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south america under north america
north america on top of south america
atlantic ocean in between africa and south and north america
africa has a iiland next to it
europe looks like it is broken
asia bigest one on there
aralic ocean all the way on top
sother ocean all the way at the botom
antartca all that way down
Hinduism Is a symbol made up of three Sanskrit letters, A, U, and M.
Aryans Wise men and women founded the Hinduism religion
Buddha - Hindu prince who gave up his wealthy way of life to find truth about life - poor, sick and death.
Ashoka Chandra Gupta’s grandson - Bindusara was his dad Maurya emperor who went to war for 8 years until
Chandra Gupta Chandra Gupta
Buddhism Buddhism is a religion based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama. (video)
Life and Story of Buddha A Hindu prince, Siddhartha was a wealthy prince. A prophet predicted he would be a wandering holy man. His father, the king wanted him to become a ruler.
Basic Beliefs Buddha accepted the Hindu idea of karma.To gain enlightenment the Buddha advised people to follow the middle way, a way of accepting the four truths.
Four Noble Truths Dukkha- suffering is a part of life.Samudaya- suffering is caused by desires.- -getting what you want does not guarantee happiness.Nirodha- suffering will stop if you give up your desires.Magga- the eightfold path will stop the suffering.
Eightfold Path 1. Right belief –strive to clearly understand the Four Noble Truths. Strive to understand your own mind.2. Right purpose- think kindly of others and avoid dwelling on the past or future.3. Right speech- speak kindly and truthfully.
4. Right conduct- act kindly towards all living things. Do not be attached to the results of actions.5. Right livelihood – have a job (vocation) that does not harm others.6. Right effort- be determined to cleanse the mind. 7. Right mindfulness- be fully aware of what you are doing, always with concern for others.8. Right meditation- intensely concentrate during meditation to focus on being one with any situation.
Reaching Nirvana Nirvana is a state of perfect peace. The goal is to reach nirvana by following the eightfold path.The first two steps involve preparing one’s own mind.
The 5 Precepts Do not harm any living things. Do not steal, take only what is given. Avoid overstimulation. Do not say unkind things. Do not take drugs or alcohol.
Subcontinent A large landmass that is smaller than a continent.
Sanskrit The most important language in Ancient India
Hinduism Oldest and largest religion in India. A complex of beliefs, values, and customs worshiping many gods, reincarnation and karma.
Caste System Social structure determined by a person’s birth, wealth, or occupation.
Vedas Any of the oldest Hindu sacred texts, composed in Sanskrit and gathered into four collections. Each contained sacred hymns and poems
Reincarnation The process of rebirthSouls are born and reborn many timesBelieved that this needed to happen in order to join Brahma.
Karma The effects that good or bad actions have on a persons soul
Ahisma The practice of non-violence.
Buddhism A religion based on the teachings of Buddha.
Four Noble Truths ..Four principles that are the heart of Buddha's teachings. Suffering and Happiness are a part of life. No one can escape sorrow.
Nirvana A state of perfect peace. This also aligns with the Four Noble Truth’s from Buddha
Mauryan Empire a dynasty that ruled from 321 to 185 BCE from NE India to most of N and Central India.
Gupta Dynasty an ancient Indian empire from 320 to 550 CE and covered much of north India.Arts flourished and a strong central government was established.
siddhartha Gautama a prince that tride to fine peas and did
another name for buddhist religiouns monasterien
how did buddhism spread? hord of north from midionsrs
brahmin Preists and teachers
Kshatriyas worriors and Rulers
vaisyas farmers,traders,and land owners
Sudras larorers and sevents farmers
untouchebles the out-casts lowest of the low
dalits treaded un humenley
Ashoka lived between 304 B.C.-232 B.C.
varnas the four major social categories in Aryan socitey
jati Brought into existence
1500 Bc Aryans invaded what was intradaced iron was intradaced
How did it affect farming if it has to much water then it will floud the crops
How did it affect farming if it had to little it will die
Describe monsoons it is the senels winds that come from the sea
when did the indes river valley civirzation start in 3000 B.C.
Was the Buddha’s who lived 2,600 years ago a god? No he was not
Is a Buddha a name? No it is a title
What dose Buddha teach It teaches that we all live in a fog of illusions
How old was sidehartha when he’s life changed? He was twenty nine when he’s life changed
What did he do for the rest of he’s life He spent the rest of his life, teaching people how to realize enlightening meant for them self
What did they teach except for teaching people what to believe He taught them to realize, and enlightenment for themselves
When did the urge to seek peace of mind, arise, in him When he saw a spiritual seeker a holy man
The traditional story of Buddhist life may not be what Factually accurate
Created by: aubric
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