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respiratory review

functions Provide body with oxygen & eliminate carbon dioxide (exchange of O2 & CO2), breathing in fresh air/exhaling out old air, pass air over vocal cords to produce sound
Mouth/Nose (nasal/oral cavity) air enters the body (warms and filters air)
Pharynx throat (only structure that takes in air, food, and liquids)
Larynx voice box
Trachea windpipe (delivers air to the branch)
Epiglottis leaf like structure that covers the layers to keep food from entering into the branches
External Respiration exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere(outside air) and the alveoli.
Internal Respiration gas exchange at the cellular and tissue level. Oxygen is delivered to the cells of the body by the bloodstream.
1 nose/mouth
2 nasal cavities
3 pharynx
4 larynx
5 trachea
6 bronchi
7 lungs > bronchioles > alveoli
8 oxygen to blood
Rales:aka (Crackles) crackling sound heard during auscultation of the lungs. Indicates presences of fluid/mucus in the airway.
Rhonchi coarse rattle, snore, or gurgling, wheezing sound heard over the bronchi during lung auscultation. Usually clears after coughing.
Stridor high-pitched, crowing sound during respiration that indicates airway obstruction including foreign body.
Wheeze whistling musical sound that occurs from inflamed airways of the bronchial tree that are common in asthma.
Cheyne-Stokes Respiration unusual breathing pattern alternating periods of apnea then progressively faster respirations. Often called the “death rattle” as it is seen in dying patients.
Hyperventilation condition in which breathing is faster than normal. Can be caused by stress/anxiety.
Orthopnea breathing is easier when sitting up straight (because the person has dyspnea when lying flat). Often caused by CHF.
Aspiration Drawing in of a foreign object during inhalation through, nose, throat, or lungs
Sputum Mucus coughed up from the respiratory system
Sleep apnea Periods of cessation of breathing during sleep
Pleural effusion Leakage of fluid into the pleural cavity
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease A group of lung diseases that block airflow and make it difficult to breathe.
Emphysema a condition in which the air sacs of the lungs are damaged and enlarged, causing breathlessness
Chronic Bronchitis Long-term inflammation of the bronchi
Common cold Inflammation of the respiratory mucous membranes (can also be called nasopharyngitis or rhinopharyngitis)
Croup Childhood viral infection characterized by “barking” cough
Asthma Often caused by an allergen causes swelling of the airways and spasm of the bronchial tubes characterized by wheezing and dyspnea
Influenza Acute, contagious viral respiratory infection. S/S include fever, chills, headache, cough, myalgia, and sore throat
Pneumonia Inflammation in the lungs due to infection or irritant
Cystic Fibrosis Inherited disease that causes chronic respiratory infections with excessive mucus in the lungs, sweating, and impairment of the digestive system
two types of COPD chronic bronchitis and emphysema
Pulmonary Embolism (PE) blood clot in the lung
Tuberculosis (TB) Contagious bacterial infection in the lungs with scarring & abscesses. Spread through coughing can cause complications with other body systems
Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs) Assess level of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood
Polysomnography Monitoring a patient during sleep to aid in diagnosing sleeping disorders
Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) Tests performed to measure airflow in the lungs
Sweat Test Aids in diagnosing cystic fibrosis (CF) by measuring the amount of sodium present in sweat
Tuberculin (TB) Skin Test Injection of a TB-purified protein derivative (PPD) under the skin to determine whether or not the person has been exposed to TB
Aerosol Therapy Inhaled medication; mist delivered by a nebulizer while the patient breathes
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Machine that delivers mild air pressure to keep the airways open. Used for sleep apnea
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Emergency lifesaving treatment given to someone not breathing or heart has stopped
Thoracentesis Surgical puncture into chest wall to aspire fluid from the pleural sac
Tracheostomy Surgical opening in the trachea to allow patient to breath easier
Ventilator Machine that delivers artificial respiration for a patient unable to breath
Antibiotic Fights or prevents bacterial infection
Antihistamine Blocks the effects of histamines which produce symptoms of allergic reactions
Antitussive Suppresses a cough
Beta-Adrenergic Agonist Dilates the bronchi
Bronchodilator Relaxes muscle spasms in the bronchial tubes
Decongestant Reduces congestion
Expectorant Produces thinner mucus
Glucocorticoid Suppresses inflammation
Mast Cell Stabilizer Inhibits release of histamines
Mucolytic Loosens mucus
right lung 3 lobes
left lung 2 lobes
Created by: rr3ynolds
Popular Medical sets




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