature, touch, and pressure
Meissner's corpuscles encapsulated nerve endings found in hairless skin that detect light touch
Hair follicle receptors detect movement of hair
Ruffini's corpuscles detect deep pressure and stretching of skin
Pacinian corpuscles encapsulated nerve endings that detect deep pressure and vibrations
Created by: LFeldmann
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