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med term chapter 11

thromb- lump
ab- away from
-plegia paralysis
ante- before
thel- nipple
ex- out
lien- spleen
tumor swelling
vestibule entrance
puer- child
sarc- flesh
proli- offspring
macro- large
lal- speech
intra- within
inter- between
infra- beneath
cryo- cold
mal- bad
glom- ball
tens- stretch
spas- pull
somni- sleep
pharmac- drug
lumbo- loins
acr/o extremities
anter/o front
cortic/o cortex
crin/o secrete
gigant/i abnormally large
gonad/o sex glands
gynec/o woman
kal/i Potassium
ket/o ketones
myx/o mucus
natr/o Sodium
-assay to test
-edema swelling; fluid retention
-stasis stoppage of flow
-tropin hormone
polydipsia excessive thirst
polyuria excessive urination
polyphagia excessive hunger
ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone
ADH antidiuretic hormone
CDE certified diabetes educator
CRH corticotropin releasing hormone
DI diabetes insipidus
DM diabetes mellitus
FBS fasting blood sugar
FSH follicle-stimulating hormone
GH growth hormone
GHIH growth hormone inhibiting hormone
GTT glucose tolerance test
HCG human chorionic gonadotropin
IDDM insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
LATS long-acting thyroid stimulator
LH luteinizing hormone
mg/dl milligrams per deciliter
MSH melanocyte-stimulating hormone
NIDDM non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
PBI protein bound iodine
PTH parathyroid hormone
RIA radioimmunoassay
SIADH syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
T3 triiodothyronine
T3RU triiodothyronine resin uptake
T4 thyroxine
TBG thyroxine-binding globulin
TSH thyroid stimulating hormone
Tx treatment
a.c before meals
h.s at bedtime
CFT certified fitness trainer
GnRH gonadotropin releasing hormone
acidosis excessive acidity of body fluids
acromegaly abnormal enlargement of the extremities and face that is caused by excessive secretion of growth hormone after puberty
Addison's disease a condition that occurs when the adrenal glands do not produce enough cortisol or aldosterone; characterized by anemia
adenocarcinoma a malignant tumor that originates in glandular tissue or mucus secreting organ
adrenal feminization pathological development of female secondary sex characteristics in a male
adrenal virilism development of male secondary sex characteristics in a female
cretinism congenital hypothyroidism resulting in developmental disabilities
Cushing's syndrome A condition resulting from the hypersecretion of cortisol; may be caused by a tumor or prolonged use of steroids. characterized by weekness; thin
diabetes insipidus (DI) rare type of diabetes caused by inadequate secretion of ADH by the posterior pituitary gland; characterized by excessive thirst
diabetes mellitus (DM) insufficient production of insulin or the body's inability to use insulin efficiently; characterized by hyperglycemia
type 1 diabetes mellitus insulin secretion is deficient due to abnormalities in the islets of Langerhans
type 2 diabetes mellitus insulin production may be normal
diabetic ketoacidosis A complication of diabetes in which the body produces acidic ketone bodies (waste products) as a result of high blood glucose levels; immediate medical attention is required to reverse this state.
diabetic retionpathy disease of the retina caused by diabetes mellitus
dwarfism Condition caused by insufficient growth hormone in childhood
edema the localized or generalized collection of fluid within the body tissues
exopthalmos abnormal protrusion of the eyeball
gigantism excessive growth of body due to hypersecretion of growth hormone in a child or teenager
graves disease an autoimmune disorder that is caused by hyperthyroidism and is characterized by goiter and/or exophthalmos
gynecomastia development of breast tissue in males
hirsutism excessive hair growth
hyperparathyroidism excessive production of PTH that results in the degeneration of bones
insulinoma a tumor of the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans; although usually benign
myxedema severe form of hypothyroidism that develops in the older child or adult; characterized by puffy skin and swelling of the laryngeal and pharyngeal mucous membranes
obesity excessive fatness
panhypopituitarism Condition of inadequate secretion
peripheral neuropathy Damage to the nerves that causes pain and weakness
phe/o dark
Pheochromocytoma Tumor of the adrenal glands that secretes excess epinephrine and norepinephrine
Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone (SIADH) excessive secretion of ADH
tetany Nervous excitability and muscle spasms caused by PTH deficiency and inadequate calcium levels.
thyrotoxicosis general term for a group of conditions caused by increases in T3 and T4 in the blood
blood serum tests a group of tests in which blood is measured for specific levels of hormones and other substances to determine how well specific endocrine glands and organs are functioning
catecholamine tests measured over 24 hour urine sample
fasting blood sugar (FBS) blood test to measure amount of sugar in bloodstream after a 12-hour fast
glucose tolerance test (GTT) glucose administered the blood drawn
human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) - qualitative hormone human chorionic gonadotropin present in blood or urine = pregnant
human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) - quantitative measures HCG in blood to diagnose aid for abnormal conditions and age of the fetus
protein-bound iodine test (PBI) measures thyroid activity indirectly by determining the amount of protein-bound iodine in the blood
radioimmunoassay (RIA) radioactive chemicals injected into blood to measure very small concentrations of substances in blood plasma
thyroid/parathyroid ultrasound Ultrasound test of the thyroid and/or parathyroid glands; used to check the sizes of these glands or to determine whether a lump is a simple cyst or a solid tumor.
thyroid function test (TFT) Panel of tests used to determine how well the thyroid is functioning.
long-acting thyroid stimulator (LATS) test A thyroid function test used to detect long-acting thyroid stimulator (LATS) in the blood. LATS can lead to hyperthyroidism.
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) test A thyroid function test that measures the amount of TSH in the blood; considered to be the most accurate measure of thyroid activity.
thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) test measures levels of thyroxine-binding globulin in the blood; binds to T3 and T4 in the blood
thyroxine (T4) test A thyroid function test that measures the amounts of T4 in the blood.
Triiodothyronine (T3) test a thyroid function test that measures the amounts of T3 in the blood
triiodothyronine resine uptake (T3RU) test measures amounts of T4 in the blood by testing levels of T3RU
thyroid scan scanner detects radioactivity and visualizes the thyroid gland
laparoscopic adrenalectomy Surgical removal of the adrenal gland through a small incision in the abdomen using a scope
lobectomy surgical removal of a lobe of an organ
parathyroidectomy the surgical removal of one or more of the parathyroid glands
thyroidectomy surgical removal of the thyroid gland
antihyroid agents blocks production of thyroid hormones; treat hyperthyroidism that is caused by Grave's disease
hormone replacement therapy (HRT) synthetic hormone used to correct a deficiency of estrogen
human growth hormone therapy Hormone replacement therapy with human growth hormone in order to stimulate skeletal growth. Used to treat children with abnormally short stature.
insulin replacement therapy Natural or synthetic insulin administered to supply needed insulin for patients with type 1 diabetes or severe type 2 diabetes.
oral hypoglycemic agents Drugs taken orally to decrease blood glucose.
synthetic antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin) Synthetic ADH (vasopressin) administered to treat syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH).
synthetic glucocorticoids Synthetic versions of glucocorticoid hormones are sometimes used to treat patients with Addison's disease. If used for a long period of time
thyroid replacement therapy Thyroid hormones administered to treat hypothyroidism; also prescribed for patients who have had a thyroidectomy.
Created by: niya.777
Popular Medical sets




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