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Italian Verbs

Alloggiare To stay
Tuonare To thunder
Accorgersene To become aware
Apparecchiare To lay the table
Tritare To chop
Spostare To move (a booking)
Rimandare To postpone
Sbirciare To look secretly
Spuntare To rise/appear
Riuscire To manage to
Pretendere To demand
Andarsene To leave in a bad mood
Avvolgere To wrap
Somigliare To look like
Sgridare To tell off
Riportare To take back
Travestire di To be dressed as
Ambientare a To be set in
Andare d'accordo To get along
Scuotere To shake
Svolgere To carry out
Dare retta To pay attention
Lagnarsi To complain
Lodare To praise
Sbraitare To rant
Fare finta di To pretend
Nevicare To snow
Brontolare To grumble
Compiere To fulfil
Fregarsene di To not care
Soggiungere To add
Trattenersi To withhold
Guarire To heal
Approfittare To take advantage of
Sconvolgere To disturb
Pentirsi di To repent
Inghiottire To swallow
Schiattare To die
Vietare To forbid
Arrampicare To climb
Sprecare tempo To waste time
Uccidere To kill
Sollevare To lift
Slacciarsi To untie
Pareggiare To balance
Acchiappare To catch
Colare To drip
Poggiare To rest
Assopirsi To fall asleep
Stendersi To lie down
Svenire To faint
Scomparire To disappear
Raggiungere To reach
Sfogare To vent
Marcire To rot
Minacciare To threaten
Ribadire To reiterate
Sbalordire To astonish
Tradire To betray
Giungere To arrive
Rincasare To go home
Ricamare To embroider
Chinarsi To bend off
Consegnare To deliver
Reagire To react
Annuire To nod
Indispettire To annoy
Accaparrarsi To grab
Riscattare To redeem
Inalberarsi To get angry
Rivendicare To claim
Arrossire To blush
Attrarre To attract
Spostarsi To move
Scommettere To bet
Scassinare To break in
Scavare To weather
Sondare To do a survey
Suggestionare To influence
Sopravvivere To survive
Finire in prigione To end up in prison
Parere To seem
Scoraggiare To discourage
Applicare To enforce
Collegare To link
Aderire To stick
Indagare To investigate
Cascarci To fall for a joke
Sfoggiare To show off
Fare esperienza To experience
Rabbrividire To shiver
Assegnare To award
Imbrogliare To cheat/trick
Stanziare To allocate
Conferire To grant
Gettare To throw away
Sbuffare To snort
Risollevarsi To recover
Sdraiarsi To lie down
Galleggiare To float
Accorgersi To realise
Tuffarsi To dive
Assecondare To indulge
Tendere To stretch
Cacciare To hunt
Offuscare To blur/tarnish
Aggrottare To frown
Reclamare To demand something that is entitled
Impiastricciarsi To make a mess
Rinviare To refer to
Viziare To spoil someone
Scatenare To unleash
Riempire To fill
Created by: izzirowell
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