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UAMS Teratology

Teratology Test.

What area of the body has a critical period of 3 weeks to term? CNS
What area of the body has a critical period of 3 weeks to 8 weeks? Heart
What area of the body has a critical period of 4 weeks to 8 weeks? Upper and Lower Limbs
What area of the body has a critical period of 4 weeks to 20 weeks? Ear
What area of the body has a critical period of 4 weeks to term? Eyes
What area of the body has a critical period of 6 weeks to 16 weeks? Palate
What area of the body has a critical period of 6 weeks to term? Teeth
What area of the body has a critical period of 7 weeks to term? External Genitalia
What are the 3 FDA guidelines 1) Fertility and General Reproductive performance, 2) Teratological Study, 3) Perinatal and Postnatal studies.
St. John's Wart causes? Pregnancy, contradicts oral contraceptives
SSRIs (prozac, zoloft, celexa, lexapro) cause? Low risk of anything, may affect motor development.
Paxil may cause? Heart Defects
Lithium may cause? Ebstein's anomaly.
Anticonvulsants may cause? Malformations, OB complications, Hemorrhage, Developmental Delay.
Aminopterne & Methotrexate may cause? Mild MR, craniofacial anomalies
ACE inhibitors may cause? Renal problems, Renal tubular dysplasia, can lead to oligo and Potter's
DES may cause? From week 0 to week 20, Genital anomalies
Misoprostol may cause? From the 6th week to the 8th week, Limb reduction, Moebius sequence, CNS anomalies
Accutane may cause? From 15th day to 1st trimester, CNS, Ear, Heart
Streptomycin may cause? Perceptive hearing loss
Tetracycline may cause? After the 4th month, Defects in primary teeth.
Thalidomide may cause? 34-50 days after LMP, Phocomelia, Amelia
Warfarin may cause? 6th to 9th week, Seziures, hypoplasia of nose
Retinoic Acid may cause? 3rd through the 5th week, Crainofacial, Cleft palate, NTD, Heart
Valporic Acid may cause? Spinal Tube defects
Alcohol may cause? Miscarriage, FAS
Tobacco may cause? IUGR, Prematurity, stillbirth
Cocaine may cause? SIDS
Methylmercury may cause? CNS
Rubella may cause? Cataracts, Heart, deafness, MR
CMV may cause? Hepatosplenomegaly, Microcephaly, Cerebral calcification
Herpes may cause? IUGR, Microcephaly
Varicella may cause? 8th to 20th week exposure, Scarring, Limb hypoplasia, IUGR,
5th disease/Parvovirus B-19 may cause? Minimal Risk, Hydrops
Toxoplasmosis may cause? Hydrocephalus, Chorioretinitis, Hephatosplenomegaly, Deafness/blindess.
Questions to ask the patient: Do you drink, how much? Do you smoke, how much? Do you take any OTC drugs, which? Do you use any illegal substances, which? Have you had X-Rays since you've been pregnant? Are you epileptic? Do you have high blood pressure, take ACE inhibitors?
What causes Cleft Lip/Palate? Anti-seizure/anticonvulsant medications, acne medications containing Accutane, and methotrexate, Glucticosteriods
What drugs can cause CHD? Antipsychotic drugs, Anticonvulsants
What drugs cause Meningomyelocele? Anticonvulsants.
How much Folic Acid should a pregnant women have in her diet? 0.4mg daily
How much Folic Acid should a pregnant women who already had a child with ONTD have in her diet? 2-4mg daily.
Created by: btkosewski
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