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Foundation of Nursin

Foundations of Nursing Chapter 1 & 2

Where does the word nurse derive from? The Latin word meaning to nourish
When did nursing begin to emerge? 19th Century
What individual attributes are required to be a nurse? Strong sense of responsibility & the highest standards of integrity. Personal conviction & flexibility. Well educated & integrate the art & science of working with people.
What did people in ancient times attribute illness to? Punishment for sins or to possession by evil spirits.
Caduceus Medical symbol. Staff of the Roman god Mercury, shown as a winged staff with two serpents wrapped around it.
Hippocrates Father of Medicine - Denounced the idea of mystical influence on disease.
Holistic Healthcare Caring for the whole person.
Hippocratic oath Oath that a physician will repeat when graduating from a school of medicine.
Based on the Hippocratic oath Florence Nightingale pledge & Practical Nurses pledge.
Nurses must be aware of a clients Emotions, lifestyles, physical changes, spiritual needs, and individual challenges.
Phoebe Mentioned in the Epistle to the Romans (about 58AD), is known as the first deaconess & visiting nurse.
Fabiola A Roman woman, credited with influencing & paying for the construction of the first free hospital in Rome in 390 AD.
Saint Marcella Converted her beautiful home into a monastery, where she taught nursing skills. Considered the first nursing educator.
Saint Paula Credited with establishing inns & hospitals to care for pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem. Said to be the first person to teach the philosophy that nursing is an art rather than a service.
Saint Helena Mother of Roman Emperor Constantine. Credited with establishing the first gerontological facility, or home for the aged.
Knights Hospitalers of St. John Male military personnel in Jerusalem, that conducted most nursing care.
Maltese Cross Symbol of the Nightingale School. forerunner of nursing school pins worn today.
Pastor Theodor Fliedner Established the Kaiserswerth School for Nursing in 1836, in his parish in Kaiserswerth, Germany. It was one of the first formally established schools of nursing in the world.
Lutheran Order of Deaconess Grew out of Kaiserswerth School of Nursing. Famous student was Florence Nightingale.
Nightingale lamp Also known as the "Lamp of Learning" became a symbol of nursing & nursing education.
Nightingale School First nursing school outside a hospital. Opened in 1860.
Pittsburgh Infirmary The first real school of nursing in the United States. 1849.
Dorothea Lynde Dix ELEVATION OF STANDARDS OF CARE FOR MENTALLY ILL. Appointed by the Union Army as Superintendent of Female Nurses. Recruited volunteer nurses to treat men injured in the war. Remembered for her campaign against the inhumane treatment of the mentally ill.
Clara Barton Founded the American Red Cross in 1881
Melinda Ann (Linda) Richards First trained nurse in the US
Isabel Hampton Robb Founded the American Journal of Nursing
Mary Eliza Mahoney First black graduated nurse in the US
Lillian Wald & Mary Brewster Founded the first Visiting Nurse Service.
Isable Robb & Lavina Dock founded Amerian society of superintendents of Training Schools of Nursing (later Education Committee of National League for Nursing). Nurses Associated Alumnae of the US & Canada (later part of American Nurses Assoc. (ANA)
Mary Breckinridge Established a nurse-widwife school in early 1900s
First Stat to license practical nurses Mississippi
Smith-Hughes Vocation Education Act Enabled federal funding for practical nursing education.
Ethyl Johns Established the first baccalaureate program in the British Empire in Vancouver BC
Lillian Kuster Founded National Federation of LPNs
First PN program The chicago Public School Practical Nursing Program
Lucille Kinlein First nurse to function as independent practitioner.
Jane Delano Instrumental in teaching lay women appropriate nursing care for illnesses within their own families.
First practical nursing program to be accredited by the National League for Nursing (NLN) Chicago Public School (1966)
Insignia Distinguishing badge of authority or honor.
Practical Nurse Provides nursing care in long-term & acute care facilities. May also work in physician's office & clinic settings. Works under the supervision of an RN or MD.
RN Registered Nurse
LPN Licensed Practical Nurse
LVN Licensed Vocational Nurse
career ladder program that leads from a LPN to a RN
Advanced Practice Nurse Formerly called the nuse practitioner, is an RN usually with a master's degree, who has specialized in a particular field.
Nurse Practice Acts Practical or vocational nurses are licensed under specific state laws to care for clients in various setting in the same manner as is the RN
CNA Certified Nuring Assistant
UAP Unlicensed assistive personnel
Accreditation a higher standard: It signifies that the accrediting organization has judged that a program has met its preestablished criteria.
Approved Program one that satifies minimum standards set by the state agency responsible for overseeing educational programs.
Certification process by which a nurse is granted recognition for competency in a specific area of nursing.
Health a condition of physical, mental, and social well-being and the absence of disease or other abnormal conditions.
Health Care System complete network of agencies, facilities, and providers involved with health care in a a specified geographic area.
Holistic Pertaining to the shole; taking into consideration all factors
Holistic Health Care a system of comprehensive or total patient care that considers the physical, emotional, social, economic, and spiritual needs of a person.
Illness the abnormal process in which aspects of the social, emotional, or intellectual condition function of a person are diminished or impaired.
Licensure The granting of permission by a competent authority (Usually a government agency) to an organization or individual to engage or practice an activity that would otherwise be illegal.
Medicine The art and science of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease and the maintenance of good health.
Patient A recipient of a health care service.
Wellness A dynamic state of health in which an individual progresses toward a higher level of functioning, achievin an optimal balance between internal and external environement.
Mary Ann Ball Championed the rights and comforts of soldiers, organized kitchens, laundriws, ambulance service, and supervised nursing staff during civil war.
Mary Adelaide Nutting Developed curriculum concepts and guidelines for student nurses. Assisted in the development of the International council of Nurses.
What in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is the most basic Physiologic
The student interested in attending an accredited school for practical nursing knows that an accredited program: Is necessary before the graduate is eligible to take the National Council Licensing Examiniation for Practical Nursing (NCLEX-PN)
The acute awareness by the health care consumer of preventive medicine has resulted in an increase in: knowledge and services to promote health and prevent illness (wll-illness continuum)
The factor that best advanced the practice of nursing in the first century was the: teachings of Christianity
Nursing education programs may seek voluntary accredidation by the appropriate council of the: National League for Nursing
When developing a definition of "health", a person should consider that health is: A condition of physical, mental, and social well-being and absence of disease.
Comprehensive or toal patient care that considers the physical, emotional, social , economic, and spiritual needs of the person, as well as the personls response to the illness and the impact of the illness on the persons ability to meet self-care needs i Holistic Nursing
the student nurse reviweing the history of nursing knows that the "Lady of the Lamp" is Florence Nightingale
The American Society of Superintendents of Training Schools of Nursing was established in 1894. The major goal of this organization was to set educational standards for nursing
The ancient hebrews, according the the Talmud and the old testament, documentd several health and disease practices. They are also attributed with The first practice of public health and home health
The student nurse who is studying the history of health care cognizes tha Hippocrates is credited with the develeopment of the first ethical guide for medical conduct
Care delivered by RNs and LPNs is legally defined as their scope of practice, which is determined by The nurse practice act.
The nursing student knows that the first nursing theorist was Florence Nightingale
the most commonly used model that assists in the understanding of the patients place on the wellness continuum is Abraham Maslow
the first nurst to train in America was Linda Richards
the first school didicated to the training of the pracical nurse in the United States was The Ballard School
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being
Men in nursing are regaining their historiccal position in the profession as nurses
Patients Bill of Rights Patients expect to be treated with dignity and compassion and to have their rights respected. This includes the right to privacy.
What are the major problems and concerns aboutn heatlth care today Demographics of the population, womens health care issues, men in nursing, rising number of fewer socioeconomic advantages seeking care, and bioterrism threats.
Created by: 1028210410
Popular Nursing sets




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