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India test study stack

sanskrit there language
#0 & hindu arabic numbers the numbers we uses today
metal working created high quality tools
inoculation injecting a person with a small dose of a virus to help build defenses
astronomy the study of the study and planets
temple early ones ere small stone structures
Chandra Gupta Maura Mauryan empire
Ashoka Mauryan empire
Chandra Gupta 1 Gupta Empire
Chandra Gupta 2 Gupta Empire
Aryans Wise men and women founded the Hinduism religion-Polytheistic religion
Buddha Siddhartha Gautama-Hindu prince who gave up his wealthy way of life to find the truth about life poor, sick, and death
Ashoka Chandra Gupta grandson-Bindusara was his dad
Chandra Gupta first Gupta ruler Expanded territory across the Ganges
Brahmin priest/teachers
Kshatriya rulers/worriors
Vaisyas farmers traders and bankers
sudras laborers and servants
untouchables the out cast, the lowest of low
where did Hinduism start india
where did Buddhism start india
who started Hinduism very wise Aryan men and women
who started Buddhism Siddhartha Guayama
Hinduisms main gods Brahman Vishnu shira
Buddhisms main gods they have none
Hinduisms main beliefs reincarnation pharama karma ahimsa Vedas
buddhisms main beliefs karma reincarnation eightful path, five preceps , 4 nobletruthes, dharma
goal of Hinduism Mohawk to be with Brahman
goal of Buddhism Nirvana to reach eternal peace
Hinduism practices Meditation yoga and ceremonies/rituals
Buddhism practices Meditation, yoga and fasting
Hinduism other beliefs polytheistic-many gods, caste system, different types of Hindus
Buddhism other beliefs suffering is caused by desire, many types of Buddhist
Eightfold path #1 right belief
Eightfold path #2 right purpose
Eightfold path #3 Right speech
Eightfold path #4 Right conuct
Eightfold path #5 Right livelihood
Eightfold path #6 Right effort
Eightfold path #7 Right mingfulness
Eightfold path #8 Right meditation
5 Precepts #1 Do not harm any living thing
5 Precepts #2 Don't steal, take only what is given
5 Precepts #3 Avoid overstimsulation
5 Precepts #4 Don't say unkind things
5 Precepts #5 Don't take drugs or alcohol
4 Noble truths #1 Dukkha: Suffering is a part of life
4 Noble truths #2 Samudaya: Suffering is caused by aesires
4 Noble truths #3 Nirodha: Suffering will stop if you give up your desires
4 Noble truths #4 Magga: The eightfold path will stop the suffering
Hindu important gods Brahma
Hindu important gods Vishnu
Hindu important gods Shiva
Hinduism Basic Beliefs #1 Reincarnation is the rebirth of a soul in a new body
Hinduism Basic Beliefs #2 The effect of hood or bad actions have on a person's soul is called karma
four goals #1 Dharma-Doing what is right; It's their duty
four goals #2 Striving for well deing, or earning a living with dignity
four goals #3 Goal is pleasure. This includes physical pleasureslike eating good food. Seeking nothing but pleasure leaves a person feeling empty.
four goals #4 Final goal is to reach moksha the peaceful escape from reincarnation.
Hindu fact 1 Hinduism is one of the oldest religons
Hindu fact 2 Today nearly 900 million people follow the Hindu religion
Created by: user-1711153
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