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Med Term Ch. 11

Medical Terminology Ch.11 - Digestive System

mouth opening where food passes into the body - breaks food into small particles by mastication & mixing with saliva
mastication chewing
tongue major organ for taste & speech - consists of skeletal muscle - attached to posterior region of mouth - provides movement of food for mastication & directs food to pharynx for swallowing
palate separates nasal cavity from oral cavity
soft palate posterior portion - not supported by bone
hard palate anterior portion - supported by bone
uvula soft v-shaped structure that extends from soft palate - directs food into throat
pharynx (throat) performs swallowing action that passes food from mouth into esophagus
esophagus passageway for food extending from pharynx to stomach - 10 inch tube - Peristalsis begins here
peristalsis involuntary wavelike movements that propel food along the gastrointestinal tract
stomach j-shaped sac that mixes & stores food - secretes chemicals for digestion secretes hormones for local communication control
cardia area around opening of esophagus
fundus proximal domed portion of stomach
body central portion of stomach - distal to fundus
antrum distal portion of stomach
pylorus portion of stomach that connects to small intestine
pyloric sphincter ring of muscle that guards opening between stomach & duodenum
small intestine 20 foot tube extending from pyloric sphincter to large intestine - digestion - absorption (passage of nutrients from small intestine to bloodstream) takes place through villa
duodenum first 10-12 inches of small intestine
jejunum second portion of small intestine - 8 feet long
ileum third portion of small intestine - 11 feet long connects with large intestine
large intestine 5 feet long tube that extends from ileum to anus - absorption of water & transit of solid waste products of digestion take place in large intestine
cecum u-shaped pouch that is the first portion of large intestine
colon main portion of large intestine - ascending colon - transverse colon - descending colon - sigmoid colon
rectum distal portion of large intestine - 8-10 inches long - extending from sigmoid colon to anus
anus sphincter muscle at end of gastrointestinal tract - provides for elimination of solid waste products of digestion
salivary glands produce saliva
liver produces bile
bile ducts passageways that carry bile - hepatic duct: passageway for bile from liver - cystic duct: carries bile to & from gallbladder - they join to form common bile duct: conveys bile to duodenum - biliary tract
gallbladder small, saclike structure that stores bile produced by liver
pancreas produces pancreatic juice which helps digest all types of food - secretes insulin for carbohydrate metabolism
peritoneum serous saclike lining of abdominal & pelvic cavities
appendix small pouch attached to cecum - vermiform appendix
abdomen portion of body between thorax & pelvis
an/o anus
antr/o antrum
cec/o cecum
col/o colon/o colon (large intestine)
duoden/o duodenum
enter/o intestines (small intestine)
esophag/o esophagus
gastr/o stomach
ile/o ileum
jejun/o jejunum
or/o stomat/o mouth
proct/o rect/o rectum
sigmoid/o sigmoid colon
abdomin/o celi/o lapar/o abdomen abdominal cavity
append/o appendic/o appendix
cheli/o lips
cholangi/o bile ducts
chol/e gall bile
choledoch/o common bile duct
divericul/o diverticulum
gingiv/o gums
gloss/o lingu/o tongue
hepat/o liver
herni/o hernia
palat/o palate
pancreat/o pancreas
peritone/o peritoneum
polyp/o polyp small growth
pylor/o pylorus pyloric sphincter
sial/o saliva salivary glands
steat/o fat
uvul/o uvula
adhesion abnormal growing together of two peritoneal surfaces that normally are separated - may occur after abdominal surgery - treatment: adhesiolysis or adhesiotomy
celiac disease malabsorption syndrome caused by immune rxn to gluten - may damage the lining of the small intestine that is responsible for absorption of food into the bloodstream - gluten enteropathy
cirrhosis chronic disease of liver w/ gradual destruction of cells & formation of scar tissue - caused by alcoholism & viral hepatitis
Crohn disease chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract usually affecting the ileum & colon - cobblestone ulcerations & formation of scar tissue (may lead to intestinal obstruction) - reginal ileitis or regional enteritis
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) abnormal backward flow of gastrointestinal contents into the esophagus - causes heartburn & gradual breakdown of the mucous barrier of the esophagus
hemochromatosis iron metabolism disorder that occurs when too much iron is absorbed from food - excessive deposits of iron in the tissue - can cause: heart failure, diabetes, cirrhosis, or cancer of the liver
hemorrhoids swollen or distended veins in the rectum/anus - internal or external - source of rectal bleeding & pain
ileus non-mechanical obstruction of the intestine - caused by lack of peristalsis
intussusception telescoping of a segment of the intestine
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) periodic disturbances of bowel function - diarrhea or constipation - abdominal pain
obesity excess of body fat which increases body weight - body mass index (BMI) is greater than 30 kg/m^2 - overweight: BMI between 25 & 29.9 kg/m^2 - morbid obesity: BMI over 40 kg/m^2
peptic ulcer erosion of mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum associated w/ increased secretion of acid from stomach, bacterial infection, or medications - gastric or duodenal ulcer
ulcerative colitis (UC) disease characterized by inflammation of the colon w/ formation of ulcers - can cause bloody diarrhea
volvulus twisting of kinking of the intestine causing intestinal obstruction
abdominoperineal resection (APR) removal of distal colon, rectum, & anal sphincter through both abdominal & perineal approaches - to treat some colorectal cancers & inflammatory diseases of lower large intestine - patient will have colostomy
anastomosis connection created by surgically joining two structures - blood vessels, bowel segments
bariatric surgery surgical reduction of gastric capacity to treat morbid obesity
hemorrhoidectomy excision of hemorrhoids
vagotomy cutting of certain branches of the vagus nerve - performed w/ gastric surgery to reduce the amount of gastric acid produced & thus reduce recurrence of ulcers
abdominal sonography ultrasound scan of the abdominal cavity in which the size & structure of the organs can be visualized
barium enema (BE) series of radiographic images taken of the large intestine after the contrast agent barium has been administered rectally - lower GI series
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) procedure in which contrast media is introduced into the biliary & pancreatic ducts - used to evaluate obstructions, strictures, stone diseases, pancreatitis, & pancreatic cancer
endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) procedure using endoscope fitted w/ an ultrasound probe that provides images of the esophageal & stomach linings, as well as walls of the small & large intestines - used to detect tumors & cystic growths & for staging malignant tumors
upper GI series series of radiographic images taken of the pharynx, esophagus, stomach, & duodenum after contrast agent barium has been administered orally - upper gastrointestinal series
fecal occult blood test (FOBT) test to detect occult blood in feces - used to screen for colon cancer or polyps - occult blood: blood that is present but can only be detected by chemical testing or by microscope
Helicobacter pylori antibodies test blood test to determine the presence of H. pylori bacteria - bacteria can be found in lining of the stomach& can cause peptic ulcers
ascites abnormal collection of fluid in the peritoneal cavity
diarrhea frequent discharge of liquid stool
dysentery disorder that involves inflammation of the intestine associated w/ abdominal pain & diarrhea that is often bloody
emesis expelling matter from the stomach through the mouth - vomiting
feces waste from the gastrointestinal tract or expelled through the rectum - stool - fecal matter
flatus gas in the gastrointestinal tract or expelled through the anus
gastric lavage washing out of the stomach
gavage process of feeding a person through a tube
hematemesis vomiting blood
hematochezia passage of visibly bloody feces
malabsorption impaired digestion of intestinal absorption of nutrients
melena black, tarry stool that contained digested blood - usually a result of bleeding in upper GI tract
nausea urge to vomit
palpate to examine by hand/to feel
peristalsis involuntary wavelike contractions that propel food along the gastrointestinal tract
reflux abnormal backward flow
stoma surgical opening between an organ and the surface of the body - an opening created between body structures of between portions of the intestines
Created by: tessamcelrone
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