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cognitive biases

cognitive biasdefinition
anchoring The first thing you judge influences your judgment of all that follows.
the sunk cost fallacy You irrationally cling to things that have already cost you something.
the availability heuristic Your judgements are influence by what springs most easily to mind.
the curse of knowledge Once you understand something you assume it to be obvious to everyone else.
confirmation bias You favor things that confirm your existing beliefs.
the dunning-kruger effect The more you know, the less confident you're likely to be.
belief bias If a conclusion supports your existing beliefs, you'll rationalize anything that supports it.
self-serving bias You believe your failures are due to external factors, yet you're responsible for your successes.
the backfire effect When some aspect of your core beliefs is challenged, it can cause you to believe even more strongly.
the barnum effect You see personal specifics in vague statements by filling in the gaps.
groupthink You let the social dynamics of a group situation override the best outcomes.
negativity bias You allow negative things to disproportionately influence your thinking.
declinism You remember the past as better than it was, and expect the future to be worse than it will likely be.
the framing effect You allow yourself to be unduly influenced by context and delivery.
fundamental attribution error You judge others on their character, but yourself on the situation.
the halo effect How much you like someone, or how attractive they are, influences your other judgments of them.
optimism bias You overestimate the likelihood of positive outcomes.
pessimism bias You overestimate the likelihood of negative outcomes.
just-world hypothesis Your preference for justice makes you presume it exists.
in-group bias You unfairly favor those who belong to your group.
the placebo effect If you believe you're taking medicine it can sometimes 'work' even if it's fake.
the bystander effect You presume someone else is going to do something in an emergency situation.
reactance You'd rather do the opposite of what someone is trying to make you do.
the spotlight effect You overestimate how much people notice how you look and act.
Created by: hmayo
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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