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Italian Lesson 1

bambino (bam-bee-no) boy
bambina (bam bee nah) girl
bambini (bam bee knee) children
donna (don nah) woman
donne (don nay) women
uomo (whoa mo) man
oumini (whoa me knee) men
la (lah) the (fem, sing.)
le (lay) the (fem. pl.)
il (ill) the (mas. sing.)
i (ee) the (mas. pl)
gli (yee) the (mas. With vowels)
degli (del yee) of the (mas, plur.)
delle (del lay) of the (fem, sin)
dei (day) of the (mas, sing.)
delli (del lee) of the (fem, plu)
lei (lay) she
lui (loo wee) him
loro (lor o) they
corre (core ray) he is running
corrono (core row no) they are running
legge (ledge jay) he is reading
leggono (ledge joe no) they are reading
beve (bev vey) he is drinking
bevono (bev vo no) they are drinking
mangia (man gee-ah) he is eating
mangiano (man gee-ah no) they are eating
cucina (Cu chee nah) he is eating
cucinano (Cu chee na no) they are cooking
nuota (new- o to) he is swimming
nuotano (new- o ta no) they are swimming
scriva (skree vah) he is writing
scrivono (skree vah no) they are writing
arrivederci (ah ree vah der chi) goodbye
boungiorno (bone jour no) good morning
buona notte (bo nah no teh) good night
Lei, come si chiama? What is your name (formal)?
Mi chiamo ... My name is...
Lei parla inglese? Do you speak english? (formal)
Si, io parlo inglese. Yes I speak english.
Si ma lo parlo solo on poco. Yes, but I only speak a little.
Lei parlo italiano? Do you speak Italian? (formal)
Si, io parlo Italiano. Yes I speak Italian.
giovane (joe- avah- nay) young
altre (ahl tray) other
puittosto (pe ut tosto) rather
attraente (a tra en tay) attractive
corporatura (core poor a tora) build
suoi (sw woi) his (for plural)
colleghi (co leggy) colleagues
disponibile (dee spon nee bill lay) available
ad to or for
aiutare help
un grattacielo (gratta cello) skyscraper
comunicazione (com mun i cats io nee) communication
multinazionale (mull tee natz ee un al lay) multinational
noioso (noi yo so) boring
simpaticone (sim PAH ti CO nay) simpaticoni (sim PAH ti CO nee) nice guy , nice guys ( fun to be around)
capo boss
al contrario (al con trar rio) to the contrary, opposite, on the other hand
rompiscatole (rhom piss scat tol lay) pain in the butt
ha studiato (a stu dee ah toe) (he) studied
economia (a con no me a) economy
vissuto (vis sue toe) (he) has lived
eccetto (ehc chet to) except
Città (chee TAH) city
storica (STOR icah historical
universitaria ( un i ver si TAR ria) university (adjective, e.g. university city)
felice (fell ee chay)/ felici (fell ee chi) happy (sing. and plur)
abita (AH bee ta) (he) lives
ma (mah) but
sogni di (sonyah dee) dreams of
avere (a VER ay) (to) have
magari (mah GAR ee) perhaps
ha lasciato (ah la SHA to) (he) left
è trasferita (a tra sfer ee tah (he) is transferred
offerta di lavoro job offer
anche (AN kay) also
vorrebbe (vor reb bay) (he) would
cambiare cam BEE r ay) to change
ogni tanto (own yee tahn to) every now and then
manda (MAN dah) (he) sends
qualche (QUAL kay) some
siccome (See COMb may since
agli altri (ah lee AL tree) to the others
dedica (DEH dee cah) dedication
ad esempio (Ah DEE sem pio) for example
volontariato (vo LAWN tare e ah to) volunteering
insegnante (in SEN nyan teh) teacher
immigrati (Im meh GRA tee) immigrants
letteratura (Let teh rah TOUR rah litterature
erano (air a no) (they) were
le sua (lay sue a) his
materie preferite (mah TARE ee ah preh feh REE tee) favorite subjects
motivo (mo TEE voh) reason
a volte sometimes
a volte anche sometimes even
però (PER oh) however
mattina morning
compleanno birthday
Created by: kadancona
Popular Italian sets




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